Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Gender differences and factors that affect stock Research Paper
Gender differences and factors that affect stock - Research Paper Example However the author wanted to find out any relationship between those factors and stock investment which was not widely studied by early researches. What is the central hypothesis or main proposition that the author is trying to express/explore? Is your (the central) hypothesis best classified as descriptive, explanatory, or predictive/causal? Does the main hypothesis call for a measure of association or a measure of difference between two variables? Defend your position on these issues. This study is intended to determine factors that affect the investment decision of a sample of Canadian investors and analyze relationships between different variables. According to the literature provided by the author this type of researches had not been conducted earlier therefore this is best described as a descriptive or exploratory research. Select the central hypotheses presented in the article. What is the theoretical basis of your (the central) hypothesis? Does this hypothesis logically flow from and relate to the theorized constructs and relationships presented as the basis for the research or was it picked out of thin air? Defend your position. The central hypothesis have a research importance since the findings of this research may helpful for many mediators, investors, advisers and policy makers of the stock market . They can use these findings for more efficient and sustainable stock market Construct Validity? In your (the central) hypothesis, look for a description of how the cause (that is, the independent (or predictor variable(s)) and the effect (that is, the dependent (or criterion variable(s)) are being measured. Face Validity: Do the measures measure what they are supposed to measure? Internal reliability: Are the measures reliable? What level of measurement is applied to these variables (for example, for each, identify if they are nominal, ordinal, scalar). What is the
Monday, October 28, 2019
The McDonalds Corporation Essay Example for Free
The McDonalds Corporation Essay McDonald’s serves nearly 69 million customers everyday in 119 countries and employs more than 1.8 million people across the globe in corporate and restaurant positions.  The McDonalds restaurante began in 1940 as a BBQ eatery by Richard and Maurice McDonald. The present corporation that is McDonalds dates the founding back to 1955, when the first franchised restaurante was built in Des Plaines, IL by Ray Kroc. Presently, there sits 1 President/CEO along with 15 other board member to make up the McDonalds Corporation. Don Thompson took over as acting President/CEO of McDonalds in June of 2011 his board members include: Tim Fenton, Jose Armario, Peter Bensen, Rick Colon, Richard Floersch, Doug Goare, Dave Hoffman, Jim Johannsan, Edgardo Navarro, Kevin Newell, Steve Plotkin, Lee Renz, Gloria Santana, Jeff Stratton and Fred Turner. Headquarters are located in Oak Brook, IL and areas of influence include 119 countries, ranging from California to the Asian Pacific. McDonalds operates about 35,000 restaurantes worldwide and is worth an estimated 15.15 billion dollars. The main operations of McDonalds include: Indoor/Outdoor seating, counter and drive thru service, Auto-mac and McDrive pay.To accommodate the current trend for high quality coffee and the popularity of coffee shops in general, McDonalds introduced McCafe, a cafe style eatery to McDonalds restaurants in the style of starbucks. McCafe is a concept created by McDonalds Australia, starting with Melbourne in 1993. Today, most McDonalds in Australia have McCafes located within the existing McDonalds restaurant. In Tasmania, there are McCafes in every store, with the rest of the states quickly following suit. After upgrading to the new McCafe look and feel, some Australian stores have noticed up to a 60% increase in sales. As of the end of 2003 there were over 600 McCafes worldwide. Also meeting the latest trend of convenience McDonalds employed the McStop and McExpress, which are commonly located in Wal-Marts, back of Malls and shopping centers, Convenient stores/truck stops and gas stations. McDonalds brand mission is to be our customers favorite place and way to eat. Our worldwide operations are aligned around a global strategy called the Plan to Win, which center on an exceptional customer experience – People, Products, Place, Price and Promotion. We are committed to continuously improving our operations and enhancing our customers experience.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Joy of Hate :: Example Personal Narratives
The Joy of Hate About ten years ago my dad was pastor in a church near Charleston. Two centuries ago, this was a prominent area in the slave industry, and after the Civil War, many harbored hateful attitudes toward blacks. Many families passed down this legacy of prejudice to the present day. After my father had been at this church for six months, one of the deacons asked him for a favor. Every year the town, mainly the church, held a youth baseball league and the deacon wanted my dad to announce the beginning of the season to the congregation and have my older brother play on a team. My father initially accepted the invitation but wanted to know more. He asked the deacon how the church had advertised the league and was told that the church did nothing else to publicize the program. Dad thought this a bit strange. Didn't the congregation want as many kids as possible to show up? When my dad investigated this puzzling question, he didn't like what he found. They weren't advertising because they didn't want the whole town to participate, especially the black families. This made my dad reconsider making the announcement to the church. He talked to my mom and prayed very hard for many days. Finally my father decided he would make the announcement and allow my brother to play. Although he didn't want to do this, my father knew that if he didn't, someone else would, and they'd twist it so he would look like a bad guy. There was one condition, though: If my father found out any black family who signed up their child to play was rejected, my brother would not play. Although he never found any proof of this, my father had a feeling it had happened. Daddy knew he couldn't change the league, so he decided instead to start a soccer team and advertise it clearly as a "for-everyone" event. He invited many families, black and white, to sign up their kids, and his hard work paid off. About 80 kids showed up for the first practice, half black and half white. Our entire family rejoiced at the large turnout, but soon something strange began to happen. Week by week the number of players declined. By the fourth practice, not enough showed up to even resemble a team.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Dudley R. B. Grant
THE EARLY CHILDHOOD ACT (Act of 2005) ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS 1. 2. Short title and commencement Interpretation. Registration 3. Registration of early childhood institutions. Application for registration. Permit to operate institution prior to registration. Refusal of registration. Register of early childhood institutions to be kept. Records of early childhood institution to be kept. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Complaints procedure. 10. Suspension and cancellation of registration. 11. Notice of suspension etc. , of registration. 12. Appeal. 13. Cancellation of permit. 14.Investigations. Operation and Inspection of Early Childhood Institutions 15. Qualifications of operator and employees. 16. Prohibition of corporal punishment and restraint of child. 17. Storage of toxic substances, etc. 2 18. Assignment of officers and powers of entry and inspection. 19. Obligation of staff to co-operate. 20. Penalty for obstruction. 21. Health inspection. 22. Order of closure of early childhood institutions. General 23. Regulations. 24. Offences. 25. Penalty where no express penalty. 26. Registration of existing early childhood institutions. A BILL ENTITLED AN ACT to Provide for the Regulation and Management of early childhood institutions and for other connected matters. BE IT ENACTED by The Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Representatives of Jamaica, and by the authority of the same, as follows:Short title and commencement. Interpretation. 1. This Act may be cited as the Early Childhood Act, 2005, and shall come into operation on a day to be appointed by the Minister by notice published in the Gazette. 2.In this Act – â€Å"basic school†means a school that offers a course of educational training for students under the age of six years; â€Å"Commission†means the Early Childhood Commission established under section 3 of the Early Childhood Commission Act; â€Å"day care centre†means any p remises used for the provision of nonresidential day care service to more than four children up to six years of age for at least six hours per day and at least four days per week; â€Å"early childhood institution†means a setting that provides developmentally appropriate care, stimulation, education and socialization, for children under the age of six years, including day care centres and basic schools; â€Å"inspector†means a person assigned by the prescribed authority pursuant to section 18; â€Å"prescribed authority†means the Early Childhood Unit of the Ministry 4 responsible for education, or such other entity as the Minister may designate in writing. Registration Registration of early childhood institutions. 3. – (1) No person shall operate an early childhood institution unless that institution is registered under this Act. (2) Every application for registration under this section shall be submitted in accordance with section 4. (3) The Commissio n shall register an early childhood institution if n relation to an application the Commission is satisfied, based upon the written report of the prescribed authority, that – (a) (b) the applicant is eighteen years of age or over; the applicant is a fit and proper person to operate an early childhood institution; (c) where the applicant is an individual, the applicant has not been convicted of an offence under the Dangerous Drugs Act, the Offences Against the Person Act or the Child Care and Protection Act, or an offence involving fraud, dishonesty or moral turpitude; (d) where the applicant is a company, none of its directors or in the case of another body of persons, none of its members, has been convicted of an offence mentioned in paragraph (c); (e) a person to be employed by the applicant in the operation of the institution has not been convicted of an offence mentioned in paragraph (c); (f) the applicant or a person to be employed by the applicant in the operation of th e institution is not, by reason of any infirmity of mind or body or otherwise, incapable of operating or being employed in the institution; and 5 (g) First Schedule. the premises in which the institution is to be operated meets the requirements set out in the First Schedule. (4) Where the registration of an early childhood institution is pproved by the Commission, the Commission shall – (a) within thirty days after such approval (exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and public general holidays), issue a registration certificate to the institution; and (b) upon the issue of the registration certificate, cause a notice of the registration to be published in the Gazette. (5) (a) A notice under subsection (4)(b) shall state the name of the institution as it appears on the registration certificate; and (b) the name of the operator of the institution. (6) The operator of an early childhood institution registered under this section shall ensure that a valid registration certificate issue d to the institution under subsection (4) is displayed in a conspicuous place on the premises of the institution. 7) Registration under this section (a) shall be valid for a period of five years from the date of issue of the registration certificate; and (b) may be renewed upon application in accordance with the provisions of section 4, not later than thirty days before the date of expiration thereof. (8) A person, other than the holder of a permit issued under section 5, who operates an early childhood institution that is not duly registered under this Act, commits an offence and is liable upon summary conviction before a Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars. 6 Application for registration. Second Schedule. 