Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Working and Going to School Free Essays
Working, child rearing, and going to class are intense Is it conceivable to achieve my objectives and still meet ordinary duties? Working an all day work, being a solitary parent, and setting off for college are sincerely depleting. It’s distressing, disappointing, and difficult to be certain now and again when there are such huge numbers of requests on schedule. Objectives can be cultivated and still meet ordinary duties. We will compose a custom paper test on Working and Going to School or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now Working, child rearing, and going to class are extreme. Working an all day work is requesting. Rising early and working late is genuinely depleting. Everyday duties should be met which includes pressure. My activity is genuinely requesting consistently. I work in the administration field where I work outside ordinarily in any sort of climate. Truly difficult work, climbing, finishing the current task, at the same time imploring I return home safe and in one piece by the day's end. â€Å"I was tending to tables, going nowhere,†said Lynch, 32, and a single parent of one. â€Å"I was stuck for a long, long time. †(Brindley, 2006) Those announcements made me consider what I’m doing to transform myself to improve things. A one salary family necessitates that I drag my behind up every day and carry out my responsibility as well as could be expected so as to take care of the tabs. I’m a solitary parent of a multi year old little girl whom I love definitely. Being a solitary parent isn’t simple. The sole duty of a bringing up a kid to be dependable and taught is altogether up to the single parent. I talk with my girl all the time about my assignments and what my evaluations are in my courses. She roots for me when I get great scores on tests. I need all the inspiration I can get. As of late, my little girl hyper-extended her foot at school and has been on braces for as long as about fourteen days. I’ve made changes to my day by day calendar to oblige her needs. She is in a mobile cast presently yet at the same time difficult and requesting. She is a run of the mill adolescent that plans exercises with her companions and needs Mom to get her where she needs to go. School and grades are a steady battle with her. I can’t break through to her smarty pants head that getting her work done and reading for tests are an absolute necessity to get not too bad evaluations. I see that on the off chance that I will be a positive good example, returning to class and prevailing in my courses. (Seastrand, 2007) When her evaluations are down she has no benefits. That’s when Mom gets a break! She’s very little amusing to be around during these occasions either. Going to online school courses is intellectually and genuinely requesting. Remaining composed isn’t a simple undertaking. Association is the way in to your prosperity. On the off chance that you have no clue about what assignments are expected, what arrangements at work or school are up ahead you will get increasingly focused on which will make your GPA fall. Keep your home composed with your course books in a single recognize, your bills and mail in another spot, and so forth. Tolerance and needs are a need. Set aside the effort to remain composed and don’t stall. (Remarks on: How to Manage School While Working, 2005) I’m continually dismissing my little girl from the PC so as to complete assignments. Cutoff times for assignments don’t change yet should be separated into errands every day to comply with the time constraints. Going to school courses is upsetting. The choice to begin taking school courses and moving in the direction of my B. A. in Accounting was simple. â€Å"How would i say i was going to pay for my training? †I applied for awards and credits during the current year. I needed to hold up a while before I got my endorsement in the wake of beginning my courses. I can inhale a little simpler now yet I despite everything have a few additional years so as to complete my degree. I am amidst looking into grants which will enormously help the budgetary needs of school. Re-arranging my calendar so as to finish assignments and study is an on-going battle. â€Å"Will I be fruitful in my school courses and get passing marks? †I’m continually chipping away at this and petitioning God generally advantageous. Being a solitary school mother is a hard success/win circumstance and the drawn out impacts are generally significant. (Seastrand, 2007) Being a genuine guide to my little girl and getting passing marks on work is my inspiration to continue onward. Association, correspondence, tolerance, and needs are necessities and the keys to progress. (Remarks on: How to Manage School While Working, 2005). Here is one explanation that truly struck me and I trust it helps different understudies too. Above all, consistently trust YOU CAN DO IT! Turning out to be progressively instructed will completely change you. In the well known expressions of somebody whose name I have overlooked: â€Å"It is never past the point where it is possible to be what your identity was intended to turn into. †Good karma, I’m pulling for you! (Remarks on: How to Manage School While Working, 2005) Another understanding was not tuning in to individuals who state what your doing will be â€Å"too hard. †Keep pushing through and before you know it your degree necessities will be fulfilled and your kid will applaud you on graduation day. Back off of yourself and keep things as straightforward as could be expected under the circumstances. Depend on loved ones if need be. (Seastrand, 2007). Working an all day work, being a solitary parent, and heading off to college are largely extremely upsetting yet objectives can be cultivated with association and persistence. References Brindley, M. (2006, November). Returning to school made simpler for single guardians wanting to improve their lives. Remarks on: How to Manage School While Working (2005, 22 November). Seastrand, A. , (2007, April). What’s a Mom to Do? School Mom Magazine Step by step instructions to refer to Working and Going to School, Papers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Urinary Tract Infection And Kidney Disease â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Talk About The Urinary Tract Infection And Acute Kidney Disease? Answer: Presentation There exists a solid connection between urinary tract contamination and intense kidney illnesses and necessities steady checking and redressal. Rehashed event of urinary tract contamination could point at the nearness of serious type of kidney issue, for example, prostate organ extension in men and kidney stones in females (Chawla et al. 2014). Clinical relationship among UTI and disarray in the old The statements of UTIs shift impressively in the old and the youthful have been frequently found to create turmoil in the older. The indications and articulations shift with the matured gathering because of the differential reaction of the body to the assaulting germs and microbes. The reactions delivered by the Urinary tract diseases have been found to create genuine results in the old. A portion of the raised indications created in the old are expanded indications of disarray and tumult in the person. In this way, prudent steps along, for example, crisis injury care administrations should be given to the help client. Investigating exasperated wellbeing conditions in the patient There has been uncommon wellbeing crumbling in the patient credited to various conditions, for example, nearness of asthma and cardiovascular ailment. The man had been dependent on smoking also which could build his helplessness to respiratory contaminations. As remarked by Flores-Mireles et al. (2015), nicotine has been found to open a person to an expanded plenty of diseases. The patient here being a multi year elderly person of native starting point have constrained information or has restricted access to medicinal services administrations. Along these lines, he has been dependent on smoking and taken little consideration of his wellbeing. Consequently, the circumstance of the patient should be observed constantly. Treatment prerequisite In the present task the man had been admitted to the medical clinic with constant urinary tract diseases. In this way, helpful intercessions as medication and renal medications were required to control the disease and deal with the side effects of agony inside the patient. End The treatments controlled ought to be upheld with adequate proof based instruments which would help in getting to the clinical states of the patient alongside planning of powerful consideration intercessions There should be convenient mediation and satisfactory measure of screening methodology for getting to the patient wellbeing. In this regard, directing a pee investigation would help in estimation of the measure of optional or poisonous metabolites creates in the body. Therefore, execution of a point by point screening procedure would help in planning appropriate consideration plan. The reactions delivered by the Urinary tract contaminations have been found to create genuine outcomes in the old. A portion of the raised indications created in the old are expanded indications of disarray and unsettling in the person. In this way, prudent steps along, for example, crisis injury care administrations should be given to the help client. References Chawla, L. S., Eggers, P. W., Star, R. A., Kimmel, P. L. (2014). Intense kidney injury and interminable kidney malady as interconnected syndromes.New England Journal of Medicine,371(1), 58-66. Flores-Mireles, A. L., Walker, J. N., Caparon, M., Hultgren, S. J. (2015). Urinary tract diseases: the study of disease transmission, components of contamination and treatment options.Nature audits. Microbiology,13(5), 269.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Share Your CPW With Us!
Share Your CPW With Us! QUOTE: Coming from Stanford [before MITs CPW], I actually bought a Stanford pen because I really liked the campus but staying here over CPW I now regret that I even bothered to spend money on that, haha. I really like it here despite the weather. MIT rules!! -actual 14 testimonial, quoted verbatim from a letter left to her host before she departed MIT today. :) I just woke up, oddly feeling nostalgic about CPW (this happens every year). Starting from meeting a couple dozen of you at the iHouse International Feast on Thursday, it had been a rollercoaster ride of a weekend since then. Holla to the MA, NY, CT, NH, MD, RI, NJ, CA, MI, IL, IN, MO, TX, FL, SC, NC, VA, PA, OR, WA, Korea, and Switzerland prefrosh that I met this weekend!! :) (this is why I like to ask you where yall are from :P one of the best things about CPW is meeting you all who come from diverse corners of the world and seeing how much energy and talent you bring to the campus!). Just like what President Hockfield said at the Closing Festival, you are were selected from less than 10% of the applicant pool, and all have your own very special accomplishments to be proud of! There is an old tradition where current bloggers open up our blogs to you all post-CPW, to share what youve experienced this CPW from YOUR point of view. Therefore, I would be open to blogs from all of you! Send me your best CPW blog text, pictures, videowhatever you want! at my email address on the banner (ask-oasis [at] mit [dot] edu) and Ill post them as guest blogs! Dont worry too much about format I can help you HTMLize the text and the links, and resize your pictures so theyre web compatible. :) This was your weekend, and were curious how it went for you! :D As for us, today is officially CPW Recovery Day, otherwise known as *cough*gettingallthepiledupworkdoneafteranentireweekendofhavingtoomuchfun*cough* :P As usual, let any of us know if we can help you in any way to make the decision process smoother between now and May 1! ^_____^ - Congrats Next Act 2010! This song is perpetually stuck in my mind. :)
Share Your CPW With Us!
