Wednesday, July 31, 2019
High School and New Tech High Essay
I never knew going to high-school would be such a big deal for me. High-school never seemed so challenging, but my first year of high-school was a challenging year, but also a fun year. Going to high-school was like the start of a new life, actually it was the start of a new life because I knew I would learn so much and become a mature young lady. My first year of high-school I went to Arsenal Technical High-school. I was in New Tech High, it was an academy that was mostly about Technology and projects. Yes, I was nervous the first couple of days of school, but after a couple of days I had got use to it. I met lots of new people and made a lot of friends that year, and by being able to experience a different environment of people really changed me as a person. Being in New Tech High I got to use a computer every day of school, I thought it was cool for students to get a computer their first year of high-school. I was even surprised that the students and I got the opportunity to use Mac Book computers. Being in New Tech High was very beneficial for me. In New Tech I learned a lot of new things about computers such as working with power-point, I movie, Word Excel, Photo-shop and more. Before I got to New Tech I didn’t know much about computers, but after my Freshman year of high-school I had learned so much it made me feel like a computer wiz. I also gained good work ethic skills, collaboration skills, 21st century communication skills, and good presentation skills. My first year of high-school was mostly about projects, I always worked in groups and collaborated with those around me. I actually found it to be fun to work with others, after working with others I knew how it felt to be part of a team. One thing that always made me so nervous in school was presentation day, every time I stood in front of that crowd of people in my classroom I got so nervous. At times I would even stutter cause I never experienced presenting before, but after a while I got use to presenting. People have to overcome obstacles in life and presenting was an obstacle I had to overcome to succeed in New Tech. After my first year of high-school I actually missed going to school, but I knew I had three more years of school before it was all over. My Sophomore Year of High-school It seem like I had more responsibilities than my first year. I always had work to do, I had projects on top of the work and I also had to study a lot for my tests. I’m glad I had responsibilities because if I never experienced the task of being responsible I wouldn’t know how to handle my responsibilities in the future. After responsibility came the good grades, I always tried to stay on top of my work so that I could make good grades in high-school, but at times it was hard because I was experiencing a different way of learning. Learning eight different subjects and trying to cram your brain was a difficult task to handle, but also a challenging task for me. At times It wasn’t all about work, in some of my classes I got to go do fun things such as going on field trips. I remember my Sophomore year my Zoology teacher took our class to Newport, Kentucky to the Newport Aquarium. Yes, it was very fun I never went out of town before and experiencing this moment was very exciting for me. Landers2 While continuing my Sophomore year I couldn’t wait until my Junior year, I knew my Junior was the year to start looking in to different colleges. College really never came across my mind the first two years of high-school, but when my Junior year finally came I knew it was time to start thinking about my college life. I had to figure out what I wanted to be, what I wanted to do and think about the places I wanted to go with my career field. At times I was a little confused about my life, I didn’t know where I should began my life and where I should start the beginning of a new life. My Junior year I was still in New Tech, after two years of being in New Tech High I felt like it was another home that kept me safe, and taught me more about life. I always had very good teachers, they taught me things that I didn’t know and also things that they already knew. I loved to come to class and learn from the teachers in New Tech High, I knew each and every day my teachers would teach me something new that would better my life and lead me on the road to success. After I realized what high-school was all about, I didn’t want to leave being able to walk down the hallway and see all my friends, and also get the opportunity to do things that other high-school students didn’t get was beneficial for me. It wasn’t all about working myself to death to get the next assignment done, It was also experiencing the life of a high-school students. Many teachers said, â€Å" cherish every moment of high-school cause when your gone you’re going to miss what was here. †I find that to be so true because now that I am out of high-school I wish I had one more chance to do it all over again. As the year went on my Senior year finally came I was so shocked, it seemed like the first day of high-school was just yesterday I couldn’t believe it was all almost over with. Deep down inside I knew I didn’t want to leave high-school even though at times I wished I had graduated, but when I thought about it, it seemed like my life flashed right before my eyes. I knew now I had grew into that mature young lady I said I was going to be, I was proud of myself that I made it through the years of high-school. I believed in myself, but I also thought that I wasn’t going to succeed at a lot because of my fear of failure. I thought that my fear of failure would ruin my high-school life, but it didn’t because I learned to face my fears and become stronger than what I was before. I was always the person that was shy to get in front of people, I was the person who didn’t believe that people would like me for me. After being in high-school I realized that it shouldn’t matter if others like you or not or if your being judged because at the end of the day your the one pushing forward and moving on to a successful life. Being in New Tech helped me mature and overcome a lot of my fears, I never use to be the type of person that was open to others but after being in high-school I learned how to collaborate and network with others. I knew graduation was coming, I was so nervous I felt it at the pit of my stomach everyday, but as graduation came closer and closer I knew it was my time to face the world and become what I wanted to be. I promised myself that when I got out of high-school I was going straight into college, and I kept that promise to myself because I knew no one could hand me my future in my hands. I had to be a that responsible person and walk across the stage and get my high-school diploma. At times I thought about graduation, I wasn’t ready I didn’t want to leave the place that taught me so much. When the time came for me to graduate, I was sitting there watching students walk across the stage and smile so happily. I was so nervous I sat still in my seat, I almost busted outwith tears but I held my composure and kept my head high. As I walked up to the stage I could feel the eyes of others staring at me, but I looked forward and kept walking and praying that I didn’t fall when I walked across the stage. When my name was called,†Lakeya Landers,†I walked across the stage and then I knew it was time for my life to began.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Epistemology and Knowledge Essay
For centuries philosophers have questioned whether knowledge exists and if we know anything at all. This discipline is known as epistemology. Epistemology, or the theory of knowledge, is a branch of philosophy related to the scope and nature of knowing. The subject focuses on examining the nature of knowledge and how it relates to beliefs, justification and truth. It is actually quite hard to define knowledge. The dictionary defines it as a general awareness or possession of information, facts, ideas, truths, or principles, but philosophers on the other hand define it as a belief which is in agreement with the facts. So what are the facts, and what do we know exactly? Christopher Norris, the author of Epistemology: Key Concepts in Philosophy, states that whatever we believe now, is only an approximation of reality and that every new observation brings us closer to an understanding. Therefore, knowledge is forever changing/evolving and not pertaining to one’s beliefs. â€Å"†¦ ‘water’ was once defined vaguely as the kind of stuff that fell as rain, filled up lakes, was liquid under normal ambient conditions, boiled or froze at certain temperatures, †¦ etc†(Norris 44). Due to evolution, we now know that liquid; water, is made up of the molecular structure H20. We no longer believe that the liquid once vaguely defined is anything other than water (H20); now we are knowledgeable. Norris believes science must be integrated with the natural world and the social world to truly understand knowledge. â€Å"When we try to explain all our knowledge of the world as Descartes does we try to understand how the things we believe in science and in everyday life are connected with and warranted by the bases or grounds on which we come to believe them†(Stroud 209). Beliefs are things people have. They aren’t things that can be picked up along the side of the road. Just because a person believes they can fly doesn’t make it true. For many philosophers, this is important. It implies that what someone thinks, could be wrong. In other words, it implies that what one thinks about the world may not match up with the way the world really is. â€Å"†¦ truth occurs when ideas in the mind agree with external conditions or objects †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Soccio 322). Therefore, there is a distinction between belief and truth. Truth is not in your head. Truth is out there. Truth is factual. The molecular structure H2O is factual; therefore it is truth. Knowledge is a kind of interaction. It involves asking questions and inference. One can’t merely know because they believe. Although a person can believe that they know something, that isn’t legitimate knowledge. Knowledge is a belief which is in agreement with the facts. Works Cited Norris, Christopher. Epistemology: Key Concepts in Philosophy. New York: Continuum, 2005. Print. Soccio, Douglas J. Archetypes of Wisdom: An Introduction to Philosophy 8th ed. Boston: Wadsworth, 2013. Print. Stroud, Barry. The Significance of Philosophical Scepticism. New York: Oxford, 1984. Print.
Why Roman Architectures Are Considered One of the Best
Why Roman Architectures are Considered One of the Best in the World? The Romans are considered one of the greatest architects of ancient times. Roman architecture was very complex and mainly influenced by the geographical, political, economical and cultural factors. It had strong, large, and had some of the most beautiful buildings in the world. There are churches, houses, and even large structures like the Coliseum. To accomplish this, the Romans had to borrow many of the ideas that were already in use from previous eras before them.For instance, the style and instruction progress of Roman architectures was different from the designs and structure of the buildings of the Greek and Etruscan sources. Even though the origin of their ideas came from the Greek architecture, but the Romans were the first to apply the math concept seriously into their work (Dickson, 1996). Talking about architectures, it will always leads to the Seven Wonders of the World. In my opinion, Roman road deserve d to be in that list compare to The Great Wall of China or the Stonehenge (Carination, 2006).During the 500 BC, it was amazing that he Romans were able to built road system that is usable till today. There is only a word to describe the Roman road that is indestructible. This is because; the road is extremely well built. High quality Roman road were composed of five layers. The bottom layer was consisting of a big layer of stones. Next, broken stones, pebble, cement and sand were packed down to make a firm base. Then, the army builders added another layer of cement mixed with broken tiles. On top of that, they then put paving stones to make the surface of the road.These stones were cut so that they fitted together tightly. Lastly, Kerr stones were put at the sides of the road to hold in the paving stones and to make a channel for the water to run away (Mark, 2011). To conclude, this road is unsinkable till today's date. Besides roman road, the city of Rome had the largest concentrat ion of aqueducts, with water being supplied by eleven aqueducts constructed over a period of about 500 years (Hodge, 2001). I think this is amazing because Roman architects design these aqueducts to supply water with the law of gravity.Besides that, great skill and training is needed by architects to ensure the water would flow smoothly from its resource without damaging the walls of the channel and flooding the cities. I totally agreed with this phase once said by Dionysus of Hallucinations: â€Å"The extraordinary greatness of the Roman Empire manifests itself above all in three things: the aqueducts, the paved roads, and the construction of the drains†(Olsson, 2008) because I believe that we should thank the Romans for what we achieved today originated from what we learnt from them.The most amazing part is some of the Roman days' aqueducts are still in use today. One of the most famous places in Rome is the Coliseum. The Coliseum, or the Coliseum, originally the Fluvial A mphitheater, is an elliptical amphitheater in the center of the city of Rome, Italy, the largest ever built in the Roman Empire (Hopkins, 2005). I believe it is amazing because with such a large place, even till the very top of the Coliseum, each and every audience could still listen to each and everything being said or held bellow.In my opinion, each and every sound could be heard till the very top row of seats because the Coliseum is built in a curve way that will reflects sound waves which modern days will need the use a microphone to achieve hat. The Coliseum are actually the ancestors of modern stadium or stages. If the roman architect did not come out with this building structure, we will not have mass entertainment. So it is considered one of the greatest works of Roman architecture and Roman engineering. One special feature of Roman design was the columns and piers.The commemorative column, holding up a statue was not a Roman invention but the Romans did go a step further wi th the columns of Trojan and Notations (Milan, 2011). Columns are normally made of stone or concrete and were frequently used to purport beams or arches on which the upper parts of walls or ceilings rest. These new methods of architecture allowed the Romans to construct bigger temples and buildings than ever before (United Nations of Roam Victim, n. D. ). I had noticed that the designs carved onto the columns are much more detailed compared to the Greece era.Many do not mention about columns much when they are being asked about Romans contribution. In my opinion, columns are one of the magnificent contributions of Rome because these are what the Romans used to support those aqueducts, Coliseum, churches, houses and many more. Furthermore, up to this date, the columns are still used to support ceilings and saving cost and space at the same time. The above examples and reasons have proof that the ancient Romans accomplished many feats.They had incredible technological advantages and m ade advancements that were used during their time and the present time. Architectural significance was above and beyond. Each building of state significance should bear representations of the great achievement of Roman architect. As of today, Roman architecture is still felt in a host of European buildings or its remnants since the ancient times. It is their advancements we often take for granted that make them one of the most prevalent and influential peoples on our society today.