4. – (1) Every application for registration in accordance with this section shall be in the prescribed form and shall be submitted to the Commission, together with the matters specified in the Second Schedule. 2) Within seven days (excl usive of Saturdays, Sundays and public general holidays) after receiving an application under subsection (1), the Commission shall forward a copy of the application to the prescribed authority. (3) Within fifteen days (exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and public general holidays) after receiving an application submitted in accordance with subsection (1), an officer of the prescribed authority authorized in that behalf shall arrange with the applicant to – (a) (b) visit and conduct an inspection of the proposed premises; and conduct interviews of the applicant and, as the prescribed authority considers necessary, persons proposed to be employed in the operation of the institution.Permit to operate institution prior to registration. 5. – (1) The Commission may, upon the recommendation of the prescribed authority, issue to an applicant for registration under section 3 a permit to operate the institution pending the determination of the application. (2) A permit under subse ction (1) shall cease to be valid upon (a) the delivery to the applicant of a certificate of registration under section 3(4); or (b) where a notice of refusal of registration is delivered to the applicant under section 6, upon the expiration of twenty-four hours after the delivery of the notice or such longer time as the Commission may specify in the notice. 3) As a condition of the grant of a permit under this section, the Commission may, on the recommendation of the prescribed authority, 7 impose time scales for the completion of improvements or amendments to the mode of operation or the premises of the institution. (4) A permit issued under this section shall – (a) (b) be in the prescribed form ; and stipulate all the conditions imposed under subsection (3) in respect of the institution. (5) The holder of a permit under this section shall allow an inspector entry onto the premises of the institution, at all reasonable hours, for the purpose of carrying out any inspection t o ascertain whether or not the institution is in compliance with the conditions of the permit. Refusal of registration. 6. (1) The Commission shall, upon the recommendation of the prescribed authority, refuse an application for registration under section 4 – (a) in any case where the Commission is not satisfied as to the matters set out in section 3(3); or (b) if the Commission is satisfied that – (i) a person to be employed by the applicant is not a fit and proper person to be employed in an early childhood institution; (ii) for reasons connected with zoning, situation, construction, accommodation, staffing or equipment, the premises to be used for the operation of the institution are not fit to be so used. (2) Where an application is refused under this section, the Commission shall send to the applicant a notice of the refusal, specifying the reasons therefor. Register of early childhood institu7. The Commission shall keep a register of early childhood institutions a nd shall cause to be entered therein, from time to time, in respect of every early childhood institution registered in accordance with the 8 tions to be kept. Records of early childhood institution to be kept. Complaints procedure. provisions of this Act, the name of the institution and such particulars in relation thereto as may be prescribed. 8.An operator of an early childhood institution shall keep proper records showing the business conducted by him in respect of that early childhood institution and shall keep such other records as may be prescribed. 9. – (1) A person may make a complaint in writing to the Commission if that person has reason to believe that – (a) an early childhood institution has contravened any provision of this Act; or (b) a child at any early childhood institution has been abused or has suffered injury or harm as a result of the act or negligence of the operator, a person acting as an agent, or any person employed in the operation, of the ear ly childhood institution. 2) Upon receiving a complaint under subsection (1), the Commission shall refer the complaint to an inspector who shall, with a view to preparing the report mentioned in subsection (3), make such inquiries as he thinks fit and conduct discussions with the complaining party, the operator of the early childhood institution and, where appropriate, any employee of the early childhood institution involved in the complaint. (3) The inspector shall submit to the Commission a report containing the following information – (a) the grounds of the complaint, noting any facts in dispute between the relevant parties; (b) whether, in the opinion of the inspector, the matter can be remedied; 9 (c) if the inspector is of the opinion that the matter can be remedied, the measures recommended by the inspector to effect the remedy; and (d) he time period that the inspector considers to be reasonably sufficient to effect the remedy. (4) Upon receiving a report under subsec tion (3), the Commission shall – (a) give notice in writing of its intention to consider the report, to – (i) the operator of the early childhood institution and any employee of such institution who is involved in the complaint, together with a copy of the complaint and a copy of the report; (ii) the complaining party, together with a copy of the report; (b) in such notice, specify a period, being not less than seven days, during which any of the persons referred to in paragraph (a) shall be entitled to attend before the Commission, to make representations concerning the complaint. 5) After the expiry of the period mentioned in subsection (4), the Commission may – (a) (b) dismiss the complaint; or confirm the complaint and direct the implementation of the recommendations contained in the report, subject to such variations (if any) as the Commission thinks fit. (6) A person who attends before the Commission under subsection (4) shall be entitled to be accompanied by his attorney-at-law. (7) This section is without prejudice to any other proceedings that may be brought in relation to the complaint by virtue of any other law. 10 Suspension and cancellation of registration. 10. – (1) Subject to section 11, the Commission may, in accordance with subsection (2), suspend or cancel the registration of an early childhood institution. 2) The Commission may, by notice in writing to the operator of an early childhood institution – (a) suspend the registration of the early childhood institution if the Commission is satisfied that the institution – (i) is being operated in breach of any of the requirements of this Act or of regulations made under this Act; or (ii) in any case where pursuant to section 9(3)(c) an inspector recommends measures to remedy the matter, the operator has failed to comply with a direction made by the Commission under section 9(5)(b); (b) cancel the registration if the Commission is satisfied that – (i ) the operator of the early childhood institution or a person employed in the operation of the institution has been convicted of an offence mentioned in section 3(b)(i); (ii) the operator of the early childhood institution is, by reason of mind or body or otherwise, incapable of operating the institution; (iii) the premises of the early childhood institution are found to be unsuitable upon an inspection carried out pursuant to section 18; (iv) the early childhood institution is being operated in breach of the Public Health Act; or 11 (v) the registration has been suspended under subsection (2)(a) on more than one occasion over a period of eighteen months. (3) Where the Commission suspends the registration of an early childhood institution under subsection (2)(a), the Commission shall act in accordance with subsection (4). 4) The Commission (a) may cancel the registration if six months have expired after the date of such suspension, and the Commission is satisfied that the grounds fo r the suspension still exist at the institution; or (b) shall forthwith restore the registration if satisfied that – (i) the operator has complied with the directions (if any) issued under section 9(5)(b); and (ii) the grounds for suspension no longer exist, and shall, in writing, inform the operator of the restoration. (5) The Commission shall cause a notice of every suspension, cancellation or restoration of registration under this Act to be published in the Gazette. Notice of suspension etc. , of registration. 11. (1) Before refusing an application for renewal of registration, or suspending or cancelling the registration of an early childhood institution, the Commission shall give to the operator of the institution not less than seven days written notice of the Commission’s intention to do so, stating – (a) the grounds on which the Commission intends to refuse the application for renewal of the registration, or suspend or cancel the registration, as the case may be; and (b) that, if within seven days after the receipt of that notice, the operator informs the Commission that he desires an opportunity 12 to show cause why such action should not be taken, the Commission shall, before taking any action, afford the operator or his representative such an opportunity. 2) If the operator fails to show cause as mentioned in subsection (1)(b), the Commission shall – (a) in the case of suspension or cancellation, act in accordance with section 10(2) and shall send a copy of the notice referred to in that subsection by registered post to the operator; and (b) in the case of refusal to renew registration, send to the applicant notice of refusal to renew registration. (3) A notice referred to in subsection (2)(a) shall not be effective until the expiration of seven days from the date on which it was issued, or where notice of appeal is given under section 12, until the appeal has been determined or withdrawn. Appeal. 12. A person aggrieved by any decision of the Commission to refuse an pplication for registration or renewal of registration or to suspend or cancel registration may, within seven days after the date on which the notice of such decision was received by him, appeal against such decision to the Appeal Tribunal appointed by the Minister in accordance with the Third Schedule. Cancellation of permit. 13. – (1) The Commission, acting on the recommendation of the prescribed authority, may, by notice in writing to the operator of an early childhood institution, cancel a permit issued under section 5 if the Commission is satisfied that any condition of the permit is being breached in relation to the early childhood institution. 2) The provisions of section 11 and 12 shall apply, with the necessary modifications, to the cancellation of a permit under this section. provisions of the Third Schedule. 13 Investigations. 14. – (1) The Commission may, where it considers it expedient to do so, hold or cause to be held an investigation – (a) to determine whether any registration made, or permit issued, under this Act should be suspended, restored or cancelled; (b) in respect of the breach of any provision of this Act or any regulations made hereunder, or the terms or conditions of any such permit; or (c) as respects any matter related to or connected with its functions, so as to determine whether any of such functions should be exercised. 2) With respect to any investigation under subsection (1), the following provisions shall have effect (a) the persons holding the investigation (hereinafter referred to as â€Å"the investigator†) shall do so in such manner and under such conditions as the investigator may think most effectual for ascertaining the facts of the matter under investigation; (b) the investigator shall have for the purposes of the investigation all the powers of a Resident Magistrate to summon witnesses, call for the production of books and documents and to exami ne witnesses and the parties concerned on oath; (c) any person summoned to attend or to produce books or documents under this section and refusing or neglecting to do so, or refusing to answer any question put to him by or with the concurrence of the investigator commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction before a Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand dollars and in default of payment to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months: Provided that no person shall be bound to incriminate himself 14 and every witness shall, in respect of any evidence given by him at such an investigation be entitled to the same privileges to which he would be entitled if giving evidence before a court; (d) any witness attending at the request of, or upon summons by, the investigator shall, subject to any order made by the tribunal, be entitled to like allowances for expenses as if summoned to attend a Resident Magistrate’s Court. Operation and Inspection of Early Childhood Institutions Qualifications of operator and employees. 