Share Your CPW With Us! QUOTE: Coming from Stanford [before MITs CPW], I actually bought a Stanford pen because I really liked the campus but staying here over CPW I now regret that I even bothered to spend money on that, haha. I really like it here despite the weather. MIT rules!! -actual 14 testimonial, quoted verbatim from a letter left to her host before she departed MIT today. :) I just woke up, oddly feeling nostalgic about CPW (this happens every year). Starting from meeting a couple dozen of you at the iHouse International Feast on Thursday, it had been a rollercoaster ride of a weekend since then. Holla to the MA, NY, CT, NH, MD, RI, NJ, CA, MI, IL, IN, MO, TX, FL, SC, NC, VA, PA, OR, WA, Korea, and Switzerland prefrosh that I met this weekend!! :) (this is why I like to ask you where yall are from :P one of the best things about CPW is meeting you all who come from diverse corners of the world and seeing how much energy and talent you bring to the campus!). Just like what President Hockfield said at the Closing Festival, you are were selected from less than 10% of the applicant pool, and all have your own very special accomplishments to be proud of! There is an old tradition where current bloggers open up our blogs to you all post-CPW, to share what youve experienced this CPW from YOUR point of view. Therefore, I would be open to blogs from all of you! Send me your best CPW blog text, pictures, videowhatever you want! at my email address on the banner (ask-oasis [at] mit [dot] edu) and Ill post them as guest blogs! Dont worry too much about format I can help you HTMLize the text and the links, and resize your pictures so theyre web compatible. :) This was your weekend, and were curious how it went for you! :D As for us, today is officially CPW Recovery Day, otherwise known as *cough*gettingallthepiledupworkdoneafteranentireweekendofhavingtoomuchfun*cough* :P As usual, let any of us know if we can help you in any way to make the decision process smoother between now and May 1! ^_____^ - Congrats Next Act 2010! This song is perpetually stuck in my mind. :)
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Effects Of Microorganisms And Its Effects On The...
Introduction: Microorganisms have been used by human beings to their benefit for centuries. Ancient biotechnology utilized yeast to make bread and wine – perhaps well before they even knew that tiny microbes were causing bread to rise, or grapes to ferment! In the modern day, the use of microbes has extended so far as to actually help us reverse the damages we cause to the environment. One such environmental application of microorganisms is Bioremediation – the use of either indigenous or Hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria (HCBs) to rapidly digest hydrocarbons from oil spills. According to a recent study by The International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Limited, between 2010 and 2012 there were 21 tanker spills, 5 of which were above 700 tons (2012). The use of often naturally occurring bacteria to digest these oil spills is now being heavily studied and implemented as a means to clean up these disastrous oil spills. Biostimulation (the addition of inorganic nutrients that would normally be limiting) has been studied as a potential measure to encourage indigenous microbes to increase their rate of hydrocarbon digestion in order to expedite the process of oil spill clean-up. Bioaugmentation, the process of introducing HCBs to a native community to increase efficacy of bioremediation, has also been studied in addition to the effect of the addition of surfactants in both cases (McKew et al., 2007). Because oil-spills tend to contain everyShow MoreRelatedMicrobial Pathogens And Its Effects On Human Health Essay912 Words  | 4 PagesINTRODUCTION Food may be contaminated with a range of microorganisms during harvesting, processing, handling operations and indirectly by way of contaminated water. Eventually, even during distribution and storage only a small quantity of these will develop and cause serious deteriorations known as food spoilage. Contamination of food with pathogens leads to foodborne diseases. Foodborne disease is any illness that results from the spoilage of food contaminated by pathogenic bacteria, viruses,Read MoreBeneficial Effects of Probiotics Essay1408 Words  | 6 Pages INTRODUCTION Probiotics are ingestable microorganisms which gives the consumer a beneficial effect. First coined by the late eli Metchnikoff probiotics are described to be microorganisms which are ingested in small amount to increase the diversity of both flora and fauna inside the human body this reaction in turn affects the adaptation abilities for the human body to react to different surroundings, digest different things, or just improve the antibody or the mechanism that already exists in theRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Infectious Diseases1100 Words  | 5 Pagesinfectious diseases start at the surface of the host. The only exception is certain intrauterine transmitted infections. The initial barrier is the skin, respiratory tract, or the gastrointestinal tract. The specific surface involved relates to how the microorganism reaches the host. Most infectious diseases begin with exposure to the infectious agent. Following that in an incubation period and then the manifestations of the disease. An inflammatory response usually brings patients to a doctor because ofRead MoreGlobal Warming : A Potential Solution1330 Words  | 6 Pagessocieties are now tormented by several pollution problems that were largely unknown prior to WWII. Prominent among these problems is environmental pollution of xenobiotic synthetic chemicals that fail to be recycled by microorganism and may be biomagnified with destructive effects. Also, deforestation, land conversion, overhunting and the burning of fossil fuels are other human’s activities that impact negatively our ecosystem. Contributing to global warming, the devastation of the coral reefs, wildlifeRead MoreTypes Of Bacteria And Its Effects On The Environment890 Words  | 4 PagesMicrobes are ubiquitous in the biosphere, and their existence invariably influences the environmen t that they are growing in. The environment in this case can be air, water, or soils that cover the planet. Depending on the types of bacteria, their effects on the environment could be harmful, unapparent, or beneficial with regard to human observation. Using microorganism to study environment may provide a clearer picture about how complicated ecosystem is operating. Since microbes are very small,Read MoreCadmium And Its Effects On The Environment Essay1345 Words  | 6 Pagesis present on earth crust as heavy metal and its exposure in environment is very big challenge to environmentalist because cadmium is non-degradable in nature. In environment cadmium transfers from one trophic level to another and finally accumulated in human with toxic effects. There is an emergent need to remove the cadmium from environment. Microbes are very helpful in this area to remediate the cadmium from environment. Microorganisms used biotransformation and adsorption mechanisms for regulationRead MoreMrsa Case Study1342 Words  | 6 Pages DISCUSSION In the present study a total of 270 personnel screened for microorganisms and MRSA carriage. From these personnel 91(33.7%) Dentists, 89(32.9%) Nursing staff and 90(33.3%) were patients. Among 270 DHCPs screened, thirty were positive for MRSA either in nose or hands giving a carriage rate of 11.1%. The proportion of personnel with nasal carriage of MRSA was higher (14.7%) than hand carriage (9.3%) this result agreed with that of Kalyani et al. (2012) where personnel carriage of nasalRead MoreWater Pollution And Its Effects On Aquatic Life1526 Words  | 7 PagesWater Pollution and its Effects on Aquatic Life Charles Darwin, the father of evolutionary biology, states in his theory of evolution that only organisms better fit to survive in their environment will survive. Based on his theory and research, it can be concluded that challenges to the environment directly affect the organisms. Research shows that in particular water pollution; hospital wastewater and sewage wastewater, is shown to cause antibiotic-resistant microorganisms, excess nutrients suchRead MoreThe Health Of Humans And Companion Animals1120 Words  | 5 Pagespractice. Probiotics are living organisms that naturally inhabit the gastrointestinal tract of both humans and companion animals. These microorganisms survive the highly acidic environment of the monogastric gastrointestinal tract and can be found living in the feces. Improvement of physical symptoms as well as the levels of microorganisms within the feces measures the effects of probiotics (Bybee et al., 2011: Scharek-Tedin et al., 2013: Lee et al., 2012). Resea rchers utilizing probiotics have addressedRead MoreConsiderations of Food Safety1128 Words  | 4 PagesFood safety is one of the primary concerns in our industry, especially to those who process food in large amounts. Therefore, proper sanitation must be provided in order to destroy microorganisms that could possibly spoil and contaminate food products. Sanitizers are substances used to reduce and inhibit most microorganisms present in surfaces of equipment and utensils. They are usually in the form of liquid mixture applied directly on the surface of equipment or any material that may come in contact
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Struggle Between Good and Evil in William Goldings Lord...