Monday, July 29, 2019
The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Article
The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology - Article Example And finally, the paper will discuss the electronic privacy laws. The VeriChip: An Implantable Chip: this is a simple technology that involves implanting an electronic chip under the skin of an individual. This chip has the capacity of storing up to six lines of text, and can function as a personal ID number. This chip emits a 125-kilohert radio signal that is received by a special receiver that reads the text signal (Hodge, 2003). The chip once implanted, can track the individual from everywhere he/she goes. The wOzNet: A wearable chip: unlike the VeriChip which is an implantable identification device, the wOzNet is a wearable chip which acts as a commercial identification device (Fortt, 2003). The wOzNet is responsible for tracking a group of inexpensive electronic tags from a central station using Global Positioning Satellite information. In this regard, the transmission of location of information from the chip to the base station is via the same 900-megahertz radio spectrum equivalent to the one used by portable phones (Fortt, 2003). In the event the wOzNet user sets the parameter for notification, the later will generate alerts via phone or e-mail that lets the owner know the position of the one being tracked. Networked Computing: Spyware and Adware: Networked computers together with networking computer programs link different millions of users through the internet. Spyware and adware are controversial computer applications that run on networked computers. Spyware for instance is a program that installs itself without the computer user’s permission, and uses the computer resources without your permission. Spyware are responsible for collecting both non-personal and personal information from networked PCs and delivering adware to specific individuals surfing the Web. Compensated Telemarketing: Listening for Dollars: This technology also allows commercialization of personal information (Foley, 2004). The proposal by Funk and Ayres enables
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4
Rhetorical Analysis - Essay Example There are always the breathless promos ("Nude man found at mall: Film at 11!"). There are always the two amiable chatting anchors, usually a middle-aged man and a somewhat younger woman. There are the younger roving reporters, featured live at various points around the community or nation, where they chat up the anchors. ("Do you know why the man was wearing no clothes, Jim?" "We're working on that, Susan") There's the joking weatherman, the jock sportscaster, and more recently, the health editor and the lifestyle reporter. In a nation of enormous diversity, there's something both comforting and appalling in knowing that no matter where you are, the local news--like the local McDonalds--is always the same. What makes most of these newscasts pernicious is that they are at the same time so influential and so awful--at least in journalistic terms. In recent years, the local newscast has replaced the network evening news and the newspaper alike as the average American's main source of ne ws: A study by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press in 1996 found that 65 percent of all adults said they regularly watched the local TV news; only 42 percent reported that they did the same with a network newscast. In about two-thirds of all markets, according to another study, the early-evening local news shows attracted better ratings than the network newscasts that followed them--and the local news is on for a longer time. Though local newscasts have been studied far less systematically than the national news, nearly everyone who has examined their content has come away with the same conclusion. For example: A 1995 study of the local news in 50 major markets by the Rocky Mountain Media Watch found that crime and disaster news make up about 53 percent of the news on local newscasts--the grislier the crime, the better. ("Son shoots mother five times with bow and arrow") Fluff--deemed by the study as 'soft news, anchor chatter, teases, and celebrity items"--takes up about 31 percent of the whole newscast, on average (items such as "Girl reunited with dog" or "How to tango"). An informal 1993 survey by The Washington Post of local newscasts on stations in five big cities found the percentage of stories involving crime, sex, disasters, accidents, or public fears running at anywhere from 46 to 74. In its survey, the Post found local newscast obsessed with murders, serial killers, snakebites, spider bites, tornadoes, mudslides, explosions, and satanic activity. A 1990 study published by the Columbia Journalism Review found that 18 of the 32 stories analyzed on local newscasts were inaccurate or misleading, and the station usually made no attempt to correct the mistakes. A report published the same year in the L.A. Reader, following examination of a week's worth of stories in that market, found stations routinely airing PR footage provided by companies with no acknowledgment that this was what was going on. In a 1991 book examining the local news, Making Local News, Phyllis Kaniss found, among other things, that local TV news reporters are more likely to accept their sources' viewpoints than are print reporters. A Chicago reporter looking at "sweeps week" on Los Angeles television found heavily promoted news stories on lesbian nuns, Geraldo Rivera's love life, and sex after 60. As a critic once put it: The worst scandal the local news could ever uncover is itself. Local news didn't start out this way. Until about 1970, local news--with its
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Global Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Global Operations Management - Essay Example 2) The organization identity must be aligned with the business structure the company chooses to implement. The expansion project can be set up using different managerial structures including centralized, decentralized, and matrix structures. Assuming that the company wants to start small with an emphasis on a specific project my recommendation is for the firm to use a matrix organization structure. â€Å"Matrix organizations are often set up to make organizations more flexible, to break down the old functions or geographic â€Å"silos†and encourage more cooperation across the business†(Global-integration, 2012). 3) There are plenty of legal factors that must be considered when expanding to a foreign country. The firm has to evaluate the environmental laws of the country. Secondly the company must study and carefully analyze the labor laws. A good strategy is to hire a human resource manager from the native country. The tax code of the country must be followed to maintain good relations with the government. A fourth legal consideration is local laws relating to the relationship between a manufacturer and local agents or distributors (Kentuckianabusinessforum, 2012). (2012). Legal Considerations in Operating in Foreign Markets. Retrieved February 17, 2012 from
Friday, July 26, 2019
The People of Metropolis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The People of Metropolis - Research Paper Example The fertility of Uruk was enhanced by the existence of the town near River Euphrates, which provided the town with household and farming water2. The inventions made in Uruk spread to other kingdoms in Mesopotamia, for example, Akkadia and Babylon. The bronze period is, therefore, said to be an era of civilization because humans made use of their intelligence to create tools that made work easier. This indicates that, the innovation of the early pioneers of the city of Uruk undeniably made Uruk the cradle of sophisticated practices and the greatest city of the Bronze Age. 1.2 Problem Statement Uruk, the cradle of civilization was a peaceful city where people were governed by laws that were created after the invention of writing. The laws governed trade, agriculture, and social classes in the town during the bronze period. The iron wheel that was discovered in Uruk made the city more favorable than other towns in Mesopotamia. The invention of weapons in Uruk led to the rise of cities s uch as the Akkadia Kingdom. These inventions indicate that Uruk that is presently Iraq has an enriched history, but it has been forgotten because of the war in the country. The remains of Uruk are presently located in Warqa in Iraq. Today, Warqa is characterized by low population, dry land, and insufficient laws that govern the society3. Presently, the war in Iraq has led to the rise of terrorism in the country, which poses insecurity. Terrorism has increased in the country to the extent that militants possess weapons of mass destruction. The world focuses on the war and terrorism in Iraq, and the society tends to forget the rich history of the country. A review of the history of Iraq is essential because it will shift the focus and attitude. The shift will be desirable, and it will help citizens of Iraq to appreciate their history. 1.3 Objectives i. To find out whether the innovation of early pioneers led to the sophistication of Uruk. ii. To find out how Uruk influenced the rest o f the Fertile Crescent. iii. To determine whether Uruk was the greatest city of the Bronze Age. 2.0 Literature Review 2.1 Innovations of Uruk The major innovation that was made in Uruk is the potter’s wheel that has a wedge shape. The Potter’s wheel has four jars and five helms that enable the machine to rotate and move from one place to another. The rotating wheel was made from bronze, a metal that was made by mixing and heating tin and copper. The discovery of the wheel helped the inhabitants of Uruk to save time that they used to move pottery across different regions. The wheel also facilitated trade between Uruk and other cities such as Ur. The two cities traded goods such as ceramics and agricultural products. Before the discovery of the wheel, the communities did not trade, and whenever they did this, traders had to transport goods for extensive distances. This was tiring, and most traders gave up the business. The wheel played a major role of transporting weapon s across states, for example, it was used to draw warriors and weapons across the Akkadia Kingdom4. The kingdom arose as a result of the invention of the wheel and weapons in Uruk. Metal plows were also invented in Uruk to facilitate farming in the city. The tools were made of bronze that was common during that period. The plows were pulled by oxen along wheat and barley farms in the city5. The innovation made farming easier
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Organization in Terms of Developing Leadership Diversity Essay
Organization in Terms of Developing Leadership Diversity - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the research that the leadership is highly autocracy, with Evans making a sole decision without consulting or communicating effectively to the workers. Evans is an amoral manager and acts with emotions to solve issues with no ethical reasoning towards the Asians cultural behaviors and religion. Jones is leading a team of people in a department. He had effective communication skills and managerial skills able to met various stakeholders and strike a balance. He has both responsible and with integrity as he noted the cultural issue within the organization. Both the leadership was accountable to the workers whereas the workers were not accountable to air their grievances on the issues instead they involved their spouses to address the issue. The workers lacked confidence and not proactive in addressing the cultural issue. The author would offer an authentic leadership; he would know the Asian cultural beliefs and values, by this, he will win the trust of the A sian community. The researcher will encourage an open door policy to increase information flow and communication. With knowledge of the situation, possible options available from the various responses and critical analysis of the immediate and future consequences, the author will call the leaders forum and develop a work plan to incorporate a win-win situation. Pat had preconceived notions on his success in IT thinking he has more expertise than the rest, further during the interview, he stated that the board should consider the position on the merit of work and reputation. Carmelita had a success in working across departments, i.e. teams, and suppliers and she could solve any problem arising in the section. Whereas Pat had more narrow capabilities only on technical and intelligence aspect.