15. (1) A person shall not operate an early childhood institution unless that person meets the qualifications prescribed under subsection (4) as to training in the care of children. (2) The operator of an early childhood institution shall not employ any person in the institution for the purpose of caring for the children therein unless that person meets the qualifications prescribed under subsection (4) as to training in the care of children. (3) A person who contravenes subsection (1) or (2) commits an offence. (4) The Commission may, with the approval of the Minister, make regulations prescribing qualification requirements in respect of operators and employees of early childhood institutions. Prohibition of corporal punishment and restraint of child. 16. (1) Corporal punishment shall not be inflicted on a child in an early childhood institution. (2) A mechanical or electrical device shall not be used to restra in a child in an early childhood institution. (3) Where restraint of a child is necessary, such restraint shall be administered in accordance with regulations made for that purpose. Storage of 17. All medicines, cleaning agents or toxic substances kept at an early childhood institution shall be appropriately labelled and stored in a 15 toxic substances, etc. locked cupboard or other locked receptacle, which shall be kept (a) out of the reach of children; (b) away from equipment; and (c) away from the area in which food is stored.Assignment of officers and powers of entry and inspection. 18. – (1) The prescribed authority may assign such officers as it thinks necessary to be inspectors of early childhood institutions for the purpose of investigating complaints and otherwise securing the proper observance of the provisions of this Act. (2) The assignment of an officer pursuant to this section shall be published by notice in the Gazette and such officer shall be furnished with a certificate of assignment, which he shall produce to the operator or any other person in charge of an early childhood institution, if required to do so, on entering any premises pursuant to subsection (3). 3) An inspector may at all reasonable hours enter and inspect any early childhood institution, or any premises which he has reasonable cause to believe is so used, for the purpose of determining whether the institution is being operated in accordance with this Act. (4) An inspector may, for the purposes of subsection (3) – (a) require the production of records or other documents required to be kept pursuant to this Act; (b) make copies of such documents or records. Obligation of staff to co-operate. 19. – (1) Every operator and employee of an early childhood institution shall co-operate with an inspector executing his functions pursuant to section 18. 2) Any person who fails to comply with subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable upon summary conviction befor e a Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars and in default of payment to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months. 16 Penalty for obstruction. 20. Any person who wilfully obstructs or impedes an inspector in the execution of his duties under this Act commits an offence and is liable upon summary conviction before a Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding twenty thousand dollars and in default of payment to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months. Health inspection. 21. The Minister may cause an early childhood institution to be visited t any reasonable time by the Chief Medical Officer or any other health personnel for the purpose of ensuring that proper health standards are maintained at that early childhood institution. Order for closure of early childhood institutions. 22. – (1) Where the Minister has grounds to believe that the welfare of children in an early childhood institution has been, is being or is likely to be, endan gered and that it is in the public interest to make an order under this section, the Minister may by order published in the Gazette direct that the institution be closed for such period or pending the fulfilment of such conditions, as the Minister thinks necessary. 2) A person who fails to comply with an order under subsection (1) shall be liable on summary conviction before a Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months. (3) For the purposes of subsection (1) the Minister may take into account any report referred to the Minister by the Commission. General Regulations. 23. – (1) The Minister may, subject to affirmative resolution, make regulations generally for giving effect to the provisions of this Act. (2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), the Minister may, subject to affirmative resolution, make regulations – (a) prescribing ntries to be made in the rec ords kept pursuant to section 8; 17 (b) prescribing standards with regard to safety, security, sanitation and such other matters as the Minister considers necessary for the efficient operation of an early childhood institution; (c) prescribing conditions for admission of children into early childhood institutions; (d) prescribing the forms of application, registration, reports and other documents to be used under this Act; (e) regulating the manner in which and the conditions subject to which the services of an early childhood institution shall be performed; (f) prescribing the hours during which early childhood institutions may remain open; (g) rescribing guidelines for the nutrition programmes to be implemented by early childhood institutions; (h) regulating the manner in which a child may be restrained in an early childhood institution; (i) (j) the frequency of inspections carried out under this Act; the return, custody or disposal of registration certificates upon the suspension or cancellation of registration; (k) prescribing any other matter or anything, which may be or is required by this Act to be prescribed. Offences. 24. – (1) A person who contravenes section 3(6) (display of registration certificate) commits an offence and shall be liable upon summary conviction before a Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding twentyfive thousand dollars. 2) A person who intentionally makes false statement or declaration in any application submitted under section 4 commits an offence and is liable upon summary conviction before a Resident 18 Magistrate to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding thirty days. (3) A person who, not being assigned as an inspector pursuant to section 18, assumes the designation or description of, assumes to act as, or impersonates, an inspector commits an offence. Penalty where no express penalty. 25. Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any of the provisions of thi s Act, for which no penalty is expressly provided, commits n offence and is liable upon summary conviction before a Resident Magistrate to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand dollars and in default of payment to imprisonment with or without hard labour for a term not exceeding thirty days. Registration of existing early childhood institutions. 26. – (1) A person who, on the date of commencement of this Act, is the operator of an early childhood institution shall apply within three months after that date to the Commission to have that early childhood institution registered pursuant to this Act. (2) Every application under this section shall be submitted in accordance with section 4. (3) Where an application has been made pursuant to subsection (1), the operation of the early childhood institution to which it relates may be continued pending the determination of the application. Power to amend Schedules by order. 27.The Minister may, by order subject to affirmative resolution, amend the First or Second Schedule. 19 FIRST SCHEDULE (Section 3) Requirements in respect of premises to be used for the Operation of an early childhood institution Structure. 1. The premises on which an early childhood institution is to be operated shall satisfy the following requirements (a) the building shall – (i) be approved for that purpose by the local planning authority; (ii) be solidly and substantially built with a weather-tight roof; (iii) be floored throughout with timber, concrete, mortar or pavement of brick, stone, tiles or asphalt; (iv) be in good repair; (v) have at least 1. metres square of space for each child and adequate play area outside; (vi) be equipped with suitable and adequate toilet facilities; (b) the premises shall be properly fenced and a gate provided with a latch the height of which shall be beyond the reach of a child; (c) there shall be suitable and adequate number of cribs, cots or other sleeping devices; (d) there shall be an adequate supp ly of safe nontoxic play material; 20 (e) the facilities for food storage and preparation shall be clean, safe and hygienic, in conformity with the Public Health Regulations; and (f) the premises shall be properly ventilated and shall have such other facilities as will encourage the good health and well being of a child. Access. 2. Any premises, constructed after the date of ommencement of this Act, on which an early childhood institution is to be operated shall provide for access by a person with a physical disability, including – (a) (b) ramps for wheelchair access; adequate space for a person on crutches or in a wheelchair to manoeuvre in toilet and activity areas; (c) an appropriate number of wash basins and toilets at wheelchair height; (d) doors that open inward for the purposes of entry and doors that open outward for the purposes of exit. Layout and accommodation. 3. – (1) An early childhood institution shall not be located in a building where any person reside s unless the portion of the building where the early childhood institution is operated is used exclusively for the purposes of that institution during the opening hours of the institution. (2) The following shall be accommodated on the premises of every early childhood institution – (a) an internal play area and access to an outdoor play area; 21 (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) sick bay for children; separate bathroom facilities for staff and children; a food storage and preparation area; a dining area; an area for napping; an administrative area; an instruction area that shall not be used for any purpose other than the instruction of children, when children are present, so situated to allow for a defined space in respect of each of the areas mentioned in paragraphs (a) to (h) and so that the use of one area for its assigned purpose does not interfere with the use of another area for its assigned purpose. (3) The premises shall provide for adequate space for – (a) storage of equipment and materials used at the early childhood institution; and (b) children to move about freely, including crawl space for infants. Lighting. 4. (1) Proper lighting shall be provided in every part of the premises where children are accommodated and through where they may pass. (2) All electrical outlets shall be placed out of the reach of children and shall be protected by safety covers and mechanisms. Water. 5. Adequate supplies of safe drinking water shall be 22 provided for the use of a child in an early childhood institution. Equipment. 