The Struggle Between Good and Evil in William Goldings Lord of the Flies Evil is not an external force controlled by the devil, but rather the potential for evil resides within each person. Man has the potential to exhibit great kindness or to rape and pillage. In the novel Lord of the Flies, William Golding deals with this evil that exists in the heart of man. With his mastery of such literary tool as structure, syntax, diction, point of view and presentation of character, Golding allows the reader to easily identify with each character and explore the novels main theme, the constant internal struggle between the forces of good and evil. Goldings novel has a remarkably complete and solid†¦show more content†¦During the sows death, he uses medium length sentences, dissected by commas to form shorter phrases. Towards the end of the novel, when Ralf is chased, comas are again employed. Here, Golding makes use of his shortest sentences, even using sentence fragments. He also uses shorter paragraphs. This particular use of syntax creates much tension. Golding also creates tension with the use of specific words. Many are connotative and therefore create a story abundant in meaning and symbolism. Golding uses colours such as pink to symbolize particular things such as innocence, piglets and the island. The word yellow makes the reader think of the sun, enlightenment and Ralf; the words black and red bring to mind evil, blood and Jack. With the use of words the author also creates the novels own private symbols. The conch comes to symbolize authority, democracy and order. Upon the mentioning Piggys glasses, images of insight and reason come to mind. With this highly connotative language, Golding creates many contrasts. He compares the dazzling beachs pink granite (Golding 12), green feathered palm trees and endless sand (Golding 10) to the darkness of the forest (Golding 10) full of broken trunks (Golding 10), cables of creepers (Golding 28), and dense vegetation. He also compares the days torrid sun (Golding 176) to the night which makes everything as dim and strange as theShow MoreRelatedLord of The Flies Essay1673 Words  | 7 PagesLord of the Flies was published in 1954 by William Golding. Today Lord of the Flies is a well known literary criticism. Many schools require their students to read Lord of the Flies because of the literary criticisms in the book. In this paper three themes or literary criticisms are talked about: good vs. evil, symbolism of characters, and maturity of characters. Another topic in Goldings Lord of the Flies is the battle of good vs. evil. Everything seems to start out just fine on the island; theRead MoreSocietal Breakdown On The Island1720 Words  | 7 PagesSocietal breakdown on the island in ‘Lord of the Flies’ is due to the inherent evil of man 3.8: Develop an informed understanding of literature and/or language using critical texts. Hypothesis: Societal breakdown on the island is due to the inherent evil of man Jason Carvalho ‘Lord of the Flies’ is the name of William Golding’s historically famous novel, yet it is more than just a title. It is a kind of statement, a way of mocking the very existences of humanity. Reading this book I cameRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1745 Words  | 7 Pages1954 novel, Lord of the Flies by Nobel Prize-winner William Golding is a dystopian allegory indicative of vast aspects of the human condition. Set in the midst of a nuclear war, the text details a group of marooned British school boys as they regress to a primitive state. Free from the rules and structures of civilisation and society, the boys split into factions - some attempting to maintain order and achieve common goals; others seeking anarchy and violence. The novel is based on Golding’s experienceRead MoreThe Lord Of The Flies1468 Words  | 6 PagesThe Lord of the Flies tells the story of a group of English schoolboys marooned on a tropical island after their plane is shot down during a war. Though the novel is fictional, its exploration of the idea of human evil is at least partly based on Golding’s experience with the real-life violence and brutality of World War II. Free from the rules and structures of civilization and society, the boys on the island in Lord of the Flies descend into savagery. Golding’s experience in World War II had aRead MoreMichelle Duan Mrs. MJ English 10 H, per. 3 13 February 2014 A Symbol’s Worth a Thousand1500 Words  | 6 Pagesthe symbols found in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies. As a group of boys stranded on an island struggle to survive without adult supervision to maintain order, Golding uses a variety of objects to convey their descent from civilization into brutality, violence, and savagery. Of these objects, three hold particular significance. In Lord of the Flies, Golding uses the conch, the signal fire, and the Lord of the Flies to symbolize civilization, hope for rescue, and inner evil while conveying an overallRead MoreThe Lord of the Flies by William Golding1306 Words  | 5 PagesIn The Lord of the Flies, William Golding creates a microcosm that appears to be a utopia after he discharged from the British Royal Navy following World War II. After an emergency landing, Golding places a diverse group of boys on the island that soon turns out to be anything but utopia. The island the boys are on turns out to be an allegorica l dystopia with inadequate conditions (Bryfonski 22). The boys reject all lessons they learned from their prior British society, and they turn towards theirRead MoreEssay on How Lord of the Flies Related to Aspects of Human Nature1397 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Goldings novel Lord of the Flies not only provides a profound insight into human nature but also does so in a way that is remarkable for its use of shock and horror. Golding presents aspects of human nature as themes in the book. It alerts us to our potential to descend from order to chaos, good to evil, civilization to savagery. They are explored through how innate evil can be brought out in certain situations, the dangers in not addressing our own fears and the battle between civilizationRead MoreA Struggle for Power (Lord of the Flies) Essay807 Words  | 4 PagesA Struggle for Power William Golding’s Lord of the Flies presents a story of a group of boys who become stranded on an island together, and in their struggle to survive; some begin to fight for power. Having power makes them feel in control of their situation; however, this power struggle quickly begins to consume them. Golding uses the power struggle between Ralph and Jack, the two main characters, to illustrate the power struggle between good and evil. Ralph and Jack both have very differentRead MoreAn Allegory of Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalysis Theory in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies936 Words  | 4 Pagesthe Flies, written by William Golding, is an allegory for Sigmund Freud’s theory on the superego, the ego, and the id, and the constant struggle between the three psyches, which leads to a man becomingcrazy. The three characters in the novel which represent the three psyches are; the Lord of the Flies, Ralph, and Simon. The island that the boys are stranded on can be interpreted as the mind of the man. Simon’s death and the hunt for Ralph are both plot events that symbolize the struggle betweenRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1456 Words  | 6 PagesHobbes, however, held the belief that mankind is naturally evil and that society needs an absolute central authority to contain this evilness and grant its people with the common protection. Hobbes believes that in a state of nature, when there are no rules and everyone is granted equal power, the inherent evil impulses of Man are exposed. One example of a state of nature is in the society described in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies. A group of British boys are thrown on a secluded island with
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Team Communication Essay - 1215 Words
Team Communication Abstract Having a team is harder than working alone. Every member of their own way on how they understand when people are communicating and how they communicate with others. Observing different types of teams, whether its football or in a business atmosphere, they all have the same sort of habits that make them successful. Small things such as, leadership, trust, and how you communicate are key components of many team successes. Team Communication: Keys to a Successful Team In Influence of Covey Habit Training on Teams, it states, â€Å"Learning and applying approaches that improve individual and interpersonal approaches that improve individual and interpersonal skills should facilitate processes that lead to†¦show more content†¦Whatever your members’ special talent may be it would benefit the team as a whole to utilize their individual style. This will make each person fell as though they have a personal claim to the goal the team is a aspiring to accomplishing. According to Building Trust With Effective Communication by Rob Waldman, â€Å"group members tend to be uncertain and anxious about such things as their role, who is in charge, and the group’s goal.†In the midst of selecting or having a leader can have an enormous balance to get everyone focused and open to one another. This sort of communication can have a very organized structure. Having that leadership is an increase in the interaction within the group for th e reason that will help every member to recognize that their outlook and talent is essential to the goal. A different habit of a thriving team is trust within all team members. â€Å"The lack of trust among team members constrained their individual and collective voices, restricting the sharing of knowledge, experience, and opinion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ by Linda Loehr. As a result of having trust within the team will allow an opportunity to openness and communication. A number of teams that have not been too successful, their members (not the leader) have not had the chance or opportunity to speak about their ideas or views to improve the team. Other problems for lack of communication are people’s age andShow MoreRelatedTeam Communication Essay965 Words  | 4 PagesTeam Communication Teamwork is very important when it comes to good communication skills. It has been said that effective communication skills empower an individual to inspire and influence others in order to reach the desired outcome, no matter how difficult the situation may appear to be. Anyone who has an open view about all things can give that information to another person and be able to explain why they feel the way they feel. And it can be possible that he/she are able to convince theRead MoreCommunication in Virtual Team1524 Words  | 7 PagesAssignment 1 Communication in Virtual Team Capella University September 26, 2013 Communication Communication is the activity of conveying information though the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information by speech, visuals, signals, writings or behaviors (Grosse, 2002). These processes are done over time, culture, and geographic boundaries, while this has become a common practice for organizations and has give rise to the concept of globally dispersed teams known as virtual teams (LaLondeRead MoreTeam Communication Skills1014 Words  | 4 PagesTeam Communication Skills In addition to good individual communication skills, the team itself needs to form communication skills. Cohen (2008) looks in detail of the communication skills the team should establish for good overall communication. In addition, the article also goes to explain how commutation plays a role in conflict resolution, and what group rules the team should create when conflict occurs. As a team, creating a protocol for conflict management is important. This includes how theRead More Communications in Team Environments1284 Words  | 6 PagesCommunications Communication within a collaborative team can be a one to one, one to many, or many to many. Either way, communication is a vital component in maintaining a non-hostile environment of a collaborative team. The objective of communication is to share thoughts, ideas, and feelings in the most common and effective way as possible. Communication is defined as an exchange of information and the transmission of meaning. During the Industrial Revolution age, messenger verbally deliveredRead MoreTeam Communication Essay example1141 Words  | 5 PagesTeam communication is vital in many aspects of our professions. It is human nature to coexist with others in various roles: be it in the military, emergency medicine, football, or even school. The American Heritage Dictionary (n.d.) defines communication as the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior. While serving in the United States Armed Forces, service members have to learn to take orders from those that are ranked higher than themselvesRead MoreThe Importance of Team Communication Essay1310 Words  | 6 PagesThe Importance 1 Running head: THE IMPORTANCE OF TEAM COMMUNICATION The Importance of Team Communication The Importance 2 Abstract This paper will discuss the importance of effective communication among teams whether in a professional or educational setting. The intended information will create a broader understanding of how team members establish communication: assigning a leader, what