Personal Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Personal Responsibility - Essay Example Indeed, this understanding aligns with the definition given by scholars. Considering one of such definitions as given by Hughes (2012), personal responsibility is defined as â€Å"a balance of one’s reasoning skills, referred to as rationality, and intuition, referred to as sensibility, so as to determine the fulfillment of duties for the good of each individual, referred to as autonomy.†This definition appreciates independence in decision-making and sensibility with regards to the environment just as I had postulated. It calls for the need to bear the consequences of actions taken. This virtue would be critical for students who co-exist in a shared environment for the realization of their goals in school. The view of personal responsibility from the reputation lens ensures that a personally responsible person lives up to the expectation of the community. This is further boosted by the relationship lens which calls for fairness and liberty for all. As such, personal re sponsibility, which involves autonomous decision-making with the consideration of all stakeholders, is a critical virtue that promotes college success, thus my adoption of a plan to foster my personal sense of responsibility. Personal responsibility positively relates to college success. The first reason is because personal responsibility fosters autonomy. The concern of a student who has a sense of personal responsibility would be to protect individual rights. In protecting these rights, the students would be best placed to establish themselves an environment that best fosters their learning. As a result, Roth (2010) argues that this optimizes their performance in college. Moreover, because of the call for ethical behavior with regards to personal responsibility, this attribute would cause college students to not only fulfill what is expected of them but also create the greatest good. Thus, while seeking to meet their individual objectives, such students would also be keen to ensure
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Dunnings eclectic Principle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Dunnings eclectic Principle - Essay Example The given three principles have been taken from various theoretical approaches; hence John Dunning labeled his approach as ‘eclectic’. It was Dunning who in the year 1980 which was given in Dickens in the year 1992 that any company would like to get itself engaged in the production arena internationally if the following three conditions are present. (Dicken p.109)          1. Every company possesses few specific advantages which if not in possession by any competing companies belonging from other nationalities where the advantage should be owner-specific in nature. (Dicken p.109)          2. These kind of advantages are mostly exploited by certain companies itself rather than leasing or selling them to different companies. Citing it in different words, every company tries to internationalize the nature of ownership-specific advantages; and(Dicken p.109)          3. it is more profitable for every company in exploiting the assets in international market other than doing it in domestic areas. It is true that factors like location-specific plays an important role with internationalization of the very nature of owner-specific while determining whether and where the overseas production takes place. (Dicken p.109)    The Advantage of ownership-specific is an asset which is internal to the company itself. In this case knowledge of specific type, human skill or organization and all these do require proprietary right for its use, like any right which is legally protected. (Dicken p.109) Extent and pattern of the internationalization its value-chain operations abroad: Calypso Rose when she was 29 became renowned in the business of accessories and bags. This particular business is now six years now and it is aiming at young women and teenage girl. This is a age of globalization and in this time it is necessary to make the business global. Clippy bags are the brand name and have gained recognition. They have kept this thing in account that global expansion strategy is in needful of the present hour. Presently the business surrounds the Japan and European market. (GLE Group pp. 1-3) Calypso Rose the tycoon business woman has been successfully running the business since the age of 23. The particular brand name ‘Clippy’ now has been successful in carryimg out international venture in different markets thereby gaining the company to strengthen its fundamental base in UK. They could do so by taking the help from the team of London International of UK Investment and trade. (GLE Group pp. 1-3) The brand Clippy brand has established a good stronghold in UK market before they were recognized internationally in the year 2007 by London International Trade Adviser, Gail Williams. the advice given by Gail Williams in the strategic area was useful in the early stages of the company especially in the export journey which helped the company to bring f orth the brand Clippy in the international market. During the time of recession in the year 2008, Calypso in a very intelligent manner expanded and modified her business for survival in this weird market. (GLE Group pp. 1-3) Utilization of certain schemes, by Calypso, likes the Trade Access Program (TAP) and Passport for Export so that their product can be put up on international base. In addition, the assistance from an international adviser on trade has helped Clippy a lot in formalizing the export strategy for targeting the markets of Europe. The funding which the company received from TAP helped them in exhibiting in the European market. During this period Calypso met her European distributor. Being a small company it believed in cash flow so funding became invaluable. With the success, which it got initially, helped the compan
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Anxiety And Negative Emotions In Second Language Acquisition Essay
Anxiety And Negative Emotions In Second Language Acquisition - Essay Example This essay declares that language anxiety is an essential cognitive and affective component that influences almost all the academic and performance areas of foreign language learners inclusive of several skills in writing, reading and speaking as well. As there is strong correlation among perceived language anxiety and performance so it can be justified to acknowledge the relevance of conducting the study incorporating the analysis of anxiety during the second language acquisition especially for ESL students and employed are the methodologies facilitate in minimizing the anxiety and negative emotions. However, the anxiety influences abilities; however the study does not focus on the basic abilities pertaining to the mother tongue especially in the phonological, syntactic and the semantic regimes. This paper makes a conclusion that the considerations of the range of psychological variables either facilitating or inhibiting the efforts made by new learners of English, we should not fail to notice the issue of power. This stems out a cognitive-affective bias perceived by the international learner as the language comprising of a rich and powerful post-industrial society, in contrast, the native language may be perceived as less impressive and less respected. This perceived difference incorporating power and respect for native language in comparison with English language could be expected to worsen the psychological difficulties interfering with language anxiety encapsulating anxiety, low self-esteem, motivation, identity conflict, language shock and cultural shock, which the current research is not taking into consideration.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Charge of the Light Brigade Essay Example for Free
Charge of the Light Brigade Essay Compare the ways the poets present ideas about power in ‘Hawk Roosting’ (page 49) and in one other poem from Con? ict. Compare the ways the poets present the destructive impact of con+ict in ‘The Yellow Palm’ (page 37) and in one other poem from Con? ict. Compare the ways poets show how con+ict and war a/ect feelings about a place in ‘At the Border, 1979’ (page 39) and in one other poem from Con? ict. Compare the methods poets use to present their points of view in ‘next to of course god america i’ (page 48) and in one other poem from Con? ict. Compare how poets present the e/ects of war in ‘Mametz Wood’ (page 36) and in one other poem from Con+ict. Compare how poets present bravery in ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ (page 43) and in one other poem from Con+ict. Compare how poets use language to present strong feelings in ‘Poppies’ (page 41) and one other poem from Con+ict. Compare how poets show attitudes to war in ‘Futility’ (page 42) and one other poem from Con+ict. Compare how poets present the e/ects of con+ict in ‘Belfast Confetti’ (page 40) and one other poem from Con? ict. Compare how poets present the experience of soldiers in ‘Bayonet Charge’ (page44) and one other poem from Con? ict. Prev Page Next Page Search TOPICS IN THIS DOCUMENT Affect, Ancient Rome, Charge of the Light Brigade, Poetry, Prime number, Rhyme, Translation RELATED DOCUMENTS questions Organizations: Behaviour, Structure, Processes Pre-sighted examination questions and notes on the examination Semester 3, 2013 QUESTIONS Section A Question A1 will be offered in the exam without any change and you will have to answer this question. As a guide, approximately three pages long relevant answers should be sufficient for this question. It is worth 20% of the total grade for this course. 207 Words | 7 Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT Poetry Essay ? Rodrigo Ramos August 2nd, 2013 Megan Haugh The Voice is What Matters Poetry is unique compared to other literary works in that in order to close the gap of emotional distance within the individual reader, the voice needs to be sincere. When a character is not relatable to the reader, it destroys the art of poetry. Berg explains in his essay â€Å"The Poetry Does Not Matter†, â€Å"I detest that man, who hides one thing in the depths of his heart, and speaks 207 Words | 6 Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT Poetry how is the theme of loss and separation explored in remember, a mother in a refugee camp and poem at thirty nine? The three poems Remember written by Christina Rossetti, A Mother In A Refugee Camp by Chinua Achebe and Poem at Thirty-Nine by Alice Walker share the same negative theme of loss and separation. Remember explores the pain felt by losing loved ones. A Mother In A Refugee Camp emphasizes the relationship between a mother and her child living in a refugee camp. Poem at thirty 207 Words | 5 Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT Poetry [Name] [Course Title] [Instructor Name] [Date] Interpretation of Invictus by William Ernest Henley Introduction No one can ever sufficiently justify William Ernest Henry’s indescribably touching and heartbreaking poem â€Å"Invictus†. It would be prudent to remark how his sorrows in life paved a path for him to think beyond and maneuvered him to become a celebrated poet. In spite of his affliction from an early age he did not succumb to his disease. Henley’s Invictus is a gamut of infinite 207 Words | 3 Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT Poetry English Poetry Explication April 9 2014 Biography Sir Walter Raleigh (1552-1618) was called a â€Å"silver poet of his time because of the way he did not conform to the poet writing style of the Renaissance era. He became fairly popular with Queen Elizabeth I and was knighted in 1585. But he fell out of her good graces when he secretly married ladies without her permission. The queen locked him in the Tower of London for some time, and while he was locked up he was writing 207 Words. READ FULL DOCUMENT Poetry however, the author’s reason for giving a masculine identity to nature must be because of the malignant role it is playing. Edmund Spenser’s Sonnet 75 from Amorreti is not only an exquisite piece of Elizabethan times, it portrays the quintessential poetry of the time as well. His optimal employment of literary techniques of form, rhyme, imagery, personification and alliteration give the sonnet a wholesome structure and an pleasant quality. Theme : When he writes her name on 207 Words | 5 Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT Poetry Love Poem Analysis: Linda Pastan is an American poet of Jewish background. She was born in New York on May 27, 1932. Today, she lives in Potomac, Maryland with her husband Ira Pastan, an accomplished physician and researcher. She is known for writing short poems that address topics like family life, domesticity, motherhood, the female experience, aging, death, loss and the fear of loss, as well as the fragility of life and relationships. Love poem is a very simple poem yet it has 207 Words | 6 Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT poetry writ in sand’ suggesting that her love is stronger than Kate’s. The echoed structure in the final stanza – that Kate has ‘not got’ and is ‘not like to get’ the gift of a child – emphasises the speaker’s sense of triumph. Language The speaker’s questions in the first stanza express her anger and confusion at the experiences she has had to endure: ‘Why did a great lord find me out†¦ Why did a great lord find me out? ’ She suggests that before the arrival of the ‘great lord’, 207 Words | 4 Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT CITE THIS DOCUMENT APA (2014, 11). POETRY QUESTIONS. Retrieved 11, 2014