6. The premises shall be equipped with – (a) adequate supplies necessary for rendering first aid; and (b) adequate fire fighting and protective equipment. SECOND SCHEDULE 1. The following shall be submitted with every application for registration (a) (b) (c) the prescribed fee; two assport-sized photographs of the applicant; a reference, in such form as may be prescribed by the Commission in regulations published in the Gazette, from any two of the following persons (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) a Justice of the Peace; a Minister of religion; an attorney-at-law; the principal of an educational institution or the chairman of the Board of Management of an educational institution; (v) (vi) a former employer of the applicant; a Resident Magistrate or a Judge of the Supreme Court; or (vii) a police officer above the rank of Inspector; (d) a report, from an officer of the Jamaica Fire Brigade authorized by the Commissioner of the (Section 4) 23Brigade in that behalf, stating that the premises proposed for the operation of the institution have been inspected and that the officer is satisfied that reasonable steps are taken for the prevention of fire and for protection against the dangers of fire and other disaster; (e) a report from a Medical Officer (Health), or any other person authorized in writing in that behalf by the Minister or by a Local Board or by the Medical Officer (Health), stating that the premises proposed fo r the operation have been inspected and are in compliance with the provisions of the Public Health Act; (f) in respect of the applicant and each person proposed to be employed in the operation of the institution – (i) a certificate, from a registered medical practitioner certifying that the applicant or employee, as the case may be, is in good health; and (ii) (g) a food handler’s permit; the name and job description of each proposed employee and a copy of every proposed terms of employment; (h) details as to the proposed premises, including – (i) a floor plan of each building; (ii) a description of the structure; 24 (iii) the type of accommodation (internal and external); (iv) (v) furniture and equipment; such other details as may be prescribed; (i) particulars of fees to be charged and proposed sources of funding. THIRD SCHEDULE The Appeal Tribunal Constitution of Tribunal. 1.The Appeal Tribunal shall (a) subject to paragraph 2, consist of three members appoin ted by the Minister; and (b) have the following qualifications – (i) the chairman shall be an attorney-at-law; and (ii) each of the two other members shall be qualified in at least one of the following areas, that is to say, child care, child psychology, nutrition, paediatrics or nursing. Power of one member to sit alone. Tenure of office. 2. For the hearing of any appeal under this Act, the (Section 12) Appeal Tribunal may consist of one member sitting alone if the parties to the appeal agree. 3. The members of the Appeal Tribunal shall, subject to the provisions of this Schedule, hold office for such period, not exceeding two years, as the Minister may determine and shall be eligible for reappointment. Acting 4. The Minister may appoint any person to act in the 25 appointment. lace of the Chairman or any other member of the Appeal Tribunal in the case of the absence or inability to act of the Chairman or any other member. Resignation. 5. – (1) Any member of the Appea l Tribunal, other than the Chairman, may, at any time, resign his office by instrument in writing addressed to the Minister and transmitted through the Chairman and, from the date of the receipt by the Minister of such instrument, that member shall cease to be a member of the Appeal Tribunal. (2) The Chairman may, at any time, resign his office by instrument in writing addressed to the Minister, and such resignation shall take effect as from the date of receipt by the Minister of that instrument. Revocation of appointment. Filling of vacancies. 6.The Minister may, at any time, revoke the appointment of any member of the Appeal Tribunal if he thinks it expedient to do so. 7. If any vacancy occurs in the membership of the Appeal Tribunal such vacancy shall be filled by the appointment of another member. Publication of membership. Remuneration. 8. The names of all members of the Appeal Tribunal as first constituted and every change in the membership thereof shall be published in the Ga zette. 9. There shall be paid to the Chairman and other members of the Appeal Tribunal, in respect of each appeal, such remuneration, whether by way of honorarium, salary or fees, and such allowances as the Minister may determine. Voting. 10.The decision of the Appeal Tribunal shall be by a majority of votes of the members and in addition to an 26 original vote, the Chairman shall have a casting vote in any case in which the voting is equal. Power to regulate proceedings. Office of Chairman or member of Tribunal not public office. 12. The office of Chairman or member of the Appeal 11. Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, the Appeal Tribunal shall regulate its own proceedings. Tribunal shall not be a public office for the purposes of Chapter V of the Constitution of Jamaica. MEMORANDUM OF OBJECTS AND REASONS There exists the need for a comprehensive framework for all aspects of early childhood education, care and development.An Early Childhood Commission has already been estab lished to oversee the regulation of early childhood services. In order to ensure proper standards, a decision was taken to make legislative provision for the regulation of early childhood institutions. This Bill seeks to give effect to that decision. The Bill provides for – (a) the registration of early childhood institutions; (b) the setting of standards for the operation of such institutions with respect to safety, sanitation, health and supervision and as regards the condition of the relevant premises; 27 (c) monitoring compliance with the legal requirements by a system of inspection. Maxine Henry-Wilson Minister of Education, Youth and Culture
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Dignity in Care Essay
Definition of dignity; the quality or state of being worthy of esteem or respect.(the free dictionary 2011).This definition seems short, however the concept of dignity is more profound, the nurse should use her inner tool thus being feelings , empathy, compassion and use these productively.(Haddock 1996). The reasonable expectation that an older person , may have of dignified, nursing ,care in clean surroundings in hospital is not being fulfilled in some cases This essay will discuss the concepts of dignity, and discuss the importance of dignity in nursing care. Illustrating the significance in protocols, and furthermore, giving the patient the best possible outcome. We shall examine the guidelines set by the Nursing and midwifery council (NMC) and how important it is for nurses to uphold these standards, when delivering care to the patient. We shall also look at the aging process, and how illnesses cannot simply be put down to ‘age’, discussing how medication can affect the elderly and also how it can help. Highlighting the need for nurses not to become robotic at tasks as delicate as the one giving throughout this essay , the need to empathise and give the patient as much dignity as possible. Also looking at infection control, and how critical it is in the clinical setting for the health care team, and also for the patient’s health. Following guidelines from National institute for health and clinical excellence (NICE), the Department of Health (DH) and several studies with regards to infection control , and health matters such as health promotion and how it can empower the patient which can help in their dignity. Looking at how the muti-disciplinary team help with the overall care and how important to work as a team to gain the best outcome. Reviewing my own personal journey as I have done research into dignity and reflect upon my own practice, and how it may change or enhance my future nursing care. Len Chambers is an elderly gentleman in your care. He is not confused or disorientated but is anxious, hard of hearing and physically frail, needing assistance to walk. The doctor has just finished the consultation and tells you that â€Å"Mr. Chambers needs to go to the toilet†. There is a smell of faeces, Mr. Chamber’s trousers and shoes are wet with urine, and he appears agitated and upset. With reference to the NMC Professional Code of Conduct (2008) describes the actions that you will take to promote and maintain this client’s dignity. MAINBODY The concept of dignity is an individual right, everyone has equal worth has human beings. To treat someone with dignity, is by giving that person worth in a way that values them as an individual, as suggested by Milburn patients like to be recognized and treated with respect (Milburn et al 1995), and with this being their birthright, it must also continue after death. Dignity should be applied equally to people who have the capacity or not, whether that is of a physical or mental state, what must be paramount is the individuals self value and worth. In care circumstances, the concept of dignity can be encouraged or weakened depending on factors such as environment and attitude of healthcare staff. By giving the patient dignity, this then empowers them to make choices, which then gives them confidence to make decisions on their care. (NMC 2008). The code of professional conduct (NMC 2008) will guide my actions, in giving the care for Mr Chambers. The code of conduct states to treat the patient as an individual, and respect their dignity. Approaching Mr Chambers, I would introduce myself and ask him how he would like to be addressed; the rationale for this is to let Mr Chambers know who he is talking to and also gives him the respect of name choice, thus keeping in with the guidelines of the code and promotes autonomy. However reflecting back on my own practice and some male patients can be uncomfortable with a female nurse, I would ask him if he preferred a male nurse to assist him, and taking into account Mr Chambers body language, and the tone of his reply, and also being aware of my own aura at such a sensitive time. Mr Chambers has become incontinent of faeces and urine, an assessment of incontinence would need to be carried out by a specialist nurse, to establish if he is incontinent. Urinary incontinence is a common and distressing problem, taking into account Mr Chambers is anxious, coming from a generation which can be proud in nature, so it is completely understandable why the need for sensitivity is required. Making sure this is fully explained (after nursing care as been given) to Mr Chambers, and gaining his full consent for a referral to the correct health professional, but before doing so a routine urinalysis test should be carried out, to rule out any infection present, firstly by doing a dipstick test and any signs of infection can then be sent to the correct department for further tests. The fact that Mr Chambers has difficulty walking maybe the only reason he was incontinent, simply because he didn’t make it to the toilet, however in most cases an underlying medical problem maybe present, and referring him to the correct department will be able to rule this out. Age is also a factor according to research , as we age we are more likely to need medication, for blood pressure for instance , and these medications can have an effect on the bladder (Avom.J et al 2003) so maybe a review of his medication can help. The frail elderly (age 65+) are likely to be more intolerant of drugs than their fit age group (Cussack.B.J 1989), and are particularly at risk from, adverse reactions (Williamson .J, Chopin J. 1989) These are the predictable, dose-dependent and common manifestations of toxicity that cause considerable morbidity in the frail population (Thompson JW, Rawlins MD) Mr Chambers has difficulty hearing and this could affect his communication, which could lead to anxiety. By providing the right environment, making time so that the patient does not feel rushed, and Provide some privacy when talking about sensitive and important issues, ensuring the patient has any communication aids that they need e.g. hearing aid, when you are talking to them. (Leveson.R 2007).This upholds the confidentiality, privacy and dignity of Mr Chamber; this is working within the code of practice, of confidentiality and consent. Has Noted Mr Chambers is a frail gentleman who will require assistance with his activities of daily living, and may need to be referred to the continuing health care team to place a package of care for him, also the physiotherapy team to help with his mobility. After gaining consent, and reassuring Mr Chambers we shall work together, offering him the choice of either attending the bathroom, or wishing to stay in the bay area. This is adhering to the code of collaborating with the ones in your care (NMC 2008). Mr Chambers appears agitated and upset, whilst faecal/urine incontinence can have a psychological affect on him. Studies have shown this can be; tearfulness stress, distress, anxiety, exhaustion, feeling dirty, anger, humiliation, depression, isolation, secrecy, frustration and embarrassment (Chelvanayagam S, Norton C 2000.) To avoid any further humiliation, and suggesting to Mr Chambers a shower would be appropriate, however before doing so, assist him to undress and wash in the bay area first, to avoid walking down the ward in his current circumstances. The rationale for doing this is to keep Mr Chambers dignity, thus avoiding more distress. Gathering the equipment required to carry out this task and following guidelines/polices o f infection control. Infection Control; It is estimated that health care infection (HCAI) affects one in 10 national health service (NHS) patients each year, and costs the NHS one billion per year. (DH 2003) The hands of healthcare workers can be one of the main sources of transmitting infection, therefore it is vital hands are washed at every patient contact, and any connection with contaminated equipment (DH 2001).However studies have been shown that the technique of hand washing is generally not carried out properly (creedon 2005). A selection of protective equipment should be based on an assessment of the risk of transmission of bacteria to the patient, and the risk of contamination of the healthcare practitioner’s clothing and skin by patients body fluids, secretions or excretions.