each member is expected to do in order to achieve the desired goal or goals and attainRead MoreEssay on Effective Team Communication1783 Words  | 8 PagesEffective Team Communication In the environment today, it is not unusual to see people working in teams to accomplish certain goals and tasks. During our youth, parents and teachers encourage us through various methods to work as part of a team. Whether a sports team, classroom team, or after school activities, parents and teachers and other authority figures start the introduction of working in teams and teaching the value of being able to work together to accomplish a common goal. As peopleRead MoreCommunication Challenges in Global Virtual Teams3258 Words  | 14 PagesCommunication Challenges in Building Successful Global Virtual Teams Due to Diversity and Cultural Differences Abstract This paper introduces an approach to effectively communicate within a global virtual team by discussing the challenges faced by them, understanding cultural differences in communicating, diversity within a team, building trust in virtual communication, and communicating across different regions and time zones. This approach appears in many discussions surrounding the difficultiesRead MoreThe Importance Of Team Communication Essay1457 Words  | 6 Pagesof this paper is to show how communication is a very vital and important factor in a team’s success. I will cover how it helps to identify each individual team member’s role. I will discuss how team communication helps everyone in the team to understand the end goal, and I will also discuss how communication is a vital part of project planning within the team. The Importance of Team Communication Team dynamics is the unseen force that pulls and influences a team to act and react in a certainRead MoreWhat Makes A Better Systems Of Communication Within Sports Teams1741 Words  | 7 Pagessports team, are often won by the same few teams over and over and over again, but people have difficulty understanding why. What makes certain teams so successful? Sports teams have long wondered what is the best way to become and stay competitive at high levels of competition. Teams are always looking to improve and reach that next level. Vast amounts of money are paid to improve sports teams, and many businesses base their models of work on professional athletics. I will be discussing a team today
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Housing Solution and Housing Issues
Question: Discuss the ways or strategies to improve the quality of life and services on a problem estate? Answer: Introduction In this paper, as a housing management consultant recommends the ways or strategies to improve the quality of life and services on a problem estate managed by Mountclaim Housing Association. The association has called you in to provide a strategy to improve this estate. Mountclaim Housing Association are faced the key issues these are the level of income collection is low, the quality of repairs and maintenance is low, and tenant representatives say that tenants are scared to go out at night because there are kids hanging around all the time. This paper address these key issues through recommend a strategy to improve the quality of services to the estate, including improvements in collection of rent, reduction in anti-social behaviour and improved repairs and maintenance services. The allocation of properties should also be included. Recommendations Mountclaim Housing Association perceives that powerful occupancy and bequest administration is an essential piece of the landowner administrations procurement we convey to inhabitants and occupants of the Borough. Mountclaim Housing Association ought to be updated Tenancy and Estate Management Strategy 2015-2018 to face the key tested. Occupancy and domain administration is not just about caring for structures and the physical environment; it is likewise about guaranteeing our tenures are successfully overseen and about giving and masterminding counsel, backing and support to those occupants and inhabitants who need it (Wood, 2003). The key point of this system is to convey magnificence in tenure and bequest administration including hostile to social conduct through enhancing existing administrations and the nature of our lodging homes. This method diagrams the developing vision of our tenure and home administration benefit through the following three years. The archive is liable to change as it is impacted by inhabitants, accomplices, partners and business issues. This procedure will address the key occupancy and home administration issues that have been recognized as needs by our inhabitants, leaseholders and different occupants. It will add to our point of making practical groups and will add to the Council's Strategic Improvement Plan. Basildon Borough Council perceives that powerful administration of our occupancies and neighborhoods will guarantee the long haul supportability of homes and groups (Jowsey, 2014). In the Tenancy and Estate Management Strategy, Mountclaim Housing Association should be used the software to improve rent collection. For example, it should use Buildiums software that is all-in-one property management software. In recent times, more than 10,000 customers use Buildium to manage over three-quarters-of-a-million units. Buildiums software helps Mountclaim Housing Association to properly manage streamline daily tasks in the rent, vacancy, and maintenance cycles (Virginia Richard, 2001). In recent times, Mountclaim Housing Association performance has decline from 55% to 43%, so this Tenancy and Estate Management Strategy through use the property management software would be beneficial of it to enhance revenue. The property management software can improve the financial capability of the organization through able it to collect revenue securely from all customers at less time. According to Audit Commision (2002) report, a small reduction on the percentage of rent collection will have a great impact on the service provision. So, that the use of property management software can help Mountclaim Housing Association to collect rent more fast and accurately, which help it to maintain their services. It can also save the money and time of Mountclaim Housing Association, so it able to provide best services of the more than 5,700 homes per year. Mountclaim Housing Association ought to be focused on building up our Tenancy and Estate Management Strategy and going with administrations through colossal interview with administration clients and key partners. This dedication is reflected inside of our marketable strategy and occupant investment minimal. We utilize a scope of systems to get input, including bequest reviews, natural champions, group boards, occupant monitors, secret shopping, review reactions and administration change bunches (Williamson, Fearon Kelly, 2014). This empowers us to tailor administration conveyance and upgrades to mirror the needs of individual neighborhoods, homes or roads, whilst keeping up spotlight on manageability of groups and tenures. The route in which Mountclaim Housing Association ought to oversee Council tenures and lodging domains has a critical effect on every nearby occupant and this method sets out how we mean to accomplish a serene, sheltered and great quality living environment for all inhabitants (McCulloch, 2012). Huge advancement has been made in enhancing the nature of our administrations and client concentrate around occupancy and home administration administrations. Mountclaim Housing Association ought to have built up our staff to guarantee that they are prepared to convey fantastic administrations, and building up two expert groups that arrangement with all matters identifying with Tenancy and Estate Management and Anti-social Behavior. Tenancy and Estate Management Plan: Tenancy and Estate Management is a term used to portray an extensive variety of administrations identifying with the administration of Council tenures and the encompassing neighborhoods. It covers a different scope of issues that are described in this paragraph. It providing counsel and help to each of the inhabitants with respect to the rights and obligations contained inside of their tenure assertion. It ensuring that inhabitants conform to their occupancy assentions and where they are not, making proper move to guarantee that they do, including making authorization move. It dealing with against social conduct, despise wrongdoing and residential misuse on our lodging domains, where important, in association with different organizations and in accordance with the needs of the Basildon Community Safety Partnership. Moreover, it providing backing and guidance to each of the inhabitants however especially new and defenseless occupants and guaranteein g fitting tenure sustainment backing is set up for those that oblige it. (Ihuah Eaton, 2013). This plan should be conducting tenure surveys to guarantee there are no abnormalities in our occupancies and where there are, working with Housing Fraud and different organizations to make fitting move. It should be dealing with deserted properties and unlawful subletting. It providing exhortation and support on tenure matters, e.g. progressions, assignments, shared trades and name changes. It should be undertaking standard domain investigations with inhabitants, accomplices and builders to distinguish and cure any imperfections on our lodging domains, for example, vandalism, shared repairs, litter, junk and congested trees. It should be working nearly with Operational Services to arrangement successfully with issues, for example, fly tipping, graffiti, litter and relinquished vehicles. In addition, this plan should be ensuring mutual zones are kept clean, clean and safe. It should be delivering an exhaustive cleaning administration in association with Pinnacle and checking execution of the agreement. It should be developing and actualizing home activity arranges and recognizing hotspot ranges for development. It should be delivering natural plans and Neighborhood Pride activities including a system of renovating drying and deny ranges all through the Borough and creating reusing activities on our bequests. Key Objective: It is imperative that Mountclaim Housing Association keep on building and enhance the magnificent administrations that we effectively convey (Williamson, Fearon Kelly, 2014). This methodology and going hand in hand with activity arrangement empowers us to give a reasonable concentrate on zones of further change that have been recognized as key issues by our occupants and different partners. These are the main 15 key objectives of this strategy: 1. To bolster conveyance of our Business Plan 2015-17 and to be an Excellent Housing Service for nearby individuals.2. To guarantee we meet our statutory commitments in connection to tenure and home administration including the way we oversee against social conduct.3. To enhance the security of our groups and diminish occurrences of hostile to social conduct.4. To enhance backing to casualties and witnesses of hostile to social conduct.5. To reduce incidents of occupancy extortion and to act quickly where this is distinguished.6. To enhance consumer loyalty with the tenure and home administration administrations we give. (Bright Dixie, 2014)7. To give high caliber, steady and open tenure and home administration benefits that are proactive, delicate, proficient, responsive, adaptable, responsible and reasonable.8. To give advanced offices on our domains and guarantee bequests and squares are clean and clean.9. To guarantee we consistently look for and use subsidizing sources and orga nization attempting to accomplish results that advantages the more extensive group.10. To guarantee that the assets that are accessible are centered on the needs recognized by key partners.11. To guarantee the administrations we convey give worth to cash.12. To enhance execution administration over the administration and the utilization of administration level understandings.13.To guarantee compelling instruments are set up for inhabitants to be counseled on changes that influence them and that they have the chance to give criticism that will be contemplated.14. To build inhabitant contribution and strengthening to empower inhabitants to settle on choices about their group especially in connection to use of the Environmental Champions Budget. (Ihuah Eaton, 2013)15. To enhance the techniques and the assortment of ways that inhabitants can draw in with Landlord Services in connection to tenure and home administration, for example, consistent domain walkabouts Delivering the Strategy: Mountclaim Housing Association ought to be perceived that the effective execution of this technique won't be accomplished in segregation and is subordinate upon fruitful working with nearby inhabitants, other Council divisions and our accomplices. We will work with accomplices to secure an all encompassing way to deal with tenure and bequest administration and wherever conceivable we will share assets to decrease our expenses. It ought to be re-organized our specialty to make authority groups, devoted to giving top notch occupancy and bequest administration administrations including the powerful administration of against social conduct (Byrne, Jackson Lee, 2013). It will guarantee that all our staff gets the fundamental bolster and preparing to empower them to completely meet the prerequisites of their part. These