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Assessing Flooring Options For Hotel Environment
Assessing Flooring Options For Hotel Environment The purpose of this assignment is to explore the types of flooring available suiting to the conditions desired and the decisive factor prior to selection of any kind of flooring according to the need of the floor. At the end I would give my suggestions and opinions and legitimate reasons for his recommendations. In this essay the areas under considerations are, the Coffee Shop, Main Reception and the Employee locker room. For choosing any kind of suitable flooring some factors require high value of pre selection consideration such as the location of the hotel, weather conditions and the flow of guests. As hotel is located near by the ocean so the weather tends to be tropical as the winter stays mild but summer remains warm, so the people who wished to stay in hotel mainly like to swim or to go to bank of the ocean, as the hotel also have two swimming pools in its premises. People pass the main front desk every time in order to get in the hotel or to go out of the hotel. Most of the t ime they use bathing suits and one can expect from them the dripping water from their swimming costumes and the sand particles along their clothes or shoes. Some may use coffee shop in the same robe. As the staff is using rare door for staff entrance only so is less likely to pass through main desk but in the event of rain it is most likely that staff also carry a bit of water and sand with their clothes and shoes, even staff member change their uniform and use the locker room to put their belongings. The locker room is situated near to changing room. House keeping is the department having the main duties of keeping the hotel clean not only the work area but the guest area as well as the guest rooms. As this is the main department, generating revenue for the hotel, advocates its responsibilities and the significance of undertaking its operations within the federation. Being an executive house keeper it becomes vital to select the flooring by keeping in view the durability, beauty, attractiveness and the interiors of the hotel along with the fulfilment of the desired purpose in different areas of the hotel With the changing time and continuous unpredictability of globalization and the recent steep growth in hospitality and tourism industry resulted in often visits in hotels where expectations are high and high level of comfort is desired by the customers. It has become challenging and mandatory to satisfy customers needs and to devise strategies at every level of management. Now I will discuss the types of different floorings which can be used in commercial and non-commercial outlets and at the end I will propose the selection of the best flooring for those specific areas required. What is flooring? Flooring is the general term , covering the floor permanently or the work of installing for the floor covering. It is a term to describe any finish material work applied over a floor structure and make it for walking surface. There are different kinds of materials can use for floor covering include wood flooring, stone, ceramic tile, terrazzo and various other seamless chemical floor coatings. Flooring can make the attractive difference in the appearance on floor especially in the hotels and also contribute to the ambiance of the hotel. Flooring plays a very important role for the hotel appearance and also has to satisfy many things because it needs to be attractive, durable, and easy to maintain and also be the cost effective. In these technological days floors have been updated to address the requirements needed in hotel flooring. There are many kinds of floorings for the hotels; restaurants and homes there are some kinds of flooring style from which to choose for the floor. Types of flooring Carpet flooring Carpet is a common choice for any hotel flooring especially in the colder climate it is permeable therefore it can stain, but the luxury and warmth it provides still make and this is a popular choice. It is one of the best insulators against sound which is important factor in a hotel setting. There are so many colours, design and also the variety therefore carpets can be one of the least expensive for flooring option it depends the size and quality of the carpet. The installation of the carpet usually done in less time than other alternatives. Carpet does need change more often that the other flooring but involves high cost. Concrete flooring Concrete flooring can be used in a hotel setting; it is really durable but one of the more expensive and easily cleaned and will not be discoloured when used. The out lasts many other choices of flooring such as tile, wool and carpet. We can also add the colour tints in concrete which make the more choice in decorating schemes. Ceramic Tile flooring It is another choice which offers durability and visual value and easy to clean and retain. If broken, can easily be replaced by another. A ceramic tile adds a feeling of quality and worth of any room. A ceramic tile is one of the most expensive but it can be used longer and is also available in different colours and shapes, offer options for any type of furnishings. Vinyl flooring Vinyl is other popular choice for hotel flooring. These are easy to clean, stain resistant and durable and also serve both the purposes of practicality and aesthetics. These tiles have the huge variety in designs and colours. The imitation of natural material can offer an economical way to have appeared of a more expensive floor covering. This choice allows you to have the look of wood, slate, brick for a division of the cost of the real thing. Rubber Flooring These types of tile are naturally hygienic and water-proof. It also offers the sound proofing, cushioning and insulating properties to the rooms of a hotel. It is stain-resistant, durable and easy to clean. It is not the most deluxe looking choice but it will fir in well when going for the minimalist look that is popular in these day. It is reasonable price not to much expensive and can last longer than the other choices. Bamboo flooring Bamboo flooring is one of the new flooring in flooring industry; it is more environmentally friendly than hardwood because it is not wood it is actually the grass therefore it is very graceful, durable and flexible. The colour of bamboo flooring is naturally variations there it is unique and usually use in a honey brown colour or light tan. Laminate flooring Laminate flooring are the fastest growing in America now a days it is not too much expensive than the hardwood flooring and easy to maintain. It comes from Europe but is increasingly popular in United States. Laminate flooring is almost resistant to burn, chipping and scratches. Cork flooring Cork flooring used over a thousand years before but mostly people think that its new. It is a naturally harvested and comes from Portugal and Spain. It retrieved only from mature tress and is harvested every 9 years, therefore it is very economical. It is available in different styles, sizes and colours. It also helps to insulate against sound and is rot-resistant and non-slip, even when it wets and also soft and comfortable to walk on as well as being warm underfoot. Stone flooring Stone flooring includes many options, such as limestone, marble and slate and also has a price valve out of most peoples price range. Naturally, it is resistant to wear tear and completely waterproof. It is very cold underfoot and also hard. It is very slippery when wet and especially when polish. Flooring for hotel Flooring for hotel and all other places in hotel is of utmost important it is not only the matter of the tear and heavy foot traffic but it must also be easy clean and maintain and also stain resistant. In the past there was not the variety of flooring and therefore luxury hotel often had match the flooring such as marble and tiles but now a days there are so many types of flooring and because of it most modern and luxury hotels want more cost effective options, to choose the floor with the current trend. There are a lot of choices of floor when choosing the flooring and it is also an expensive part of decorating the floor but the decision of flooring is very important for the hotel because the right decision for flooring save the money and also the long life. It is not easy to place the flooring for twice a year because the lot of money involved in it and therefore decision making is important for make the life easier. Stone, bamboo and cork tile flooring offering the natural beauty and tough wearing surfaces but laminate, resilient vinyl flooring easy to maintain and fit for budget and ceramic tiles are hardwearing and classic. Significant criteria of selection Now days every thing is improving fast and in every thing there is a competition and especially in hotel and tourism industries this industry is moving forward day by day therefore in hotel every hotel have the plan in every department before starting the construction of hotel. flooring is one of them before that there is no main concept of flooring and every organization and hotel used just the limited type of flooring but now flooring is also the main aspect because every it involve the high volume of foot traffic and flooring make the attraction for any place and people feel very easy to walk on floor. There are so many places in the hotel where a hotel can use the different types of flooring and these flooring can be different in every area according to the situation because in the open area like main reception, where the people came first on the front office for reservation flooring can be different from the hotel guests room and also the restaurant, gym, bars, etc. On the other hand kitchen flooring and employee lockers room flooring will different for the other flooring. Locker room for the hotel staff is not very useable staff just came to change their dresses and keep their other stuff therefore kitchen and staff locker room is the behind the scenes area and hotel lobbies, swimming pools, main entrances is the good example of the front of the house. One more thing is important for flooring in the hotel is that the hotel can choose the different types of flooring in every department but it is important that every floor should be match with each other in which style, theme and colour because in my opinion if these things are not match able each other that looks not the beautiful although hotel have the many choices for flooring therefore I should be considered that each flooring appearance looks the same like the other flooring. Here I have the task for the signification criteria of selection of flooring for the coffee shop, main reception area and staff locker room. Coffee shop and the main reception there are the places where people come and go every single moment specially in the coffee shop where people not only come but also sit there for coffee and talking each other but staff locker room where staff just come to change their dresses and mostly they came there twice first when they start their job and second when they finished. Therefore the hotel considers the some basic points before selection the new flooring. Now we will see these points for each of them Main points for coffee shop Types of material which they will use Capacity of the people Nature of business Location (where the hotel is it is located in the city centre or near the sea side) Style of hotel Designed Colour (which they used is the match with design and style of hotel) Comfortable for walking Easy to clean According to the budget Warranty of flooring (flooring which will use how long it will) Maintenance after fixing If the little damage in any place easy to replace Resistant against stains If wet but not slippery Easy to dry Main points for main reception Main reception and the coffee shop as we discuss is the place where people come and go in every time the only difference is that on the main reception people will not stay more than but in the coffee shop people stay their to talk each other and also for drinking coffee therefore there is not to much different in these two area the main points for main reception is Attractive Durability Easy to maintain Cost effective Easy to clean Comfortable Stain resistant Floor does not fade Not slippery Traffic Safety Water moisture Style (formal informal) Floor material condition Significant criteria for locker room As we know that the hotel is one of the fastest industry and therefore hotel have the so many staff they came in the hotel in different time because hotel is almost 24/7 jobs and therefore well standard