(NICE 2003) The rationale for following the protocols of infection control is to minimise /eradicate the risk of transmissions of infections, and reflecting back on my own practice ,this assures the patient that you are clean, and also prompts/promotes them to wash their hands which will reduce any infection. In the NMC code of conduct 2008 states to ‘make the care of people your first concern, treating them as individuals and respecting their dignity’ (NMC 2008). Keeping Mr Chambers dignity in thought, and maintaining health promotion, I assist him to undress and wash, asking his preferences and how he normally carries out this task, encouraging him when needed, this helps promote confidence in his own abilities. Gaining his consent, with regard to assisting him in bathroom to shower, and if he would like hospital garments if he has no clean garments, as he can be anxious about his soiled clothing. Assisting , Mr Chambers to wash hard to reach areas ,however also to give him independence when necessary, having the patience and time to listen to his needs, and actively listening how he may have done things in his own environment, can help with dignity. Patient-centred nursing is a style of practice that demonstrates a respect for the patient as a person. Through ‘being with’ rather than merely ‘doing to’ the patient and offering personal support and practical expertise(Nursing Times 2005) Has Mr Chamber needs assistance when mobile, a referral to the physiotherapist will be required. Furthermore, to Use this opportunity to assess how Mr Chambers copes with his Activities of daily living (ADL). The rationale is to see how much assistance Mr Chambers requires, and to inform the correct health care professional of any progress, in addition to this making sure the correct data (e.g. Risk assessments, personal preferences), is transferred to his file and to avoid any inconsistencies, also to elude any awkward situations in his future nursing care. Reflecting on Mr. Chambers and the care provided how difficult it must be for an elderly to be independent all their lives then having a younger person to take over their care. This generation seems notoriously proud, and keeping within policies of care, and trying to give him his dignity, is quite hard to balance, an example of this would be infection control, having to wear gowns and gloves because of protocols, however this must be degrading in some respects for Mr Chambers. These procedures can have an effect on him psychologically, conversely he may understand if I explained to him why these measures are in place. Seeing Mr Chambers upset can be daunting at first, but to realise why he his upset is the key to a happy outcome. So communication is very important in this situation, and to actively listen to his concerns will also be very beneficial to me as a nurse. For instance he may state how he keeps soiling himself, would suggest he has incontinence problems rather, other than he just couldn’t make it to the bathroom. Mr. Chambers mobility was an issue, and again this must be difficult to express to younger active person, it would most probably also be embarrassing, as they were young once, and after all it is the body that ages. My concern would be to try and empathise with him, and keep the communication open using methods such as eye contact and body language to help me, and maybe use an experience of my own, such as family members, which may help him relax some more, and hope that this helps my future practice . When you feel dignified, you have the sense of self –worth, confident, happy , it also builds a trust with the person who is nursing you , without it you can feel devalued, no confidence, low self –esteem thus leading to patients unable to carry out tasks such as (ADLs) where they maybe of been capable of doing so before. I aim to enhance my Nursing care and hope that I learn something new in every given situation, to help build on my knowledge which in turn will give excellent care to the most important person the patient, and also to share my knowledge within the team of healthcare professionals, and in turn learn from others experience and value each patient like you would your own family regardless of their condition, mood ,ethnicity, religion we are all equals and sometimes this can be lost in organizations. Nursing is lifelong learning matter, and patients can be unpredictable everyday is new, challenges will arise from patients, demands will have to be met, stressful situations will be dealt with, but this is the profession I choose to be in, and my future Nursing will always be to remain professional, Contrary to this what should be predictable, or should be practiced throughout the healthcare settings is the concept of dignity. I will continue to reflect on my own practice and learn more from every given situation whilst keeping within the code of conduct set out by the NMC. REFERENCES Avom R (2003) principles of pharmacology newyork springer Chelvanayagarns (2000) Quality of life with faecal incontinence problems. Nursing times 2000 pg 6 Creedon (2005) compliance with recommended guidelines. J adv nurs( pg 208-216) Cussack BJ (1986 ) special considerations in the elderly ;the practice of geriactrics Boston Department of Health (2001) Standard principles for preventing hospital-Aquired infection . J Hosp Infect.47-48 Department of Health (2003) Winning Ways: Working Together to Reduce Healthcare Associated Infection in England. London: DOH Haddock (1996) Journal of Advanced Nursing 1996 Nov;24(5):924-31. Levenson, R. (2007). The challenge of Dignity in Care: Upholding the rights of the individual. Help the Aged: London. Milburn et al (1995) Accessed online (20/7/2011) NMC (2001,2008) Accessed online (18/7/2011) Nursing Times (2005) A systematic approach to the improvement of patient care. VOL: 101, ISSUE: 24, PAGE NO: 34-36 Nice (2003) Accessed online (18/07/2011) The free Dictionary (2011) Accessed online (20/07/2011) Thompson JW, Rawlins MD. (1998) Journal of Medicine, New Series 68, No. 255, pp. 505-506. Williamson J, Choplin J (1988) British Medical journal (Clin Res Ed). 1988 ; 296(6636): 1551–1552.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Those Pesky Pastimes
Those Pesky Pastimes Those Pesky Pastimes Those Pesky Pastimes By Maeve Maddox What is a pastime? It is an occupation that passes the time. Hobbies are pastimes. Attending sports events is a pastime. Cooking, woodworking, reading, and watching television are all pastimes. Most Americans have probably read thousands of times that baseball is â€Å"the national pastime.†Yet, when I browse the web, I discover that thousands of web users do not know how to spell pastime: Trolling used to be a past time for people who frequent these message boards. What is your favorite past time-hobby? (Header for a Hub page) I have three favorite past times. Sleeping Is My Favorite Past Time Marie now feels it time to put her favorite passed time to use and hopes she can give others as much joy with her books as some of her favorite authors have to her with their books. (Marie is publishing a book.) The National Passed Time My favorite pass time is watching tv shows as Family Guy and NCIS. Its my favorite passed time and hobby!! Music is my favorite Pass-Time! Cooking is my favorite pass time. The word pastime combines the verb pass and the noun time. Its earliest documentation in the OED is dated 1490 and is spelled as two words: passe tyme. Through the centuries, it has been spelled in different ways. I suppose it might have come to be spelled â€Å"pass time†or â€Å"pass-time†or â€Å"passtime,†but it didn’t. Its modern spelling is pastime. It doesn’t seem unreasonable to expect modern speakers to learn to spell it that way. While they’re at it, they might make an effort to learn the difference between passed and past. Passed is the past tense of the verb pass: The truck passed the Miata. Time passed quickly. Past can be either a preposition, an adjective, or a noun: Preposition: The antelope ran past the watering hole. Adjective: He recalled the past years with pleasure. Noun: Don’t dwell in the past. Related posts: Confusing Passed with Past Taking Another Pass at Passed Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Creative Writing 101Latin Plural EndingsPhrasal Verbs and Phrasal Nouns
Monday, October 21, 2019
My Identity Inheritance essays
My Identity Inheritance essays I have determined myself to be a star-bellied sneetch. I am a white, heterosexual male. Even though I do not follow a particular religion, I am still considered to be part of a dominant group. Ive grown up in a middle class environment, which has given me opportunities that subordinate group members usually do not receive. Although I am not tall, classically good looking, or in top physical shape, my identity will continue to provide me an edge at a good life. My father, who is of mainly Irish descent, doesnt like talking about his family for personal reasons. For my family tree, I decided to interview my mother instead. She has more knowledge about her mothers side than her fathers, so that is what Ill be writing about today. The Oelholf's immigrated to the United State from Germany near the end of the 19th century. The German family brought their young son, Fred, who is my great great grandfather. Farming was their trade. They settled in the small rural community of Spencerville, Ohio. There they grew corn and soybeans while also raising livestock. The Oelholf family made a good living in agriculture. They got along well with neighbors because of their strong work ethic and Protestant beliefs. Fred took over the farm as his father grew too old to work. He married and raised four children, and to each he left a section of the farm. One of those children, William, is my great grandfather. William worked hard while growing up on the farm. When his number was called, he went overseas and fought in World War I. Luckily, he came home alive. He continued the family business of farming, and thrived. William married Nondis, a woman of English descent, who bore six children. While being a homemaker, Nondis also made arts and crafts which she sold to the community. Nondis and Williams first child was John, or as he was better known, Johnny. I dont have a lot of details about...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Quotes to Help You Say I Love You