pro groups will be instrumental in guaranteeing the effective usage of this system. Mount claim Housing Association has an obligation to protect youngsters and defenseless grown-ups and we will follow our concurred approaches and strategies in doing as such. It will likewise routinely report any protecting concerns to the pertinent offices as suitable including Adult Social Care, Children's Services and the Child Protection Unit. It will add to an activity arrangement which will be evaluated yearly and observed quarterly to guarantee it meet the wanted results of this system (Hawkey, Webb Winskel, 2013). Tenancy and Estate Management Team: The group manages a mixture of tenure administration issues including progressions, assignments, common trades and name changes to the occupancy as per Council approach. It do a post tenure audit four weeks after the occupancy starts to guarantee that are occupants are accepting the proper help and backing in their new homes and they are mindful of their obligations. It has a project of occupancy surveys and embraces 20% of these every annum with the goal that we have surveyed each tenure over a five year period (Pottinger Tanton, 2014). Notwithstanding this it embraces audits on solicitation or where there are issues recognized that need further examination. These audits are done by our Tenancy and Estate Management Officers and guarantee enlisted inhabitants are still in occupation. This helps us to rapidly recognize lodging misrepresentation and ensures every one of our occupants and imminent inhabitants by guaranteeing the framework is not mishandled (Lawrence Dandy, 2014). The occupancy audits likewise empower us to examine and prompt occupants on issues they may have that may influence their occupancies. The group additionally signpost occupants to different associations for bolster if needed. The group likewise bargains a scope of home administration issues including, estate Inspections and walkabouts; reporting environmental defects such as graffiti or repairs; identifying areas for improvement; planning queries; right to buy checks; block inspections for cleaning; monitoring of SLAs, Contract Management of the universal cleaning contract (Adams, 2014). It has a group of three General Assistants who help to battle the issue of refuse dumping on our bequests and they likewise do minor repairs on our protected lodging plans. They find themselves able to give a quick reaction to issues of worry that has been raised by occupants (Virginia Richard, 2001). In addition, ABS Partners Real Estate, LLC that is a real estate services company that provides landlord and tenant representation services in New York also developed or maintain tenancy and estate management team to successfully implemented Tenancy and Estate Management Strategy. Tenancy and estate management team is the essential need to successful implement nd achieves the objectives of goals of Tenancy and Estate Management Strategy. Tenancy and estate management team helps real estate firms to generate their revenue and improve services (Jowsey, 2014). Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Team: The Anti-social Behavior Team are perpetrated to making positive move in conjunction with our accomplices, to manage all types of hostile to social conduct including disdain wrongdoing and household ill-use, independent of residency. Our approaches for handling hostile to social conduct completely bolster this technique. The ASB Manager is the vital lead for against social conduct in the Borough and speaks to Landlord Services on the Basildon Community Safety Partnership. We work together at an operational level through multi office boards and tasking gatherings and seat the month to month Problem Solving Group Meetings. The motivation behind these gatherings is to encourage a multi organization reaction to lessening and anticipating hostile to social conduct and enhancing nearby neighborhoods by using a critical thinking methodology (Ming Yip, 2001). The group comprises of ASB Officers, Neighborhood Nuisance Officers and Community Wardens. Reported cases are ordered by reality and multifaceted nature and managed appropriately. Where ASB does happen, it will deliver issues rapidly to keep the issue from rising. It has a scope of apparatuses accessible to handle an extensive variety of against social conduct. It will guarantee our staff are completely prepared and have the essential information and abilities to utilize these devices adequately to ensure groups (Wood, 2003). Residents: It has secured various administrations change bunches over a scope of administrations which inhabitants, leaseholders and other intrigued inhabitants go to. Occupants are engaged and urged to get included through a scope of alternatives and our administration gauges were produced in discussion with administration clients. Each of these gatherings has Terms of Reference which are definite in the Tenant Compact (Wysocki, 2004). Community Safety Team: The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 put an obligation on nearby organizations to cooperate in organization to decrease wrongdoing and issue in their neighborhood. The Community Safety Team is key individuals from the Mountclaim Housing Association Community Safety Partnership and work with different offices to execute methodologies and activity arrangements to keep on lessening wrongdoing, issue and hostile to social conduct (Lester, 2006). It contributes to initiatives such as the Community Safety Action Zone and the annual Together against Crime events. Conclusion On the basis of the above discussion, it can be concluded that Mountclaim Housing Association should be updated Tenancy and Estate Management Strategy to face the current challenges and provide the best services of the customers or residential at low price. Tenancy and Estate Management Strategy would be beneficial of Mountclaim Housing Association to improve the quality of life and services. Moreover, through updated Tenancy and Estate Management Strategy, Mountclaim Housing Association would able to improve income collection of rent, reduction in anti-social behavior, improved repairs and maintenance services that enhance quality of services to the estate. References Adams, D. (2014) Growth, structure and priorities of the UK real estate development industry: the longstanding division between commercial and residential developers. International Approaches to Real Estate Development, 46. Bright, S., Dixie, H. (2014) Evidence of green leases in England and Wales. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment, 6(1/2), pp. 6-20. Byrne, P., Jackson, C., Lee, S. (2013) Bias or rationality? The case of UK commercial real estate investment. Journal of european real estate research, 6(1), pp. 6-33. Hawkey, D., Webb, J., Winskel, M. (2013) Organisation and governance of urban energy systems: district heating and cooling in the UK. Journal of Cleaner Production, 50, pp. 22-31. Ihuah, P. W., Eaton, D. (2013) A framework for the sustainable management of social (public) housing estates in nigeria: A pilot study. RICS COBRA. Jowsey, E. (2014) Real Estate Concepts: A Handbook. UK: Routledge. Lawrence, A., Dandy, N. (2014) Private landowners approaches to planting and managing forests in the UK: What's the evidence?. Land Use Policy, 36, pp. 351-360. Lester, A. (2006) Project Management, Planning and Control: Managing Engineering, Construction and Manufacturing Projects to PMI, APM and BSI Standards. UK: Butterworth-Heinemann. McCulloch, J. (2012) The UK Park Trust Model: Nene Park Trust, Peterborough. Australasian Parks and Leisure, 15(2), p.26. Ming Yip, N. (2001)Tenant participation and the management of public housing-The Estate Management Advisory Committee of Hong Kong. Property Management, 19(1), pp.10-18. Pottinger, G., Tanton, A. (2014) Flooding and UK commercial property investment: what is the risk?. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, 6(2), pp. 211-226. Virginia, G. A., Richard, B. (2001) Corporate real estate management in the retail sector: investigation of current strategy and structure. Journal of Real Estate Research, 22(1), 107-128. Williamson, C., Fearon, D., Kelly, K. (2014) 12 Property asset management. Real Estate Concepts: A Handbook, 281. Wood, M. (2003) A balancing act? Tenure diversification in Australia and the UK. Urban Policy and Research, 21(1), pp. 45-56. Wysocki, R.K. (2004) Project Management Process Improvement. UK: Artech House.
Sunday, April 5, 2020
 Two Kinds by Amy Tan and Under Pressure Rescuing Childhood from the Culture of Hyper-Parenting (2008) by Carl Honoré Essay Example
 Two Kinds by Amy Tan and Under Pressure: Rescuing Childhood from the Culture of Hyper-Parenting (2008) by Carl Honorà © Essay â€Å"Do not live down to expectations. Go out there and do something remarkable†(Wendy Wasserstein). Expectations the belief to achieve something great in one’s life – are universally accepted. For many of us while growing up, our mothers have been an important part of who we are. Thus we as children learn to depend on them because they are always there when needed the most. Similarly, Two Kinds by Amy Tan and Under Pressure by Carl Honorà © are two texts which both examine the significance and underlying meanings of a mother-daughter relationship. These extracts are prime examples of a mother trying to live her life through her child. Two Kinds is a short story, which creates a dynamic connection between mother and daughter, demonstrating how the daughter best complies with her mother’s idealistic expectations. T he extract focuses on the idea of power and territory on the mothers side, while the daughter, for entertainment purposes, obeys her mother at a cost without questioning. The story is based on the complex as well as unfavorable relationship between a mother and daughter. Under Pressure in contrast is a self-help book with a didactic purpose, which explains how pushing children too hard at an early age will eventually backfire on the parents and society as a whole. Both extracts were written for adults. Especially parents, teachers and counselors will benefit from reading Under Pressure. While Two Kinds appeals to pathos, Under Pressure informs the reader using scientific facts to support a purpose. Two Kinds and Under Pressure are two extracts that employ differences in voice, organization style, and the characterizations of children as contrasting literary features while sharing a similar purpose. We will write a custom essay sample on  Two Kinds by Amy Tan and Under Pressure: Rescuing Childhood from the Culture of Hyper-Parenting (2008) by Carl Honorà © specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on  Two Kinds by Amy Tan and Under Pressure: Rescuing Childhood from the Culture of Hyper-Parenting (2008) by Carl Honorà © specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on  Two Kinds by Amy Tan and Under Pressure: Rescuing Childhood from the Culture of Hyper-Parenting (2008) by Carl Honorà © specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Initially, Two Kinds and Under Pressure are two articles that illustrate contrasting uses of voice. The titles Two Kinds and Under Pressure hold significance introducing the texts. The words â€Å"two kinds†illustrate the variety in a mother-daughter relationship. There are two kinds of daughters the one that obeys their mother and the other who follow their own mind. The reader can interpret the way in which her mother treats her child as foreshadowing the kind of woman the girl will grow up to be. As a child, the daughter is quiet and obedient towards her mother. However the mother’s actions foreshadow that a more rebellious side will eventually arise due to all the oppression. In fact, it is human nature that everyone has two sides to them, a â€Å"positive†and a â€Å"negative†side. Similarly the girl in the story is shaped by her two different cultures. In Two Kinds the narrative is told from a child’s innocent point of view, which contrast with the point of view of an experienced adult. The child tries her best to please her mum however, â€Å"after seeing my mother’s disappointed face once again†(Line 21), the girl accepts that regardless her mother, she has different expectations. The voice in Two Kinds is an issue of power and territory on the mother’s side, and compliance on the daughter’s part. Although this high pressure made the girl die within, did she never complain. â€Å"I hated the tests, the raised hopes and failed expectations†(Line 22) Her mothers pushed her child to do these tests guiding her unnecessarily in the wrong direction. In addition to that, irony is expressed throughout the extract. The mother expects her daughter to know all sort of fact without having any relation to the topic. â€Å"I had to look at a page from the Bible for three minutes and then report everything I could remember†(Line 17). The ridiculousness of the assignment is clearly expressed through the author’s voice. Quite on the contrary, Under Pressure uses a very formal, factual and strong voice that comes through to the audience. Under Pressure is a self-help book that is supposed to alert parents and educators and remind them of how children should be raised in the 21st century. Over the past decades, children have grown up under the pressure of being forced to accomplish too much. The title â€Å"Under Pressure: Rescuing Childhood†¦Ã¢â‚¬ reminds the reader that something has to be