hotel have the many employee and hotel provide their employee locker room facilities to change clothes and contain locker for the storage of their clothes and others stuff during the shift. Locker room is just use for the hotels employee therefore it is not important to spend the extra money on the flooring therefore in this area the point can consider before selection of flooring is that Economical Comfortable Water proof Long term durability Resistant against stains Design Colour Recommendation In my opinion as the executive house keeper I will suggest that kind of flooring which really match according to the condition of the Florida weather condition and the floor should be the long term durability and also easy to clean and look more attractive for the hotels customers. It is also in the budget of the hotel and colouring should be more beautiful for every customers. The flooring is matter of a lot of money therefore I tired my best as the executive house keeper to spend the less money and get the long period benefit. Now I will recommend the different types of flooring for coffee shop, main reception and also the employee locker room. Flooring for coffee shop Ceramic tile After front office and restaurant coffee shop is the third main department in the hotel to increase the hotels revenue. Coffee shop is that place where people come with their friend, family, and children, talking each other and spending some time on there. As we know the weather condition of the Florida there fore we cannot choose the carpet or rubber flooring for the coffee shop because coffee shop is the place where lot of people come and go every time and also the people come with their wet clothes and water falling down on the floor therefore if we will use the carpet for the coffee shop it will always wet and look completely rubbish there fore ceramic tile for my opinion is the best suggestion for the coffee shop. As we discuss flooring is the matter of the lot money therefore we should to use that flooring which is also if one of the breaks it is simply to replace and coffee shop is the place where internal and external customer come and on the other hand if we will use the carpet or rubber flooring it no matter a lot of chance of damaging and if the carpet will damage of cut of any place we cannot replace it therefore in my opinion ceramic tile is the best for the coffee shop. Some advantages of ceramic tile Choice of colouring Easy to clean Easy to dry Durability Stain resistant Easy to replace one of them Available larger and smaller size Easy to maintain Use in hygienic material Smooth surface Flooring for main reception Main reception or front office is the most important place in the hotel because when the customer comes in the hotel they come straight forward on the main reception and from there they can easily guess the atmosphere of the hotel service standard and also the behaviour of the staff. Therefore in the hotel the hotel should to make the well attractive and more beautiful main reception area for the hotel, Resort hotel are that hotel where people comes to spend their holidays and want to enjoy every moment and resort hotel in Florida where the weather condition is totally different in each season the choice of floor should be given the same result for both season. As the executive house keeper I would suggest the vinyl tile for the front office because it is a little bit rough on the top of the floor and it is available in many design and colour. We cannot use the carpet or wood en type of flooring and also the marble tile because the marble tile is the slippery and people come on the front desk with wet clothes. Rubber tile is also the not good because the condition of the weather is not good for the rubbing flooring and rubber flooring tile is not good in the hot weather but the vinyl tile is better in hot condition and as well as in cold weather. It is made with the curtain type of stone that keep the maintenance of the tile in every weather. It is also available in wide range and has the lot of variety. The main advantages of that tile are that: Huge variety Lot of colouring Easy to maintain Easy to clean Not slippery Stain resistant Elegant appearance Affordable cost Comfortable under foot Flooring for locker room Locker room is the place where the hotel employees come to change their dresses when they come on the job and finish there work. As we know that the hotel is the growing fast industry in the whole world and hotel also provided the best facilities of their customers as well as they provides the facilities their staff as well therefore the hotel maintain their standard they provides the best facilities of their staff. As the hotel standard staff locker room should be the clean and tidy because if the staff locker room will clean it creates the good impact on staff performance and also the staff locker room should be the according to the government law health and safety law. As the executive house keeper I would suggest the carpet flooring for the locker room because the locker room is the place where staff not to use too much and not for the other two places where the customer comes with wet clothes but in locker room employees just come and go therefore in my opinion I will suggest the carpet flooring for the locker room. The advantages of carpet flooring are Huge variety durability Lot of colour Easy to clean Easy to cover Not to clean every day Safety and comfort Steam cleaning Easy to maintain Affordable
Sociological and Psychological Theories of Crime
Sociological and Psychological Theories of Crime In this task I am going to be looking at different theories which involve criminology, once I have completed that I am going to research one sociological and one psychological theory. At the same time I am going to look at the normal factors that might influence crime. I am also going to be looking at what criminology is and lots of different aspects of crime. Contents (Jump to): Biological Theories of Crime Nature vs nurture Sociological Theories of Crime Functionalism Merton’s strain theory Marxism Labelling Theory Chicago School Psychological Theories of Crime Psychoanalytical theory Social learning theory Introduction What is criminology? Criminology is a subject which has a lot of different aspects to it. There are a lot of different areas why people turn to committing crime. The reasons are: Sociology Psychology Biology Geography Law Anthropology What is crime? My definition of crime would be that it is something that someone has done wrong, which is breaking the law. So should be punished for it. Another definition for crime would be crime is the breach of a rule or law for which some governing authority or force may ultimately prescribe a punishment. Right or wrong? We also had a class discussion about what is crime and what is right and wrong? The comments that came up are: An act that is punishable by law. Something that someone has done which is illegal. Behaviour which is contrary to the laws of society. I think that a right reason for breaking the law if there was one would be if someone was so poor and they didn’t have any money to get any food and they stole some food to keep them from starving to death. That isn’t as bad as some crimes and they are only committing the crime so they can stay alive. A wrong reason for committing a crime would be if someone murdered someone else. That is a wrong crime because there will never be a good enough reason for killing someone. Time and place Laws are brought in everyday and different parts of the country and also world. Some examples of different times and place laws have come in are, in 1908 incest was not regarded as a criminal offence in the UK. Everyone knew that it was wrong and that you shouldn’t do it but it wasn’t until 1908 that a law was brought in to stop people who do commit the crime. Another example of this was that it wasn’t illegal to rape within in marriage and that only changed in 1991, when it became illegal. An example of places when it comes to laws is that some laws are different in some country than others. An example of this would be, in the Netherlands they are legally allowed to have sex at the age of 12, but in England they are only legally allowed to have sex when they are 16. In a class discussion we had a look at what might be legal in five years and what is legal now but wouldn’t be legal in five years. A few examples of thing that might not be legal in five years are: Drinking age might have gone up to age of 21. Driving age might go up so there are will be fewer accidents involving young drivers. Children allowed in pubs. Having a drinking whilst eating a meal with parents. We also looked at laws that are illegal at the moment but they might be legal in five years. Examples of this would be: Smoking cannabis might be made legal for everyone not just people who need them for the medical reasons. They might have special licenses that mean people are allowed to smoke in pubs which have the license. Explanation of why do people commit crime? There are many reasons why people commit crime but they have been defined it into three categories. The three groups that they have been put into are biological or genetic, sociological and psychological. Biological or genetic: this is theory that people who have committed have inherited it from their parents. So they are basically born as a criminal. Sociological: this theory is that people will commit crime on depending on who they socialise with. They might do it because they are being pressured by the people they socialise with. Psychological: this is theory s that people will commit crimes all depending on what their personality is like. If there have a good personality they are less likely to commit crime. Biological Theories for Crime Underlying which is also known as distal. Something that effect someone their whole life and it is being held deep down might cause them to commit crime. This might be how they were brought up when they were younger. Immediate this is also known as proximal. Is where the surrounding of a person include the people they will be hanging around with, might effect if someone commits crime or not. Factors that might affect people to commit crime are: Cultural factors (learned social behaviour). This could be their family or even where they come from. It could relate their religion and what they are told they should and should not do. Power of peer group. This could be friends because they might feel pressured to commit crime because all of their mates are. They might want to fit in a group and to be in that group they may have to do something to show they are good enough. Media- the media can affect people in a lot of different ways. It can make people happy, sad or even angry. They have affect on people to do things might not normally do. Statistics Statistic is something where they will collect data and make averages and probabilities out of the results. One of many statistics is that men are twice more likely to commit a crime than women are. Another statistic is that 16 24 have the highest rate for crime in both sexes. BIOLOGY – nature v nurture Nature and nurture will come into to forms when it comes to crime. They have two different views on why people commit crime. The two different views are that people are born a criminal or they are made a criminal once they are born. Nature: This is a theory where they believe that people are born the way they are and they don’t develop into the way they are now. So when crime is involved they have the theory that they will be born as a criminal, and they don’t develop it over time. It will come down to the genetic inheritance, if their parents are criminals they will become a criminal as well because of the genetic inheritance. They will say that genetic determination is inherited which includes the tendency to commit crime. Not many people still believe in this theory it came about in the early stages of the last century, when biologists like Darwin where about. They did studies with twins, which are identical. This means that they are the same in everyway including the same genes. They studied both of the children to see if one of them or both of them become a criminal. They also looked if one did commit a crime the other one is more likely to commit a crime. This is known as concordance. This is more likely to happen with Identical twins than just twins because identical twins have the same genes but twins only share half. A study which supports this theory with evidence is Goldman and Cottesman (1995). They have evidence to support this theory because they showed that if one identical twin does one thing the other one is more likely to do it as well. But they also found that they are in the as environment so they have been brought up the same. Maybe if they were apart it might be different. Nurture This is a theory where they don’t believe it is anything to do with genetic inheritance. They think that everyone is born normal and that lived experiences affect if we will commit crime in are life time or not. Certain area’s that might affect why people will commit crime are: Low family income- they