Quotes to Help You Say 'I Love You' You can be romantic when you profess your love, you can be poetic, and you can be cute. But what is the best way to do what should be the easiest thing: to express your love simply and directly, other than most basic approach: I love you? Here are some quotes attempting to find that simplicity. Its difficult to be sure who wrote some of them, but the thought is whats important, not the pedigree. Its always best to put your declaration of love in your own words, but maybe one of these will work for you, or maybe they will inspire you to come up with your own combination of words. As Plato probably said, â€Å"At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.†Leo Christopher, The Wisest Man on Instagram â€Å"I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow.†Roy Croft, American poet (possibly a pseudonym) â€Å"I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.†Emily Bronte, English novelist and poet â€Å"If raindrops were kisses, I’d send you showers. If hugs were seas, I’d send you oceans. And if love was a person I’d send you me.†Atticus, Greek or Roman philosopher I will never be perfect for you, but I will always imperfectly try to be.†R.M. Drake (Robert Macias), self-published poet â€Å"It was the way you laughed; I knew I wanted that in my life.†Anais Nin, French author You carry away with you a reflection of me, a part of me. I dreamed you; I wished for your existence. You will always be a part of my life. If I love you, it must be because we shared, at some moment, the same imaginings, the same madness, the same stage. Franz Kafka, Austro-Hungarian writer â€Å"I know of no greater happiness than to be with you all the time, without interruption, without end.†A.A. Milne, British author, created Winnie-the-Pooh â€Å"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.†J.R.R. Tolkien, British author â€Å"I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone.†Charlotte Brontà «, English novelist, Jane Eyre I have for the first time found what I can truly love- I have found you. You are my sympathy- my better self- my good angel- I am bound to you with a strong attachment. I think you good, gifted, lovely: a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart; it leans to you, draws you to my centre and spring of life, wrap my existence about you- and, kindling in pure, powerful flame, fuses you and me in one. Honore de Balzac, French novelist and playwright â€Å"Tonight I can only say that I love you too well for my peace of mind, and that absence from you is death to me.†Hermann Hesse, German novelist and poet f I know what love is, it is because of you.†Angelita Lim, probably a poet I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more. Nicholas Sparks, American romance novelist and screenwriter You are the answer to every prayer I’ve offered. You are a song, a dream, a whisper, and I don’t know how I could have lived without you for as long as I have. Anonymous When I follow my heart, it leads me to you.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Reading Response 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reading Response 5 - Essay Example The rule is to use a singular verb with a singular subject and a plural verb with a plural subject. However the tricky part is to identify the subject and recognizing it as singular or plural. The next step is then to use the appropriate verb. If the subject is singular, an ‘s’ is added at the end of the verb. For example, in the sentence, ‘The cat chases the birds’, ‘Cat’ is the subject which is singular and hence the verb used is ‘chases’ rather than ‘chase’. There are some rules which are important in recognizing the subject as singular or plural. They are listed below: A paragraph is a collection of many sentences that are carefully organized and talk about the same subject. A paragraph talks about a single idea which is stated clearly in the topic sentence. The topic sentence can be at the start of the paragraph or anywhere in between. All paragraphs follow a certain structure, mainly the introduction, body and the conclusion. The introduction usually contains the topic sentence along with other sentences that provide the reader with the background information. After the introduction, comes the body of the paragraph that talks about the topic introduced earlier. It builds up the topic using facts, arguments, examples or other information. In the end comes the conclusion which is necessary to wrap up the whole paragraph. The conclusion summarizes the main ideas stated in the paragraph and may talk about the implications of the topic
Company Analysis for Nike Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Company Analysis for Nike - Essay Example The company has agreements with internet companies such as Yahoo and Google. It uses them as a marketing platform for its products. It operates within different companies and subsidiaries. It entered the market originally with different footwear designs. It also deals in apparel designs such jerseys for different football teams and designs sports gear for other games as well. The company produces running shoes with their trademark logo â€Å"Nike†inscribed most of the labels they produce. Today, the company’s logo has grown to include a large range of leisure and sportswear. All this is endorsed by famous sporting personalities such as Tiger Woods. The Company is recognized by the Federal Statistical Classification Agencies that classify business establishments in the United States. This is the body that is charged with collection, analysis and publication of statistical data relating to the businesses within the USA. According to North America Industry Codes, Nike has the code 316211. 31 denote Footwear manufacturing Industry. 62 denote Rubber while 11 denotes plastics. In short, Nike falls under Footwear Manufacturing industry according to NAICS Codes. Nike Company designs, develops and markets high quality and active sports equipment, apparel, as well as other accessory products. The company produces several brands of shoe styles every single day to keep up to speed with different needs of its customers. It deals in trends that appeal to different tastes of its customers (Bogomolova, 2011). This is perhaps a critical success factor for the company. Different customers have a variety of products to choose from. They strive to meet current standards by studying the market and carrying out feasibility studies about new products, a measure that ensures they stay ahead of their competitors. The management of the company ensures that they have closer working relationships foe effective deliberation of
Friday, October 18, 2019
Summary on a research article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Summary on a research article - Essay Example The researchers then evaluated the selected responses using hermeneutics to find common themes and "initial inklings about the structure of the phenomena" (p.91). The study found that there was a relationship between the stress of performing the duties of a Jordanian nurse and the incidence of PTSD. The study also found that the stress was made more traumatic by the lack of professional and personal support systems. The researchers identified several common feelings that were the cause of their work-related stress. The study reported that a feeling of isolation and alienation, and empathy and helplessness were common threads that ran throughout the descriptive reports. The study established initial trustworthiness by the credentials of the researchers and the publication in the peer-reviewed journal Accident and Emergency Nursing. The study adhered to scientifically sound methods and acceptable research ethics. The study by Jonsson and Halabai (2006) had been pre-approved by the Ethical Committee at the Jordan University Hospital (p.92). According to Padgett (1998), "A trustworthy study is one that is carried out fairly and ethically and whose findings represent as closely as possible the experiences of the respondents".
Biomedical Issues in Autism Speech or Presentation
Biomedical Issues in Autism - Speech or Presentation Example Of special interest is the toxicological perspective which is, to some extent, also related to environmental factors. One important aspect is the role of environmental toxicities that can initiate or aggravate autistic symptoms in predisposed individuals. Etiologically speaking, certain metabolic abnormalities have been blamed to play a central role towards development of autism. This is manifested by the increased incidence of inflammatory disorders of the gastrointestinal system noted in autistic children. Such metabolic differences have been investigated in various studies, and it has been suggested that it is highly likely that other metabolic inefficiencies of this type render autistic individuals unable to cope with toxicities prevailing in the immediate environment of such individuals. These disorders of metabolism, therefore, contribute towards the development of autism in individuals by limiting their ability to overcome the metabolic challenges posed by the environmental to xicities. A major toxicity that has been studied in this regard is the presence of excess amounts of mercury in the environment of those who develop this condition. Review of Current Literature Although mercury is considered to be present in trace amounts in our environment, there are points in the mercury cycle where its interaction with life forms becomes significant enough to be considered as a contributor of disease. Once it is converted into methylmercury, it becomes volatile and soluble enough to get bio-accumulated in food chains (Utah.Gov). Mercury has been identified to be a neuro-toxin, and causes defects in memory, cognitive thinking, language, visual ability, and motor skills. These manifestations are more marked in developing brains. Common sources of exposure to mercury include food (fish etc.), dental amalgam, batteries, coal, and medical products including vaccines. There have been heated debates about the link between mercury and autism, and it appears that the vast majority of studies which deny such linkage are carried out under the influence of those who have a vested interest in promoting the concept of mercury being safe for human consumption. The reason for this claim is the fact that sufficient evidence exists to support a link between the two (DeSoto and Robert 165). Studies conducted to evaluate the level of mercury in hair and nail samples of autistic individuals have also pointed out that mercury can possibly act as a causative or contributive factor. The level of mercury in these tissues is considerably higher in autistic individuals as compared to their healthy counterparts (Priya and Arumugam 148). The notion that altered metabolic processes contribute towards the pathogenesis of autism due to mercury poisoning has been supported by research work. Of considerable importance is the observation that adverse reactions and abnormal development in autistic individuals correlate closely to their exposure to vaccines containing mercury as their constituent element. Higher levels of mercury in autistic individuals may be attributed to a different or defective pattern of metabolism in these individuals (Majewska et al. 196). Studies designed to seek a relationship between elevated levels of mercury in blood and the presence of autism have found a positive
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Summarize then compare and contrast Research Paper
Summarize then compare and contrast - Research Paper Example attack the Mexicans capturing many of them as prisoners including their general and this forces them to surrender, retreat and they finally withdraw from Alamo leaving it to Texans (Howard, Johnson and Hancock, 2004). This is a documentary about how the rights of the African Americans were repressed by groups such as the Ku Klux Klan in the South (who are referred to an Jim Crow) even after there was promise to grant them freedom as it was between the period of Civil Rights movement and Civil rights war. There was an order to lynch the blacks and the black activists revoking that order and insisting on their freedom as this even echoed the voice of the Northern whites. There is also referral to the Supreme Court ruling on the equality in schools as blacks refuting the school segregation policy that was previously present. The rise of the black activists such as Dubois and their contribution to the fall of Jim Crow is also reflected in the documentary (Jersey and Wormser, 2002). These two films are quite different and yet very similar in some ways. Even though one is a film (The Alamo) and the other a documentary (the rise and fall of Jim Crow), they both talk about the efforts by the citizens to seek and fight for what is rightfully theirs and not allow others to take over and tramp over them completely. The two are therefore battlegrounds (literally and otherwise) for their rights and hence an end to their misery. The two are based on real life events one being the civil rights movement and war and the other being the Texas –Mexicans war which is also historical as well (Howard, Johnson and Hancock, 2004). In the end, the results in both the film and the documentary are such that the minority win and their efforts, struggles and war have not been in vain as they finally get what they have been struggling for: Texans get Alamo and the Blacks get their freedom. They are based on two different time zones and one is a film and the other a documentary. One is a