done to solve this problem. It symbolizes a new beginning, a new century in which children are allowed to grow up to be what they want to be, instead of what their parents want them to be. To emphasise the fact that pushing one’s child normally fails, Carl Honorà © uses voice as a literary device to contrast with Amy Tan’s description of her relationship with her mother. He analyzes parenting from a historical and scientific perspective. For instance, he begins by telling a story about an English writer who raised her daughter to be a prodigy, using dates, â€Å"eighteenth century†, (Line 1) and names, â€Å"Hester Lynch Thrale†, (Line 2) to emphasise that he has historical context to back up his message. However, in the story, the daughter never achieved anything great in life due to the high pressure she suffered under. By recalling this tale, the reader thinks about past events that help him or her make sense of the present, and therefore supports the author’s intention of the book. In addition when referring to the children, all parents would wish for an â€Å"uber-child†(Line 16). This word comes from the German word, ÃÅ"bermensch, meaning a super-human, in the sense that this human being has strengths and other skills uncommon to people. This explains the word uber-child, and the wish for parents to have a child, w ho is beyond human proportions. Through his word choice Carl Honorà © wanted to emphasize of the fact that each child is unique, and although driving a child onwards is good, too much pressure might ruin the child’s self-esteem and hope. In other words, Two Kinds and Under Pressure demonstrate differences in the voice of the narrator. Second, Under Pressure and Two Kinds demonstrate contrasting organizational styles as literary features. Both Amy Tan and Carl Honorà © use short sentences written in both active and passive voice, which allows for a more flexible sentence structure. Firstly the short story by Amy Tan is told from the perspective of a young immigrant girl, who is trying to please her mother. Her mother considers the American Dream to be true, and believes that â€Å"everyone can be anything they want to be†. Amy Tan portrays her moral to the reader through a tale. She begins with introducing the setting of the story and then continuous explaining the problems of the situation. The extract ends with an open ending â€Å"I began to cry†(Line 24) which leaves the reader wondering what would have happened next. These organizational styles attract the reader and keep him or her captivated throughout the short story and long after they have finished reading it. Two Kinds similar to Under Pr essure by Carl Honorà © is written to catch and inform the audience. Carl Honorà © is much more realistic, and portrays the life of a childhood which is defined by adults. Childhoods are being shaped and moulded by adult’s fantasies and fears, anxieties and agendas. Every aspect of a childhood is set to please the parents and not the child. Carl Honorà © uses a factual person, Hester Lynch Thrale, to prove his point. He begins by telling a story which is based on facts and not a memoir as Amy Tan has done. In addition he uses scientific facts to appeal to logos through the quote, â€Å"buried deep within the DNA†. Then gradually Carl Honorà © switches his style appealing to pathos through his written work. He reminds the parents that not everyone will end up â€Å"to be truly exceptional in any field†(Line 23) however with tolerance, love and dignity parents have the power to change and accept their children. Both writers launch the reader straight into the issue, and present the bleak picture of modern parenthood and touch upon the daughter-mother relationship having a deep effect on the reader, because each person is able to relate to this theme. However both authors also add their own sense of organizational style into their extract using different ways to attract the reader’s attention. For example Amy Tans text ends abruptly while Honorà © comes to a conclusion of how things should be done in the future. Therefore both extracts contrast the literary feature of organization style. Next Two Kinds and Under Pressure differ in their characterization of children as literary features. In both extracts children are viewed very differently. In Two Kinds, the mother is portrayed with power and the daughter never complains. However from the perspective of the daughter bitterness can be viewed. â€Å"I hated the tests, the raised hopes and failed expectations†(Line 22). The mother pushed her child to do these tests guiding her unnecessarily in the wrong direction. The character of the mother has an all-knowing personality, however this influences the growth of the girl in a negative way. The words â€Å"I began to cry†(Line 24) portrays a voice of lost hope and depression. Every time she did one of these tests did it not raise hope within the mother, but in her as well, willing herself to be extraordinary. Quite on the contrary Carl Honorà © wrote the book because he wanted to explain to parents how to approach children differently. The tone implies that the author wants to inspire parents to trust their instincts and encourage them to find a natural way to handle children. As Carl Honorà © said â€Å"A child is not a project or a product or a trophy or a piece of clay you can mold into a work of art. A child is a person who will thrive if allowed to be the protagonist of his own life.†The text by Tan gives quite a shocking image of a childhood while Carl Honorà © tries to clarify how children should actually be brought up. Both readers bring up the problems in mother-daughter relationship, which are a topic that concerns everyone. Tan and Honorà © differ in their characterization of children as literary features and therefore they are able to bring a similar message across to the reader very differently. A comparison of Two Kinds and Under Pressure as literary extracts shows a shared similarity in purpose. Through their extracts both authors want to portray the difficulties of a mother-daughter relationship. A common theme found throughout both texts is the way in which mothers express their frustrations when expectations are not met, and how in response children mimic their mother’s dreams and ultimately rebel against them. The extracts focus on the idea of how mothers use their power to criticize which leads their children to obeying their mothers without questioning. Both texts come to the conclusion that pushing a child to hard at an early age will end badly and lead to the break down of a child. Through these shared ideas, Tan and Honorà © were able to show a shared similarity in purpose. Two Kinds and Under Pressure are two extracts that employ differences in voice, organization style, and the characterizations of children as contrasting literary features while sharing a similar purpose. Each text focuses on the pressure of mother’s high expectations influencing a difficult mother-daughter relationship. Although the authors have the similar message their written work varies greatly in literary features. Two Kinds uses a voice of loss hope and confusion written from a child’s perspective while Under Pressure uses a more formal register to inform the reader. The extracts portray the yearning of parents for their children to be prodigies as well as the mother’s bitter resentment when the daughter fails over and over again. The authors of the text depict these two themes through different literary techniques and devices, making them different and similar from one another. Therefore Tan and Honorà © in Two Kinds and Under Pressure respectively use th e contrast of literary features of voice, organizational style and the characterization of children, while sharing the similarity of purpose.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Your guide to becoming a Certified Medical Assistant
Your guide to becoming a Certified Medical Assistant Healthcare is a hot industry, no doubt about it. As care becomes more advanced and an ever-growing population needs care in every aspect of health and wellness, these are jobs that will keep growing and demanding qualified professionals willing to take on these crucial roles. And while technology will continue to be a growth area for the field, the most in-demand roles of all may be the ones that handle patient care on the front lines, with and without cutting-edge tech. Certified Medical Assistants are just such professionals, who work directly with medical staff and patients to keep care running smoothly. What Does a Certified Medical Assistant Do?Certified Medical Assistants (or CMAs) are skilled, versatile professionals who may work in patient care assisting doctors, nurses, and other medical team members; in administration; or in a combination of both areas. They can be found in virtually any kind of clinical medical facility (hospitals, clinics, agencies, nursing homes, rehabil itation centers, government facilities) in support roles.A CMA’s tasks may include:Scheduling appointments and lab tests/proceduresAnswering phones and receiving patientsCleaning and preparing exam roomsTaking patient vital signs and medical history informationPreparing patients for specific procedures or testsExplaining treatment plans and follow-up care to patientsGiving injections or medications under the direction of a physicianPreparing patient samples for lab testsEntering patient information into charts and recordsAs you can see, CMAs take a large part in the everyday functions of a medical office, helping to make sure the basics are covered so that patients are receiving high-quality care. Thorough, accurate record-keeping is a large part of the role, as is being able to work equally well with both patients and other staff to make sure that information is clear and correct.Some CMAs have a more administrative focus, with their jobs more heavily weighted toward schedul ing, record-keeping, and managing the office aspects of a medical practice. Others are more oriented toward direct, clinical patient care, handling medical tasks and prep. The focus of the job really depends on the type of medical office and the skills and strengths of the CMA. For example, if you find you’re more inclined toward medical records expertise than drawing blood or taking blood pressure, there are CMA jobs that focus more heavily on administrative tasks.Medical assistants typically work a 40-hour work week, depending on the size and specialty of the practice.What Skills Do CMAs Have?CMAs need to have a pretty diverse skill set, given that their jobs can take on many different tasks.Medical skills: Medical assistants need to have a strong base in biology, anatomy, physiology, and science in general.Patient care skills: In addition to the medical know-how necessary to do the job, medical assistants also need to have strong customer care and service skills. They may be dealing with people as both patients and customers, and so need to have good people skills and bedside manner.Attention to detail: Small details can mean very big things when it comes to medical care, so CMAs need to have an eagle eye for details. This is especially true for administrative tasks like setting appointments and working with patient medical information, as inaccuracies can completely disrupt a medical practice, or a patient’s level of care.Teamwork skills: Medical assistants are crucial members of a whole medical team that may include doctors, nurses, administrative staff, and more. They need to be able to take directions from physicians and help ensure seamless care for the patients.Organizational skills: Efficiency and accuracy are two huge skill areas for medical assistants. CMAs may be juggling a waiting room full of patients on an aggressive appointment schedule, or need to process large numbers of samples for lab testing. Keeping everything calm and orga nized is essential.Communication skills: CMAs need to be able to record complicated medical information, as well as potentially be able to explain instructions or treatment plans to patients. Listening skills are crucial, as is the ability to communicate clearly with people at all points in the process to make sure that patients are getting what they need, and that other medical staff have the information they need too.How Much Do CMAs Get Paid?According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, medical assistants make a median salary of $31,540 per year, or $15.17 per hour, depending on location and experience.How Do You Become a CMA?Although some medical assistants start their careers right after high school, it is far more common for CMA jobs to require some college, or a certificate from an accredited Medical Assisting program. To become officially certified, candidates also need to pass the Certified Medical Assistant Exam offered by the American Association of Medical Assistants .What is the Outlook for Certified Medical Assistants?It’s a bright one- the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the demand for certified medical assistants will grow by 23% by 2024. This is much faster than average. As the need for quality healthcare doesn’t seem to be shrinking anytime soon, the need for high-quality medical assistants will continue to grow as well.If you’re considering joining a healthcare-related field, and can juggle the many needs of a medical practice, becoming a certified medical assistant could be the natural next step for your career. Good luck!