might have any money so they have might have to resort to crime because they will want to buy things that everyone else have, like the latest toys and because they cant afford to pay for them they might steal the instead. Poor child-rearing techniques- if their parents don’t bring their child up right they might know what is wrong and they might think that stealing is acceptable. Large families- that could many reasons like if they had a large family they might not have enough money to provide for them, or they might commit a crime because they don’t get much attention so they do it to get attention, etc. Low educational achievement- that is because they will have no qualifications, so they will not be able to get a job so they won’t have any money to pay for anything which might make them resort to crime. My own view My own view on the biology would be that I agree with the nurture theory because I don’t think that people are born the way they are. I disagree with the nature theory because in some families the parents have never committed a crime and they have a child and that commits crime. It shows that it is nothing to do with being born in a certain way. I think that people commit crime because of people who are around them who can influence them. I think it is all down to influences. Sociological Theories of Crime In this I am going to be looking at different theories. The theories that I am going to be looking at are: Functionalism Marxism Labelling Theory Chicago School Functionalism This is a theory which was developed from Emile Durkheim (1858-1917). Emile Durkheim theory was all based his own theory that people want to be able to live and work, they need to have a strong sense of social order. This means that there has to rules and regulations, and there is always either a right or wrong answer. He thought they needed rules because people will abide by them, he thought that if there wasn’t any rules or anything everything would break down. Crime is universal and normal Durkheim has come to the conclusion that crime is normal because it happens everywhere in every country, all over the globe. He thinks that it is normal because it has always happened and probably will always happen. Crime is relative: This is where the rate of crime is changing all the time. It will change because crime depends on certain factors. Factors that it depends on are things like time, culture, society, and etc. culture might affect the amount of crime because some cultures are more into crime than other cultures. Crime is functional and necessary Durkheim also thinks that crime is necessary in some ways because when people are committing crimes, the government are making new laws to try and punish people when they do commit that crime. This will show criminals that are thinking of committing a crime will not want to because they know what the punishment. It sets boundaries for people and if they commit crimes they will be punished. Functionalism and anomie: This is where there is a major change in society. This will affect people in different ways it all depending on what changes. An example of this is depression, they will lower their sights and expectations but if there is a boom people will react completely different and they will set their sights higher. This will affect functionalism because it will affect the way people live and work. It will either make it better for them or worse. My own view When it comes to functionalism theory I think that some of the aspects of the theory are right but some aren’t. I agree with the fact that we need rules and regulations to live are lives and that if there wasn’t any, everything would break down. I also agree with bringing in laws to stop people from committing offences. I think that if someone has committed a crime that they should be punished for it. So that I agree with basically all of the aspects of the theory. Merton’s strain theory This is another theory that Durkheim came up with. This theory is all to do with where they took the anomie theory further and developed it. This theory is all to do with anomie and how it encourages people to do better. It encourages for people to strive for wealth. The only thing that it won’t be the same from person to person. It all depends on the person. Not everyone will strive to achieve the same thing. Durkheim came up with this theory in 1938. This theory breaks down into five sections. He talks about 5 different ways in which people are able to adapt to the change when the strive comes. Conformity- this is where they accept what they have been given and get on with it. An example of this would be in work, they have been given a task to do and they accept that they have to do it and just get on with it. Innovation- this is the opposite of ritualism. Innovation is where they will accept the cultural goals and they will stick to them but the way in which they achieve it like the traditional way, they will reject it and achieve them in their on way. They might resort to illegitimate ways or illegal ways. Ritualism- this is where they will reject the cultural goals that are there but they will accept and comply with the means of completing something. This would be the traditional ways of achieving things that they have to do. This would be known as bureaucrat. This is where they will do the job to what it is worth they will not put any more effort than what is needed to complete the task. Retreatism- this is the less extreme form of rebellion. They will not accept the social goals, aims and method. They will not comply with them. They will be a drop out of society. Rebellion- this is where they will not accept any of the social goals, which means that they will go by their own rules and do what they want. They will do what they want, not what other people tell them to do. An example of this would be terrorists because that is going against the social goals and rules. When it comes to relating this to crime. You can relate it because he came up with within the theory that people who are in lower classes are more likely to commit crimes because they have more of a strain than people in higher class. They also came up with a theory that working class is more likely to commit crime. The only thing that also he could not find out when it comes to crime is that is nothing to do with finance and people in classes. They can not explain why people are killed and assaulted when it isn’t anything to do with money. He also found out that not everyone has the same goals; it all depends on a lot of factors like living, finance, religion and many more. Merton could not explain why people will choose one adaption other another one. My own view I agree with the theory, the only thing that I don’t agree with is that I don’t think that people are split into some many groups. I think that there should only be three groups. The three groups that I think there should be are conformity, ritualism and also rebellion. Marxism This is a theory that Karl Marx came up with in (1818- 1883). This theory includes information about the new criminology, Critical criminology, Radical criminology, Left realism, Conflict theory. His theory wasn’t much to do with crime, it was more so to do with economics and ownership are the power influences in society. Examples of this that the more land you own the more powers you have. They will employee people to work on the land. Which also help with the theory that they will have more power than the people working on the land. The Bourgeoisie are the owners of the means of production. The Proletariat are the working classes. He believes that there is always a conflict between classes which will lead to social change. It is basically a conflict between bourgeoisie and proletariat. Bad behaviour was seen as things someone does that the people in power do not approve of. The people in power will bring in laws if they think that the people who are behaving in a bad way are at risk of taking over. Crime comes from the unfairness and also the corrupt nature of the society. The way in which working people were treated. The reasons why working people committed crime was because they were fighting against the repression. The bourgeoisie decided what should be laws and what shouldn’t be. The proletariat listen and just thought they were normal. The reasons why the bourgeoisie brought in the laws was to make sure that the proletariat don’t try and take over and take their place. Crimes of the Bourgeoisie Crimes of the Proletariat tax fraud benefit fraud embezzlement theft pollution assault corporate crime vandalism This table shows the different types of crimes that both categories are most likely to commit. The bourgeoisie group are most likely to create pollution because if they own factories as their own business. They will have fumes coming out and if there are too many they will be polluting the surrounding area and the earth. The proletariat group are most likely to commit crimes like theft because they don’t get paid much money for doing jobs for the bourgeoisie. This means that they may not be able to provide for their families properly which might force them to commit crimes. The two group’s crimes are so different, the bourgeoisie will do because they know they can get away with it and save more money but the proletariat might do it so they can live properly and provide for their families. Labelling Theory This is a theory that a theorist called Becker came up with. His theory was completely different to the other theory because they blame crime on society where as in this theory it is all to do with people who label people. This is where people label an act as a criminal offence. If people didn’t label them people wouldn’t think they were a criminal thing or a wrong thing to do. It won’t be a crime till we say it is. In this theory they say that it is not the criminal who is responsible, it’s the society. He pointed out that most people have committed a crime in their life at some time, big or small. Most people have been caught for doing it so they haven’t been labelled. The only difference between people and criminals is that they have been caught for it and labelled as a criminal. My own view I agree with this in some ways but I don’t agree in others. I agree that some crimes should be labelled because some people might look at it and think that it isn’t a crime but it actually turns out to be. I don’t think that some crimes don’t need labelling because everyone morally knows what is right and what is wrong. So everyone knows that killing someone isn’t right so I don’t think crime with seriousness of that doesn’t need labelling. Chicago School This is a theory that was made by the Chicago school developed. It all came about in the 1930’s in America. It relates to Robert Park’s theory where he talked about urban ecology. They looked at the people and what happen when there are ecological changes in the environment. This could result in people competing for space, invasion of territory and also dominance of other groups of people. This pictures shows where crime is more likely to happen. It is based on a concentric zone theory where different zones and Burgess points out that more crime will be committed in ‘the loop’ and the zone ‘in transition’. (Criminology_theories and effects on portal in crime and its effect on society folder.) My own view I agree with this theory in the fact that the area that people live can affect people to commit crime, but I think it is to focused around that one aspect why people commit crime. An example of this would be peer groups, family etc. Psychology Theories of Crime There are two different parts of psychological. The two different areas that I am going to be looking at are: Psychoanalytical theory Social learning theory Psychoanalytical theory Psychoanalytic theory which is also known as Freudian theory is where they think that people are being dominated by unconscious forces and driven by sexual and aggressive desires. The theory also says that we are not free and we aren’t in charge of ourselves. So something else does everything for us. Freud came up with three state of the mind: The id: the childlike demanding side of a person The ego: the rational logical side The super ego: the moral part of our personality He came up with the theory that if parents do not socialise with their children enough, they will not be able to develop the super ego properly which might result in them not being able to control their ID. Which means that it can lead to bad and also destructive behaviour. My own view When it comes to this theory I don’t agree with it in the sense that it is all to do with sexual and aggressive drives. I think it is just to do with thoughts not sexual or aggressive thoughts. I also disagree in some ways with if the parent don’t show enough attention to their children they would stay in the ID stage. I think that they might slightly be affected but not to the extent that he says it will be. Social learning theory This is all about behavioural psychology. Behavioural psychology is where they people learn behaviour and they are able to maintain it by rewards and also sanctions. When