Analyze a Business Case Study. Provide an analysis with an application Essay
Analyze a Business Case Study. Provide an analysis with an application of at least two theories relating to Ethics. They also will recommend what action should be taken - Essay Example The ethical issue is accepting the $50 bill and locating and providing a room for Liz Borden, despite eminent knowledge that no rooms were apparently available for the night. For giving a room to Liz Borden, Paige Lewis violated the duty-based ethics or deontological ethics, which was premised on â€Å"the right motive is â€Å"to do the right thing†, â€Å"to do one’s duty†, â€Å"to respect the moral law†(LaFave, 2006, p. 1). Paige Lewis has full knowledge that it is her responsibility to abide by the reservations made by customers, pursuant to the Code of Conduct and the hotel’s policies and procedures regarding reservations. As it was disclosed that the hotel was completely booked that night and there is clearly stipulated policy that states: â€Å"Honor the reservations at all cost†(Lieberman and Nissen, 2008, p. 121). Clearly, Lewis violated company policies and the hotel’s Code of Conduct under responsibilities with clients, which indicates that â€Å"members will not promise any benefit that is not within their control to deliver†(International Association of Hospitality Advisors: Responsibilites wit Clients, n.d., par. 5). Concurrently, Paige Lewis also violated trust of its employer by accepting the $50 bill, considered as a bribe to locate a potential room for Liz Borden. It itself, this is again a violation of the Deontological theory that stipulates that a bribe is morally wrong (Practical Business Likewise, under consequentialist theory, the outcome of Paige Lewis’ action, displacing the young woman of a room that was rightfully hers in the first place could potentially jeopardize her position when complaints would be filed against her and the hotel. holding times (meaning, the time needed to wait for the customers who made the reservations to arrive within the stipulated time frame). If there is a hold order of say, within one hour from the time of arrival indicated, and if any guest did not call to confirm
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Summarize then compare and contrast Research Paper
Summarize then compare and contrast - Research Paper Example attack the Mexicans capturing many of them as prisoners including their general and this forces them to surrender, retreat and they finally withdraw from Alamo leaving it to Texans (Howard, Johnson and Hancock, 2004). This is a documentary about how the rights of the African Americans were repressed by groups such as the Ku Klux Klan in the South (who are referred to an Jim Crow) even after there was promise to grant them freedom as it was between the period of Civil Rights movement and Civil rights war. There was an order to lynch the blacks and the black activists revoking that order and insisting on their freedom as this even echoed the voice of the Northern whites. There is also referral to the Supreme Court ruling on the equality in schools as blacks refuting the school segregation policy that was previously present. The rise of the black activists such as Dubois and their contribution to the fall of Jim Crow is also reflected in the documentary (Jersey and Wormser, 2002). These two films are quite different and yet very similar in some ways. Even though one is a film (The Alamo) and the other a documentary (the rise and fall of Jim Crow), they both talk about the efforts by the citizens to seek and fight for what is rightfully theirs and not allow others to take over and tramp over them completely. The two are therefore battlegrounds (literally and otherwise) for their rights and hence an end to their misery. The two are based on real life events one being the civil rights movement and war and the other being the Texas –Mexicans war which is also historical as well (Howard, Johnson and Hancock, 2004). In the end, the results in both the film and the documentary are such that the minority win and their efforts, struggles and war have not been in vain as they finally get what they have been struggling for: Texans get Alamo and the Blacks get their freedom. They are based on two different time zones and one is a film and the other a documentary. One is a
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Jack Welshs Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Jack Welshs Leadership - Essay Example He set up a priority of getting GE to occupy the #1 or #2 spot. Hence, he worked on massive changes to be implemented. Firstly, he sold almost 200 businesses of GE. He disposed off, the non-working, plagued businesses and acquired 370 acquisitions. He made the staffing 'lean and agile'. He also scrapped the strategic planning system and made it much simpler and focused. Besides this, he also took down massive downsizing, by removing employees who did not play an important role or contribution. He thus, retained only those employees who added value to the company. He also deleted the eight-level hierarchal system, reducing it to just half of it. 2. What is Welch's objective in the series of initiatives he launches in the late 1980's and early 1990s What is he trying to achieve in the round of changes he put in motion in that period Is there a logic or rationale supporting the change process Welsh clearly defined his objectives in the second phase of changes initiated. All the changes and activities he undertook had the underlying goal of creating a specific workplace culture. His intention was to create a culture that would be reflective of the company's brand image. More than this, the culture would give every employee the freedom to voice his opinion. His aim was to motivate a close-knit culture, where everyone could interact and work in cooperation and coordination for the best interest of the company. He also steered clear of the unnecessary bureaucratic pressure, in order to bring about a more focused work approach. He aimed at a decentralized method of work, with the building of small teams. However, he also believed in accountability. Welsh also took up the aspect of building a global business, as against a global company, in the wake of globalisation. This he did by strengthening and base and then moving across . Strenthening the quality of leadership in the organization was important, since teams had to function properly, for a collective overall work procedure. Every team was the micro unit of the whole macro company. In addition to this, a boundaryless functioning across the globe, with a collective and unified work culture was his vision. Hence, evidently, Welsh's strategies were aimed at changing with the changing times, especially in the wake of globalisation, without compromising on the company's culture and policies. 3. How does such a large, complex diversified conglomerate, defy the critics and continue to grow so profitably Have Welch's various initiatives added value If so, how GE has been a surprise spinner for many an on-looker. The critics continue to be surprised by its progress and innovation. Welsh's initiatives have always been towards
Monday, October 14, 2019
Information Security Classification Essay Example for Free
Information Security Classification Essay Information Security is simply the process of keeping information secure: protecting its availability, integrity, and privacy (Demopoulos). With the advent of computers, information has increasingly become computer stored. Marketing, sales, finance, production, materials, etc are various types of assets which are computer stored information. A large hospital is an institution which provides health care to patients. They are staffed by doctors, nurses, and attendants. Like any large organization, a hospital also has huge amounts of data and information to store. Hospitals have increasingly become automated with computerized systems designed to meet its information needs. According to the Washtenaw Community College website, the following types of information are stored in a Hospital: †¢ Patient information †¢ Clinical laboratory, radiology, and patient monitoring †¢ Patient census and billing †¢ Staffing and scheduling †¢ Outcomes assessment and quality control †¢ Pharmacy ordering, prescription handling, and pharmacopoeia information †¢ Decision support †¢ Finance and accounting †¢ Supplies, inventory, maintenance, and orders management Viruses, worms and malware are the most common threats to information security. In computers, a virus is a program or programming code that replicates by being copied or initiating it’s copying to another program, computer boot sector or document (Harris, 2006). Floppy disks, USB drives, Internet, email are the most common ways a virus spreads from one computer to another. Computer viruses have the potential to damage data, delete files or crash the hard disk. Many viruses contain bugs which can cause system and operating system crashes. Computer worms are malicious software applications designed to spread via computer networks (Mitchell). They also represent a serious threat to information security. Email attachments or files opened from emails that have executable files attached are the way worms spread. A Trojan is a network software application designed to remain hidden on an installed computer. Software designed to monitor a persons computer activity surreptitiously and which transmits that information over the internet is known as spy ware (Healan, 2005). Spy ware monitors information using the machine on which it is installed. The information is transmitted to the company for advertising purposes or sold to third party clients. Identity theft and data breaches are two of the biggest problems facing Information security managers. Hackers steal Social Security numbers, credit card data, bank account numbers and other data to fund their operations. There are other potential threats to the hospital information like power outages, incompetent employees, equipment failure, saboteurs, natural disasters, etc. A large hospital requires an information classification policy to ensure that information is used in appropriate and proper manner. The use of the information should be consistent with the hospital’s policies, guidelines and procedures. It should be in harmony with any state or federal laws. The hospital’s information should be classified as follows: 1. Restricted 2. Confidential 3. Public Restricted information is that which can adversely affect the hospital, doctors, nurses, staff members and patients. Its use is restricted to the employees of the hospital only. Finance and accounting, supplies, inventory, maintenance, and orders management are restricted information which comes in this category. Confidential information includes data on patients which must be protected at a high level. Patient information, clinical laboratory, radiology, and patient monitoring are some of the information which comes in this category. It can also include information whose disclosure can cause embarrassment or loss of reputation (Taylor, 2004). Public information includes data which provides general information about the hospital, its services, facilities and expertise to the public. Security at this level is minimal. This type of information requires no special protection or rules for use and may be freely disseminated without potential harm (University of Newcastle, 2007). Information Classification Threat Justification Patient information Confidential Disclosure or removal Any disclosure or removal can cause serious consequences to the patient Clinical laboratory, radiology, and patient monitoring Confidential Disclosure or removal Any disclosure or removal can cause serious consequences to the patient Finance and accounting, supplies, inventory, maintenance, and orders management Restricted Loss or destruction Any loss or destruction of this information could be very dangerous for the organization General information about the hospital, its services, facilities and expertise Public Low threat Low threat since the information is