Friday, February 21, 2020
Statistics assignment Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Assignment - Statistics Project Example where X1 , X2 , X3 are the three test scores and X is the final score. Assume that your test scores are (integer) values between 1 and 10 with equal probability 1/10, independently from each other. What is the probability mass function of the final score? Q6. (10) The metro train arrives at the station, always on time, near your home every quarter hour starting at 6:00 AM. You walk into the station every morning between 7:10 and 7:30 AM, with the time in this interval being a uniform random variable. The mean is the most commonly-used measure of central tendency in a distribution. The mean is valid only for interval data. Since it uses the values of all of the data points in the populations or sample, the mean is influenced by outliers that may be at the extremes of the data set. On the other hand, the median can be determined for ordinal data as well as interval data. Unlike the mean, the median is not influenced by outliers at the extremes of the data set. Q8. (10) A system consists of 3 components arranged in series. The lifetime (in days) of each component follows approximately an exponential distribution with a mean lifetime of 100 days. The lifetimes of the components are independent. Where p1(x, ï ¬), p2(x, ï ¬), p3(x, ï ¬) are three independent exponential distributions in parallel. After some algebra and if we take q as any of the three independent exponential distributions, q = p1 or q = p2, q = q3, q = ï ¬
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Core Needs Addressed and Bases of Market Segmentation Essay - 16
Core Needs Addressed and Bases of Market Segmentation - Essay Example Examining the case of Lane Bryant, it is ostensible that the company is seeking to meet the basic need for clothing with their introduction of a’ new activewear line’. The workout-wear branded as Livi Active is a product that seeks to meet the clothing desires and demands of women while participating in the gym exercises or as they leave. Availing it in sizes that fit a higher percentage of its target customers has ensured this demand is met (Mahoney, 2015). This base of segmentation considers the demographic variables including age, size, education, religion, gender among others (Blythe, 2008). Considering the case of Lane Bryant’s new product, Livi Active has been initiated with clear conscious about certain variables. Gender, age and body size are the primary aspects that have been examined extensively. The product seeks to meet the demand of ladies and not any other gender. Also, the gap in terms of body sizes has been thought through before coming up with a product that suits size 12. This has been generated from the information and statistics available. Consequently, the psychological influence that drives people into having needs and wants have been considered. In this case, lifestyle is the core aspect that has informed the development of this product. In the plus-size women desire to look sharp and this makes them develop a strong need for gym wears that are designed with colors that can attract them. The bright colors are apparently the best for this. The company’s new product targets plus-size women whose body size are above size 12. The new product is to be designed brightly and fashionably for the large-bodied customers who, in the past, have not had the chance to receive such stylish clothes. Unlike the traditional system where Lane Bryant only stylishly designed wears for medium and small size customers, the new product will incorporate the large sizes to enjoy the same.Â
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Tariff and non tariff trade barriers
Tariff and non tariff trade barriers INTRODUCTION Despite all the evident benefits of international trade, governments have a tendency to put up trade barriers to protect the domestic industry. There are two kinds of barriers: tariff and non-tariff. Tariff Barriers Tariff is a tax levied on goods traded internationally, that is on imports. As a result, the price level of imported products rises and the demand for them decrease, thus imports are less. Non-tariff Barriers Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) include all the rules, regulations and bureaucratic delays that help in keeping foreign goods out of the domestic markets. Baldwin [1] defined a non-tariff distortion as any measure (public or private) that causes internationally traded goods and services, or resources devoted to the production of these goods and services, to be allocated in such a way as to reduce potential real world income. The WTO After the World War II, many countries focused on protecting home industries. So, international trade was hampered by severe trade restrictions. To remedy this situation, twenty-three nations joined together in 1947 and signed the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which stimulated free trade by regulating and lowering tariffs. The work of GATT is sustained by the World Trade Organization (WTO) which encourages global commerce and reduces trade barriers. Tariffs on goods and services have been reduced to low levels through eight successive rounds of the WTO; still there has been a significant increase of Non-Tariff Measurements which are seriously hindering trade. Countries use many mechanisms to restrict imports. NTBs have gained importance as tariff levels have been reduced worldwide. They are the greatest single threat to a liberal world trading system and they are becoming more widespread: the percentage of industrial countries total imports subject to NTBs rose from 25% in 1981 to 27% in 1983 and they are even higher today. NTBs are therefore one of the most important issues in the round of international trade negotiations. TYPES OF NON-TARIFF BARRIERS Non- Tariff Barriers to trade can be categorized in six types: Specific Limitations on Trade: Quota shares A quota is a restriction in value or in physical terms, imposed on import and export of certain goods for a certain period of time. For example, the US has imposed a quota on textiles imported from India and other countries. Import licenses/ Restrictive licenses Import licensing can be defined as administrative procedures requiring the submission of an application or other documentation, other than those required for customs purposes, to the relevant administrative body as a prior condition for importation of goods [2] . For example, in Washington, cheese and cheese products are subject to the requirements of the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Agriculture and most importations of cheese require an import license and are subject to quotas administered by the Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service [3] . In Mauritius, pesticides require import licence from the Ministry of Health, arms and ammunitions require import permit from the police and many others. [4] Exchange controls This is monitoring the amount of foreign exchange available to residents for purchasing foreign goods domestically or while travelling abroad is another way of restricting imports. Foreign exchange restrictions and foreign exchange controls occupy a special place among the non-tariff regulatory instruments of foreign economic activity. Foreign exchange restrictions constitute the regulation of transactions of residents and nonresidents with currency and other currency values. Import bans/ limitations This is a government order forbidding imports of a specific kind or from a particular country. For example, in order to protect the domestic manufacturers against cheap competition from the neighboring country, the government of India imposed ban on the import of Chinese toys. Moreover, many countries, like for example India, have impose a ban on food imports from Japan fearing contamination. Furthermore following a milk scandal that led to the widespread poisoning of babies in China, India banned the import of milk and milk products from China. Embargoes Embargo is a particular type of quotas prohibiting the trade, in other words, when imports from a specific country are totally banned. It is mostly put in place due to political reasons. For example, the United Nations imposed an embargo on trade with Iraq as a part of economic sanctions in 1990. Customs and Administrative Entry Procedures Customs Valuation There is a commonly held view that the invoice values of goods traded internationally do not reflect their real cost. This gave rise to a very subjective system of valuation of imports and exports for levy of duty. If the value ascribed to a particular product would turn out to be considerably higher than its real cost, it could end in affecting its competitiveness by increasing the total cost to the importer due to the excess duty. This would hence act as a barrier to international trade. Antidumping practice If a company exports a product at a price lower than the price it normally charges on its own home market, it is said to be dumping the product. Antidumping is prohibiting a country to dump, that is, to export goods at usual lower prices. Documentation requirements This is when complicated and unnecessary documentation requirements are asked by the importing countries. In Mauritius, according to the Mauritius chamber of commerce and Industry of Mauritius, these imports documents are required; invoice, showing the FOB and CIF value of goods; packaging lists; bill of lading; bill of entry; and where applicable; insurance certificate, certificate of inspection, certificate of origin and imports permits [5] . Rules of origin Determining where a product comes from is no longer easy when raw materials and parts across the globe are used as inputs in the manufacturing plants. Rules of origin are important in implementing such trade policy instruments as anti-dumping and countervailing duties, origin marking, and safeguard measures. Technical barriers to trade Technical Barriers Countries generally specify some quality standards to be met by imported goods for various health, welfare and safety reasons. In Mauritius, rice (imported by traders other than the State Trading Corporation) should not exceed 10% broken rice, bakery additives shall not contain potassium bromate as an ingredient [6] , etc. This facility can be misused for blocking the import of certain goods from specific countries by setting up of such standards, which deliberately exclude these products. The process is further complicated by the requirement that testing and certification of the products regarding their meeting the set standards be done only in the importing country. The Precautionary Principle The precautionary principle, is a government restrictions on trade in the context of environmental and health concerns, often regardless of cost or scientific evidence. The precautionary principle has been interpreted by some to mean that new chemicals and technologies should be considered dangerous until proven otherwise. It therefore requires those responsible for an activity or process to establish its harmlessness and to be liable if damage occurs. Sanitary and phyto-sanitary conditions This is a restriction on imports from certain places in order to protect consumers, the environment, or agriculture from harmful diseases or pests that may accompany the imported product. For instance, in Mauritius, agricultural goods require a phytosanitary certificate from the ministry of Agriculture, prepared foods, drugs, and chemicals with potential adverse effects on health require phytosanitary certificate from the Ministry of Health. [7] Packaging conditions, labeling conditions and product standards. Countries usually impose standards on classification, labeling and testing of products in order to be able to sell domestic products, but also to block sales of products of foreign manufacture. These standards are occasionally entered under the excuse of protecting the safety and health of local populations. In Mauritius, the establishment in charge for the control of standards mainly for food and other items is the Mauritius Standards Bureau. In addition, European exporters and investors are facing an increasing number of unjustifiable non-tariff barriers in the form of product certification, labeling standards, import approval requirements and customs clearance delays. Also, many of the Chinese standards such as the CCC standard require certification by the Chinese authorities before a product can be put on the Chinese market. Important information has to be submitted and the factory has often to be inspected at the expense of the exporter. Government Participation in Trade Complex regulatory environment Some countries have complex regulatory framework, for e.g. complex business registration and license, and thus this hamper free trade. For instance, rules recently enacted in China, prohibit European financial information agencies and operators to sell directly their services customers in China. Government procurement policies This is another type of NTB where governments pretty frequently follow the policy of procuring their requirements (including that of government-owned companies) only from local producers, or at least extend some price advantage to them. This closes a big potential market to the foreign producers. Subsidies to Local Goods This occurs when governments directly or indirectly subsidize local production in an effort to make it more competitive in the domestic and foreign markets. For example, tax benefits may be extended to a firm producing in a certain part of the country to reduce regional imbalances, or duty drawbacks may be allowed for exported goods, or, as an extreme case, local firms may be given direct subsidies to enable them to sell their goods at a lower price than foreign firms. Countervailing duties This is a duty placed on imported goods that are being subsidized by the importing government. This helps to even the playing field between the domestic producers and the foreign producers receiving subsidies. Buy national policy This is a policy hosted by the government to help the national economy. For instance, in 2009, the Paraguayan Finance Ministry specified changes to public procurement policy in relation to the national stimulus plan. That is, public bodies that seek to spend money from the stimulus money are to give preference to national goods and services. More specifically, domestic goods shall receive a preferential margin of 70 percent over imported products. In terms of labor, the announcement declares that at least 70 percent of the labor involved in stimulus projects shall come from local employees living in the territory of the contracting public authority. Charges on imports