this comes to crimes, they say that crime has either been learned or it is a failure of socialisation process. This is where they were never taught what was right or wrong. They say crime is a learned behaviour, which doesn’t differ from any other learning experience. Criticism of the social learning theory The criticism that was made was that people are very different and no-one is the same and that you don’t know how someone will react to punishment. Someone might be happy but some people might not. All depends on the person. The theory assumes individuals are passive and unquestioning. It neglects the influence the influence of media and wider culture Other contributing factors to crime There are other factors that affect why people commit crime than the ones that I have covered. The other factors that might affect people are: Family Farrington and West (1990) they found that a small amount of people will commit crime because of their family. They account for the large proportion of criminal activity. Families account for a small amount of it though. (UK most crime committed by 10% of the population). Economic factors this shows that people from low economic are more likely to commit crime or involved in criminal activities. Benyan (1994) and Harrower (1998) looked into this theory and found that the nature been poverty and crime will never be a rock solid evidence to prove why people commit crime. Peer pressure this is where friends and also peer groups influence people to commit crime. They might do it because they want to be in a group. Or they feel like an idiot if they don’t do what everyone else is doing. This would normally happen in gangs. Education a poor education can affect it because if they don’t like it. They might not go which might turn them to committing crime because they have nothing else to do. My own view I think that these all contribute to crime in a major way. I think that normally most contributes to crime would be peer pressure because you will be with your friends and other peer so they affect a lot of different things you do and also how you live your life. I think that family is close behind because they will teach you what is right and wrong when you are younger so that you know for when you are older.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Marketing Mix Essay -- Papers
The Marketing Mix Description of the Marketing Mix: Marketing is the way in which a business promotes its products or service. Marketing is not solely selling the product; it is concerned with identifying customers and satisfying their needs/wants at a profit. Businesses have to sell what they produce/serve. To do this, marketing decisions must be made, which involve: PRODUCT - what products will be sold. PRICE - what price those products will be sold at. PLACE - where the best place to sell the product/service will be. PROMOTION - how the customers will get to know about the product. The above are known as the Marketing Mix. Market Research: Researching involves investigating a subject in order to find out about it. Market research takes two formsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ QUANTITATIVE - finding out numerical information. Or information that is definite and precise - based on facts rather than opinions or choices. QUALITATIVE - finding out opinions and reasons for choices. This information can be collected using PRIMARY (field research) and/or SECONDARY informationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ 1. Desk Research (secondary). This involves the use of secondary data (information that is already available - on databases or business directories, etc.). This information can come from within the business, or from outside: From outside the businessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ This information comes from sources outside the business. It can mean researching other products in the market, or sometimes even finding out about another company. In our case, it means e-mailing companies and researching the products that they have on the market, via the Intern... ... Our intentions are to carry out our market research in the form of a survey. Most probably, we will use a stratified random sample, in which we would ask, perhaps, a limited representation of people in each year. A way to ensure that the sample is random would have to be created. Perhaps, asking the first people from each year (and segment) we see. This would be relatively random. Alternatively, we could select a systematic stratified random sample, in which every 20th person on the registers would be selected. In our survey, it is important that we address the problem of knowing which specific products to sell, and so in it we shall have questions that would answer "what are we going to sell?" The questionnaire we have designed is included in this business plan, along with an analysis of the questions used in it.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Spain :: essays research papers
Spain The country of Spain lies on the continent of Europe. It is located forty degrees north and four degrees west. The capital of Spain, Madrid, is located in the central region known as the Centro-Meseta. The country of Spain is made up of four regions: El norte, El este, El sur, and Centro-Meseta. Spain's large area of 195,988 square miles covers about five sixths of the Iberian Peninsula. It is one of the largest countries in Western Europe. At its widest point, Spain stretches 635 miles from east to west. It stretches about 550 miles north to south. Spain's longest coastline lies along the Mediterranean Sea and stretches for almost 1700 miles from the eastern end of the Pyrenees mountain chain to the strait of Gibraltar. The Pyrenees, one of Europe's largest mountain chains, is 270 miles long. They are practically impassable to humans because are formed from only steep gorges that lead higher summits. Spain is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean called the Gulf of Cadiz. The Huelva, Rota, and Cadiz ports lie on this coast and further up the Guadalquivir River is the ancient transportation center Seville. Some other major rivers in Spain are the Douro, Tagus, and Ebro rivers. Spain's currency is the peseta and is currently equal to one hundred centimos. The exchange rate has one U. S. Dollar for 134.61 pesetas. More that thirty-nine million people reside in the country of Spain. That is because it is made up of a large ethnic diversity. Its location between Europe and Africa has resulted in a great mixing of races and cultures. The only distinct minority group generally recognized as outside the racial-cultural mainstream of Spanish society is made up of Gypsies, many of whom still follow nomadic life-style along the roads and highways. Fairly large communities of settled Gypsies are found in the cities of Mucia, Granada, Barcelona, and Madrid. Spain is overwhelmingly urban, with seventy-six percent of its people living in towns and cities. This concentration of Spain's people heightens the impression of emptiness that so often is commented on by the travelers, specially those who cross the Meseta. Most of the Spanish portion of the Iberian Peninsula is very thinly populated. In the Centro-Meseta region only the areas around Madrid and Saragossa have dense settlement. There are many different kinds of languages spoken in Spain. Modern Spanish also referred to as Castilian, is spoken throughout Spain and is the official language. Castilian is often a second language, not a mother tongue. In el norte two regional languages are widely spoken. One, the language of Basque people, is Spain :: essays research papers Spain The country of Spain lies on the continent of Europe. It is located forty degrees north and four degrees west. The capital of Spain, Madrid, is located in the central region known as the Centro-Meseta. The country of Spain is made up of four regions: El norte, El este, El sur, and Centro-Meseta. Spain's large area of 195,988 square miles covers about five sixths of the Iberian Peninsula. It is one of the largest countries in Western Europe. At its widest point, Spain stretches 635 miles from east to west. It stretches about 550 miles north to south. Spain's longest coastline lies along the Mediterranean Sea and stretches for almost 1700 miles from the eastern end of the Pyrenees mountain chain to the strait of Gibraltar. The Pyrenees, one of Europe's largest mountain chains, is 270 miles long. They are practically impassable to humans because are formed from only steep gorges that lead higher summits. Spain is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean called the Gulf of Cadiz. The Huelva, Rota, and Cadiz ports lie on this coast and further up the Guadalquivir River is the ancient transportation center Seville. Some other major rivers in Spain are the Douro, Tagus, and Ebro rivers. Spain's currency is the peseta and is currently equal to one hundred centimos. The exchange rate has one U. S. Dollar for 134.61 pesetas. More that thirty-nine million people reside in the country of Spain. That is because it is made up of a large ethnic diversity. Its location between Europe and Africa has resulted in a great mixing of races and cultures. The only distinct minority group generally recognized as outside the racial-cultural mainstream of Spanish society is made up of Gypsies, many of whom still follow nomadic life-style along the roads and highways. Fairly large communities of settled Gypsies are found in the cities of Mucia, Granada, Barcelona, and Madrid. Spain is overwhelmingly urban, with seventy-six percent of its people living in towns and cities. This concentration of Spain's people heightens the impression of emptiness that so often is commented on by the travelers, specially those who cross the Meseta. Most of the Spanish portion of the Iberian Peninsula is very thinly populated. In the Centro-Meseta region only the areas around Madrid and Saragossa have dense settlement. There are many different kinds of languages spoken in Spain. Modern Spanish also referred to as Castilian, is spoken throughout Spain and is the official language. Castilian is often a second language, not a mother tongue. In el norte two regional languages are widely spoken. One, the language of Basque people, is
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Universal Microcontroller (Mcu) Trainer
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION AND ITS BACKGROUND This section begins with a discussion of the role and importance of Microcontroller in everyday life. As we all know, Microcontrollers are considered as a major discovery in terms of science and technology. Just like the other major advances, it can control system and devices which can make people’s lives better and easier. Based on â€Å"The Microcontroller Idea Book†by Jan Axelson, Microcontroller is a computer-on-a-chip, or a single chip computer.It is said to be a single-chip computer because it contains memory and Input or Output interfaces in addition to the Central Processing Unit (CPU). Micro, as its name implies, advised that the device is small and Controller, however, tells that the device might be used to control objects as well as processes. Moreover, MCU has been described as an embedded controller, because the Microcontroller and its support circuits are often built into, or embedded in, the devices that they con trol.Basically, any product that interacts with its user has a microcontroller inside. The field of Microcontroller (MCU) beginning is due to the development of integrated circuits. It enabled the storing of hundreds of thousands of transistors into one chip which was later used in the manufacturing of Microcontrollers. Nowadays, we can find Microcontrollers in almost all kinds of things. Most of those things and devices are well-known to utilize for measuring, storing, calculating, controlling, and displaying of information.One of the largest applications of Microcontroller is in automobiles as it includes at least one MCU for engine control. In test equipment, microcontrollers make it easy to add features such as the ability to store measurements, to create and store user routines, and to display messages. In a desktop computer, MCU is founded inside keyboards, modems, printers, and other peripherals. Furthermore, products that we are fond of using like cameras, video recorders, c ompact-disk players, and ovens also use Microcontrollers. Background of the StudyMicrocontrollers have only been with us for a few decades but its impact on our lives is intense. Most of the microcontroller parts can be found in all electronic devices; it can be found on products which we use in our home like microwave ovens, alarm clock, washing machines, toys, and stereo equipment. Other common devices such as cash register, weighing scales, typewriters, photocopiers, elevators, industrial automation device, safety system, cars and traffic signals are some examples of microcontroller application.Numerous types of microcontrollers were designed and they quickly became man's invisible companion. It is also regarded as a powerful tool that allows a designer in creating his own design. Some