public. It would affect public relations however. Research Information Confidential Disclosure or removal This is confidential material since its exposure would cause serious consequences for the hospital Figure: Classification table Information is an asset for the hospital. The above information classification policy defines acceptable use of information. They are based according to the sensitivity of the information. According to the government of Alberta information security guideline, there are four criteria are the basis for deciding the security and access requirements for information assets. These criteria are: Integrity: information is current, complete and only authorized and accurate changes are made to information; Availability: authorized users have access to and can use the information when required; Confidentiality: information is only accessed by authorized individuals, entities or processes; and Value: intellectual property is protected, as needed. Information security must adequately offer protection through out the life span of the information. Depending on the security classification, information assets will need different types of storage procedures to ensure that the confidentiality, integrity, accessibility, and value of the information are protected. The hospital director must be responsible for the classification, reclassification and declassification of the hospital’s information. The information security policy must be updated on a regular basis and published as appropriate. Appropriate training must be provided to data owners, data custodians, network and system administrators, and users. The information security policy must also include a virus prevention policy, intrusion detection policy and access control policy. A virus prevention policy would include the installation of a licensed anti virus software on workstations and servers. The headers of emails would also be scanned by the anti virus software to prevent the spread of malicious programs like viruses. Intrusion detection systems must be installed on workstations and servers with critical, restricted and confidential data. There must be a weekly review of logs to monitor the number of login attempts made by users. Server, firewall, and critical system logs should be reviewed frequently. Where possible, automated review should be enabled and alerts should be transmitted to the administrator when a serious security intrusion is detected. Access to the network and servers and systems should be achieved by individual and unique logins, and should require authentication. Authentication includes the use of passwords, smart cards, biometrics, or other recognized forms of authentication. This policy is the access control policy. It prevents unauthorized access to critical data. A large hospital like any organization today uses computers to store its information. The classification of its data is a very important goal to protect it from threats like viruses, Trojans, worms, spy ware, ad ware and hackers. Natural disasters and incompetent employees are another type of threats to the hospital’s data. A proper information security policy can protect the organization’s critical data from any external or internal threat. Bibliography Allen, Julia H. (2001). The CERT Guide to System and Network Security Practices. Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley. 0-201-73723-X. Krutz, Ronald L. ; Russell Dean Vines (2003). The CISSP Prep Guide, Gold Edition, Indianapolis, IN: Wiley. 0-471-26802-X. Layton, Timothy P. (2007). Information Security: Design, Implementation, Measurement, and Compliance. Boca Raton, FL: Auerbach publications. 978-0-8493-7087-8. McNab, Chris (2004). Network Security Assessment. Sebastopol, CA: OReilly. 0-596-00611-X. Peltier, Thomas R. (2001). Information Security Risk Analysis. Boca Raton, FL: Auerbach publications. 0-8493-0880-1.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Dropping Out of School :: Why Students Drop Out
An efficient educational system is the one that achieves the teaching objectives without wasting time and money, but what happens when the goals are not reached? There are three options for the student pass the grade, repeat it or dropout of school. According to Ruebel, Ruebel, and O’Laughlin (2001), â€Å"School dropout is described as a process of disengagement in which students become more and more alienated from school and withdraw to the point of dropping out†(p.58). When students decide to drop out of school they are diminishing the opportunities to succeed, and lacking themselves from the tools of competing in our society today for a better future, they are at risk to engage in criminal activities and become dependent of the government system like welfare. A person that has been educated will have more possibilities to compete for a good job, and have a good quality of life. Woods explained that risk factors for dropping out of school exists in all life domains (i.e., individual family, school, community, peer relations), and the likelihood of a student dropping out of school increases as these risk factors accumulate (as cited in Christle et al., 2007). The phenomenon of dropout is caused by a variety of reasons, which must be studied to determine possible solution and prevention. According to Azzam (2007), the dropouts in her study identified five major reasons for leaving school and stated them as the following: Students were bored with school (47%); had missed school to many days and could not catch up (43%); spent time with people who were not interested in school (42%); had too much freedom and not enough rules in their lives (38%); and were failing (35%). (p. 91). Financial difficulties is a strong factor for the desertion of school, and even when the student does not want to leave the school he/she has to do it because of the family lack of financial resources. Diyu (2002) found that family financial difficulties are the primary reason for dropping out school. Also, migration by the parents from place to place looking for better job opportunities does not give the children the stability, confidence, they need. In their study, Morris, Pawlovich, and McCall, found that having several sibling or older siblings factors into the school leaving formula (as cited in Terry, 2008). Older siblings have to take care of the young ones because the parents cannot afford the payment of the day care.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Morality in O’Brien’s Going After Cacciato Essay -- Going After Caccia
Morality in O’Brien’s Going After Cacciato         Going After Cacciato, by Tim O'Brien, is a book that presents many problems in understanding. Simply trying to figure out what is real and what is fantasy and where they combine can be quite a strain on the reader. Yet even more clouded and ambiguous are the larger moral questions raised in this book. There are many so-called "war crimes" or atrocities in this book, ranging from killing a water buffalo to fragging the commanding officer. Yet they are dealt with in an almost offhanded way. They seem to become simply the moral landscape upon which a greater drama is played-- i.e. the drama of running away from war, seeking peace in Paris. This journey after Cacciato turns into a morality play, the road Westward metaphor. As Dennis Vannatta explains, "The desire to flee may have begun as a reaction to fear, but by the time the squad has reached Paris, Paul has nurtured and cultivated it until it has become a political, moral, and philosophical statement" (245). But what abo ut the atrocities going on all the time? How could they be ignored in the face of this larger drama? As Milton J. Bates puts it, although Going After Cacciato is "not atrocity-based in the manner of much Vietnam War autobiography and fiction, [it does] record incidents in which Vietnamese civilians are beaten or killed and have their livestock and homes destroyed" (270). This book has an almost offhanded-like way of dealing with these My Lai-like atrocities. Why? What's going on here? Well, one thing that one must take into consideration is the author's aim. As quoted by Timothy J. Lomperis at a conference, O'Brien has said, "'For me, the purpose of writing fiction is to explore moral quandaries. The... ...ving dreamed a marvelous dream, I urge you to step boldly into it, to join your dream and to live it" (O'Brien 284). Thoughts lead to actions. But dreaming is also doing. The act of imagination can sometimes have more power than any technological weapon. It is imaginations that stop wars. It is art fulfilling its role in society. It is art that brings the moral issues. It is art that makes us human.  Works Cited Bates, Milton J. "Tim O'Brien's Myth of Courage." Modern Fiction Studies 33.2 (Summer 1987): 263-279. Lomperis, Timothy J. "Down the Slippery Slope: Tensions Between Fact and Fiction." Interpretive Critique. O'Brien, Tim. Going After Cacciato. New York: Dell, 1978. Vannatta, Dennis. "Theme and Structure in Tim O'Brien's Going After Cacciato." Modern Fiction Studies 28.2 (Summer 1982): 242-246.      Â
Friday, October 11, 2019
Illusion vs. Reality
The characters portrayed this theme through perceived reality vs. actuality, knowledge is power, and knowledge can only be gained if it is presented to it first. In all three, there are people without knowledge and people with knowledge. The people that don't have knowledge are the general public, Truman, and the prisoners; the people with the knowledge are the government, Christof, and the things causing the shadows in the ave.The people without the knowledge live their lives as if they know everything while the people with knowledge try to either keep it that way or them the knowledge. Reality vs. actuality helps portray the theme though the people without the knowledge, who have his/her own reality while the actual world is something different. In Fahrenheit 451, the general public live their lives believing books are evil while they are actually not. In The Truman Show, Truman lives his life as if it is real, but it is a lie that was created for a TV show.In Plato's Republic, the prisoners were orn into a reality where shadows are their whole world, while the objects making the shadows were passing by. In all three, the reality shown to the people are not what the actual world is. Reality vs. actuality shows how the theme is portrayed in Fahrenheit 451, The Truman Show, and Plato's Republic. Another thing that helps display the theme is knowledge is power. The people who have the knowledge either use that power to keep the reality that the people without the knowledge already have or try to give them knowledge.The government in Fahrenheit 451 use firemen o try and keep the reality that books are evil and make that the truth to the general public. Christof and all the staff members in The Truman Show have the power and use actors to keep Truman's fabricated world the â€Å"truth†. In Plato's Republic the prisoners did not believe the philosopher who tried to give them knowledge and unveil the truth. The prisoners believe in their reality too much so t o them, knowledge are the shadows and that kept them under the truth. The people without knowledge are kept under their reality because knowledge can only be gained if presented it first.The people are never presented with knowledge, so they could never learn about the truth. Since the government tell lies, it prevents the general public to read books, and the general public never finds out the truth behind books. Truman never found out the actual world until he was presented with knowledge by his first love. Christof and the actors tried their best to prevent Truman from finding out the truth, but in the end they fail. In Plato's Republic the philosopher tried to present the prisoners the real world, but the prisoners rejected him and continued to believe in the shadows.The theme, we accept the reality with which we are presented, has been portrayed by reality vs. actuality, knowledge is power, and knowledge can only be gained if it is presented to it first. All of the people witho ut knowledge had their own reality that was not the actual truth. The people with knowledge had the power and tried to and the prisoners did not gain knowledge unless first presented with it. If the general public read the books, and if the prisoners did believe the philosopher, then everyone would have knowledge and there would not be a fake reality.
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