of the crucial influence in the microcontroller development and success are powerful and carefully chosen electronics such as switches, push buttons, sensors, LCD displays, and relays, cheap automa tic devices and its power was widely spread prior to the knowledge in programming.With the necessity of making our MCU experience learning more enjoyable and helping us to do our jobs easier and safer, e- Gizmo decided to develop and launched the first Universal MCU Trainer. Unlike some of those mainstream MCU training kits, the e- Gizmo Training Kit is not attached to any particular type of microcontroller. It is known to be compatible with current MCU boards that include gizDuino, Zilog Encore, AVR ATMEGA8L, and Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC).In this project, the researchers should have the knowledge in programming, training experiments, as well as they should have the manipulation for the kits’ on board peripherals such as Relay and Motor Expander, Analog Voltage Sources, LM34 Temperature Sensor, 3 adjustable Voltage Sources, Digital to Analog DAC circuit, Switch Devices, Rotary Encoder Switch, 2 push button switches, 4 x 3 Keypad Matrix, Input and Output Expander, LED monitor, 2 Digit 7 segment LED display, Buzzer Circuit, Real Time Clock RTC, Alphanumeric LCD Display Unit, RS232 Interface Circuit, Power Supply Entry, Microcontroller Board Docking Port, and Breadboard.Project Objectives The main objective of this e- Gizmo Universal MCU kit is to test and learn the different kinds of application and peripherals on board. Moreover, the development of this microcontroller kit requires attaining the following: 1. ) To learn the programming languages use in microcontroller 2. ) To learn how to use the software through PC to the microcontroller 3. ) To learn the basic connection of the microcontroller to the MCU kit. 4. ) To study and familiarize the functions of the specific application use in the microcontroller 5. To learn how to connect or to know the relationship between the Input- Output or the application through the microcontroller Conceptual Framework The interrelation among the components of the microcontroller kit was shown as illustrate d in Figure 1. It represents the process on how the application and peripherals used in the trainer board works. In this kit, the researchers have used a microcontroller in gathering input from various applications, processing the input into a set of actions, and using the output mechanisms on the microcontroller to do something useful.The concept of the microcontroller kit was based on the need of creating convenient hardware designed for having knowledge and critical thinking for microcontroller widen. The diagram started with the input, followed by the process and the output. OUTPUT INPUT PROCESS RS 232 C INTERFACE 2 x 16 LCD DISPLAY BUZZER LED DRIVER OUTPUT EXPANDER RELAY STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER MICROCONTROLLER GIZDUINO AND PINGUINO 2 x 16 LCD DISPLAY REAL TIME CLOCK (RTC) INPUT EXPANDER 4 x 3 SWITCH EXPANDER PUSH BUTTON SWITCH ANALOG VOLTAGE OUTPUT TEMPERATURE SENSOR PROCESS GIZDUINO (USB CABLE) PINGUINO (UART MODE/USB CABLE)PERSONAL COMPUTER Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of e- G izmo Universal MCU Trainer The INPUT is comprises of 2 x 16 LCD Display, Real Time Clock (RTC), Input Expander, 4 x 3 Switch Matrix, Push Button Switch, Analog Voltage Output, and Temperature Sensor. LCD Display Module is tremendously popular low cost display device that can show user generated message in 2 lines x 16 alphanumeric format. Aside from 2 lines by 16 characters format, LCD modules are also available in 4 lines by 20 characters. A Real Time Clock (RTC) circuit serves as an electronic subsystem that keeps an accurate time and calendar.In addition, the next input is the Input Expander which has data out, since the host controller will be reading from U3 input port JP22. Furthermore, 4 x 3 Keypad matrix is also recognized as one of the input. The keypad used in this trainer consists of 12 push switches. The keypad switches are wired in 4 rows x 3 column arrangement. The Push Button Switches in the kit, which are S1 and S2, are held to logic 1 state by R2 and R3 when not pre ssed. There is also a well known device which is LM34 Temperature sensor U5 which gives an ambient temperature reading in analog Fahrenheit scale.After the Input, the figure shows the PROCESS which is comprises of Microcontroller Gizduino and Pinguino. Gizduino is ideal for beginner programmers and hobbyists because of its simplicity compared to other platforms. It is a multiplatform environment; it can run on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. However, Pinguino is an Arduino for PIC user. Pinguino is also an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which enables anyone to easily make an application on learning the program. Additionally, the program for both Gizduino and Pinguino is loaded to the Personal Computer which is also a major part of the process.Gizduino is programmable via USB (Universal Serial Bus) cable which makes it more accessible and allows communication to the computer. Pinguino, however uses UART mode through serial communication to PC. In addition, the OUTPUT include s RS 232 C Interface, 2 x 16 LCD Display, Buzzer, LED Driver, Output Expander, Relay, and Stepper Motor Driver. The RS 232 Interface allows the MCU UART to interface with RS 232 enabled devices. The function of the 2 x 16 LCD Display here in the output is the same as the input. For the 3rd output, the buzzer is used to indicate a warning or an alarm, a key closure or a machine function.The buzzer used in this trainer is essentially a small loudspeaker. With regards to the Output Expander, this trainer can have 8 outputs more using 5 or 6 MCU I/O. The Stepper Motor Drive subsection in the trainer can also be used to study and control stepper motor operations via user code. Significance of the Study The e- Gizmo Universal Microcontroller (MCU) Trainer was designed specifically for the benefits of the following: Electronic Designers. This trainer is intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in prototyping and programming a microcontroller.The Students. This kit aspires for the students to acquire basic knowledge on how microcontroller works and also aims for students to be familiar with prototyping platform based on easy to use hardware and software. The Academe. Professors on higher education can use this trainer to introduce the college students on how to program and manage microcontroller the fast and easy way. The Researchers. With the help of this MCU kit, the researchers were able to have background about the major component details of both Gizduino and Pinguino platform, its features, and manual application.They were able to manipulate peripherals on board through programming familiarity. Future Researchers. This can serve as a guide to those who wants to delve into microcontroller relevance, and those who wanted to have comparisons among the MCU trainers that has been developed. The study also provides the data and guiding material about the universal trainer function. Scope and Limitation Scope The e- Gizmo Universal MCU trainer r equires an external well regulated +5V to power the whole trainer board. Unlike any other microcontroller trainers, this is unique since it does not assign to any single microcontroller.With this trainer, we can use available boards such as gizDuino itself (atmega 168 or atmega 328 versions), AVR atmega8L experimenter board, Zilog z8F042A MCU board, PIC18F2550, and STM32F100C8 ARM Cortex M3 MCU board. The gizDuino’s platform kit that has been executed in this trainer is a single board AVR microcontroller platform based on highly popular Arduino design. It is a multiplatform environment as it can run on Macintosh, Linux and Windows. It is also programmable via USB (Universal Serial Bus) cable as mentioned earlier.Gizduino’s User Interface is USB Port, DC Jack, Reset Button, ICSP Port, and Shield Connection Port. The external Power Input ranges from 8V- 12 V while it needed 5 V for USB. The DC Power Output is at 3. 3 V with a frequency of 16 MHz and 12 MHz. It is being p rogrammed using Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Additionally, PIC18F2550 platform which has also been programmed has an Arduino compatible layout. It works on Arduino like software development platform based on open source Pinguino project. The e- Gizmo’s Pinguino is also compatible with gizDuino line of shields and has an external power supply of 8V- 12V.Its communication medium is UART mode, serial communication to PC. Different applications are also placed on this trainer such as Relay and Motor Expander, Analog Voltage Sources, LM34 Temperature Sensor, 3 adjustable Voltage Sources, Digital to Analog DAC circuit, Switch Devices, Rotary Encoder Switch, 2 push button switches, 4 x 3 Keypad Matrix, Input and Output Expander, LED monitor, 2 Digit 7 segment LED display, Buzzer Circuit, Real Time Clock RTC, Alphanumeric LCD Display Unit, RS232 Interface Circuit, Power Supply Entry, Microcontroller Board Docking Port, s well as Breadboard. Limitation Since +5V is employ ed to power the trainer board, using unqualified +5V power source may cause damage to the trainer. Most components on this kit, especially the microcontrollers are known to be sensitive to Electrostatic discharge (ESD). With this, ESD may damage the trainer if not handled properly. As discussed, Microcontroller Board Docking is where the MCU board is installed. This accepts gizDuino style MCU board. However, since Arduino boards do not have extended connectors, it disallows any shields from being installed on it.Herewith, a suitable adapter is required for us to be able to use the Arduino with the Universal MCU Trainer. It should also be noted that each microcontroller family has its own software development kit (SDK) and some may require a separate programming cable. Definition of Terms Microcontroller (MCU). It is a small computer on a single integrated circuit containing a processor core, memory, and programmable input/output peripherals. Gizduino. It is an open source computing platform based on a simple input/output (I/O) board and use of standard programming language and is a tool for implementing specific design.Pinguino. It is also an Arduino compatible platform which works on Arduino like software development platform. Arduino. A popular open-source single-board microcontroller, descendant of the open-source wiring platform, designed to make the process of using electronics in multidisciplinary projects more accessible. AtMega 328. This is the microcontroller that powers the gizDuino. Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. Zilog Encore.This system-on-a-chip includes an integrated memory controller, interfaces such as Universal Serial Bus (USB), Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI). RS232 Interface. It’s a RS232C Transistor Transistor Logic (TTL) level converter. LCD Display Module. A tremendous ly popular low cost display device that can show user generated messages in 2 lines x 16 alphanumeric characters format. Breadboard. It is used to easily build small circuits to work on in addition to the trainer module. Real Time Clock (RTC). Is an electronic subsystem that keeps an accurate time and calendar.Buzzer. It is an annunciator which provides cost effective audible feedback between the machine and the user. Light Emitting Diode (LED). Is a semiconductor diode that emits light when conducting current and is used in electrical equipment. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). It is a flat panel display, electronic visual display or video display that uses the light modulating properties of liquid crystals. Multiplexing. A method used to rapidly switch two or more digits in synchronization with their corresponding segment drives (a-b-c-d-e-f-g). Input/Output Expander.This is used to serve 8 inputs and 8 outputs more using 5 or 6 microcontroller I/O. 4 x 3 Keypad Matrix. It is a small group of keys used to manually enter a data or a command while the microcontroller is running. Encoder Switch. Also known as rotary quadrature encoder switch, is a pure digital device that has the feel of an analog potentiometer. Push Button. An electrical switch operated by pressing a button, which closes or opens a circuit. Digital to Analog Converter (DAC). It is an interface device that will allow outputting an analog voltage based on a digital value.Analog Voltage Source. It provides both simulated and real analog voltage source which is used in Digital to Analog Converter. Stepper Motor Drive. This section in the trainer is used to control stepper motor operations via user code. Relay. Is an electrically operated switch, use an electromagnet to operate a switching mechanism mechanically and they are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by a low power signal. Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART). It is the microchip with programming that controls a com puter's interface to its attached serial devices.
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