Variable import levy A variable import levy is a levy on imports that raises their price to a level at least as high as the domestic price. Such levies are adjusted frequently in response to changes in world market prices, and are imposed to defend administered prices set above world market prices. Under the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture, the variable levies of the EU have been converted into fixed tariffs or tariff-rate quotas. Border taxes It is a tax system for imports and exports, especially one that compensates for internal taxes in Common Market countries by levying fees or paying rebates. Others Voluntary Export Restraints This is an act of limiting exports. It happens when a country facing a persistent huge trade deficit against another country pressurized the latter to adhere to a self-imposed limit on the exports. For instance, after facing consistent trade deficits over a number of years with Japan, the US persuaded it to impose such limits on itself. Direct and Indirect Restrictions on Foreign Investments A country may directly restrict foreign investment to some specific sectors or up to a certain percentage of equity. Indirect restrictions may come in the form of limits on profits that can be repatriated or prohibition of payment of royalty to a foreign parent company. These restrictions discourage foreign producers from setting up domestic operations. Foreign companies are generally interested in setting up local operations when they foresee increased sales or reduced costs as a consequence. Thus, restrictions against foreign investments add impediments to international trade by giving rise to inefficiencies. PROBLEMS CAUSE BY NTBs The reduction of tariffs in progressive rounds of trade liberalization at the multilateral and regional levels has been mirrored by the rise to prominence of NTBs. NTBs for instance specific limitations on trade and charges on imports such as quotas, import ban and so on, will directly affect trade negatively as they will impact on exporting countries by decreasing or prohibition their exports. Although embargo is usually introduced for political purposes, the consequences, in essence, could be economic. This decrease or ban in exports, if it was of an important quantity/ value, will create serious economic catastrophe for the exporting countries and may result in Balance of Payments deficiency, a decrease in GDP, an increase in the level of unemployment and if nothing is done to remedy the situation, the country can go in a recession. NTBs in the customs and administration entry procedures category and in the standards category do not directly hamper free trade but they add to business cost. These testing procedures being expensive, time consuming and cumbersome to the exporters, act as a trade barrier. This will eventually raise their costs, leading to higher prices thus making them less competitive at international level, and small and medium enterprises may be discouraged to export. A vivid example is in Iran where NTBs negatively impact on the trade of pistachio and shrimp products. The most important reasons for the reduced export of these products are Sanitary Phyto-Sanitary (SPS) and Technical Barriers (TB). According to WTO rules, countries are allowed to adopt regulations under the SPS and TB agreements in order to protect human, animal and plant health as well as the environment, wildlife and human safety. [8] However, by imposing NTBs, both counties will lose, that is, the country which imposes the NTMs also loses. This can be demonstrated by the following facts: for instance, Japanese consumers pay five times the world price for rice because of import restrictions protecting Japanese farmers. American consumers also suffer from the same double burden, paying six times the world price for sugar because of trade restrictions. Hence, allowing free trade in a way will benefit everyone. European consumers pay dearly for restrictions on food imports and heavy taxes for domestic farm subsidies. [9] HOW TO REDUCE NTBS The action should start from the top, that is, from the WTO itself. The WTO has already reached some agreements like the Anti-dumping Agreement, SPS agreements, technical barriers agreements and many other agreements. Moreover, RTAs is the first step to reduce NTBs, as it is easier to get the consensus of all an RTA members on a matter that the consensus of all the WTO members. In addition, RTAs normally constitute of country members with a similar/ more or less the same economic background. For instance, in ASEAN, most members are from developing countries while EU has members from developed countries. As a result, removing NTBs will benefits all the members equivalently. For example, there has already been an agreement on the general features of the process for eliminating NTBs in ASEAN. The process Involves, verification of information on NTBs, prioritisation of products/NTBs, developing specific work programmes, and obtaining a mandate from the ASEAN Economic Ministers to implement the work programme. [10] In addition, different RTAs have different methods of reducing NTMs. Such as, the Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies aims at building a shared regulatory framework and at achieving greater security for consumers and workers, better protection for the environment and reduced cost for international trade. [11] They also developed standards for agricultural produce that define minimum quality requirements in order to facilitate the trading process. CONCLUSION Free trade, will surely benefits many countries. Thus in order to allow trade to occur freely, tariffs as well as non-tariff barriers need to be reduced. However, sometimes for safety reasons, some NTMs are required. For instance the import ban on food from Japan is necessary in order to avoid the proliferation of the radioactive contamination. Thus some trade restrictions may be necessary for countries to ensure the safety of the food supply and the health of plants, animals and the environment. However, sometimes governments go beyond what is necessary to protect domestic industries. Moreover, free trade can increase the poverty gap. This is so because developing countries and LDCs will not be able to compete with developed countries and multinationals may implant themselves in the LDCs just to reap the benefit of cheap labour and resources and does not contribute more to the development of those LDCs.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Salem :: essays research papers
The Salem Witchcraft Trials: A Time of Fear and Confusion           Imagine, just for a minute, living in a time and place where you are not free to practice your own religious or spiritual beliefs and you are forced to live in fear because of persecution by the church and everyone around you. Persecution back in 1692 in Salem Massachusetts was a very real, very serious thing. Those persecuted were hanged, burned, and even pressed against rocks if found guilty of witchcraft. The Salem Witchcraft Trials stands as one of the darkest times in American history of religious tolerance.      The Salem Witchcraft Trails were caused and continued by various events and people. Diseases, natural catastrophes, misfortune, and deaths seemed to be around every corner for the people that lived in Salem. Instead of writing these events off as bad luck people in Salem blamed these horrible things on the Devil. The people of the town believed that the Devil recruits witched and wizards to do his work for him. As soon as something bad happened, the God-fearing people of Salem were quick to blame it on a witch or wizard. Anything a little out of the ordinary like children claiming to see things that someone else could not was blamed on a witch. The people seemed to be always out to find a witch in hopes of stopping their misfortunes. They believed that once the witch was executed all the bad luck they were experiencing would disappear. Since their bad luck never disappeared their witch hunt would not soon be satisfied. The whole tragic trials were apparently started when several young girls were found playing with a ball made of crystal. Only trying to escape their punishment, they claimed to have been forced to do so by a witch. The church tried to seek out and punish the witch or wizard responsible for tormenting the girls and thus started this whole out of control event. The minister of the town, Samuel Parris, not only didn’t help the problem, but added fuel to the fire by telling the town that witches were everywhere and that no one could be trusted. Since people were allowed to testify in court about spirits talking to them, everyone backstabbed each other in order to financially gain another’s property. If you were convicted of being a witch the only way to escape death was to confess.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Why Foreign Aid Is Hurting Africa
Benefield, Alicia February 14, 2013 INR3932-03 Paper 1 Why Foreign Aid is Hurting Africa In this article Dambisa Moyo, is arguing that money, in the form of aid given to African nations has not only trapped many of these nations in debt, but has started a cycle of corruption as well as slowed down economic growth and poverty. To solve this isuue Moyo suggests cutting off the flow of aid to these African nations. Many developed countries will gladly give aid to Africa, these countries do not give small donations they donate by the millions.This continued donation of aid has only been putting Africa further in debt. What many do not realize is that aid is not given to Africa freely, the African nations receiving aid must pay this money back plus interest. Moyo provided an example of this stating that â€Å"African countries still pay close to $20 billion in debt repayments per annum, a stark reminder that aid is not free. In order to keep the system going, debt is repaid at the expens e of African education and healthcare†(Moyo, 2009). This is what is slowing down economic growth and keeping those countries in poverty.A country can not achieve econmic growth if its workforce is not educated, an uneducated workforce means the people in the country have little to no skills. Certain skills are required to get better jobs, if the people are not being adequately educated they will be forced to remain in a state of poverty. Healthcare is alo important, and the countries keep cutting the healthcare budget. If your workforce is not healthy enough to go out and work to spark the economy you can never expect to achieve economic growth. Education and healthcare budget cuts are not the only problems Moyo discussed that are keeping African nations from developing.Other issues include corruption in the government and developed nations supplying resources for free keeping African producers out of the market. According to the African Union, an organization of African nati ons â€Å"In 2002, it was estimated that corruption was costing the continent $150 billion a year, as international donors were apparently turning a blind eye to the simple fact that aid money was inadvertently fueling graft†(Moyo, 2009). This is because the donations are being given with â€Å"no strings attached†so the funds are being used for everything except what they were meant for, development.Political elites are using these funds to finace their own expidentures as well as financing their families and home life. The other problem is countries like the U. S. Implementing programs like the U. S. Food for Peace program, which buys American food and ships it overseas to African nations. This program is not helpful, it is a hinderance to Africas economic growth. By supplying American food for free, the U. S. is putting African farmers out of business. Moyo suggests that instead of purchasing American food, they U. S. ould purchase food from the African farmers to distribute to the African nations. Done this way the African farmers are benefitting from the program and are able to compete in the market. The opinions presented in this article relate to many of the concepts we have touched on in this course; views on poverty, the development, as well as the international aid system. The article opens up stating â€Å"A month ago I visited Kiberam the larget slum in Africa†(Moyo, 2009). When we hear the word slum, we perceive a negative connotation and relate this term with a place in poverty.We can see the inequalities between developed and undeveloped nations, according to the article â€Å"a mere 2% of the country's population has access to mobile phones compared to a wireless survey that found 91% of Americans have access to cellphones (Moyo, 2009) (Forseman, 2010). This is a huge inequality African citizens are not even close to being equal to the technology avaliable to American citizens. Another concept this article discussed is development, Africa has been trying to become a developed nation for years and after receiveing billions in aid this country has yet to become a developed nation.The contry remaing in poverty is mainly because if the international aid system. This system continues to allow African nations to receive donations without the country even showing any signs of growth or development. This continuous acceptance of aid is keeping African nations in poverty. ‘ I agree with the author of this article in all of the arguments he gave on why foreign aid is hurting Africa. Developed countries are continously give large donations to the country year after year and there is no progress being made. However, I do not fault Africa for this lack of progress, they are only doing what any nation in their situation would do.They are continuously being given money and not required to put the money towards efforts to achieve economic growth, they know that the aid is not going to stop being donated so it is in their best interest to remain in a state of poverty and continue receiving aid. The countries donating to Africa are not providing the country with opportunitites to become a pro-market governnment because they are donating goods for free and taking African producers out of business. The politicians in Africa are not being closely watched and are not looking out for the social welfare of the country, but are looking out for themselves.Africa needs a more accountable government that is concerned about the people and the future of the country as well as their economy. Once these nations stop receiving aid, get better leaders, and African producers are able to tap into the market the country will be on the way to achieveing economic growth. Works Cited Foresman, C. (2010)Wireless survey: 91% of Americans use cell phones. [online] Available at: http://arstechnica. com/tech-policy/2010/03/wireless-survey-91-of-americans-have-cell-phones/ [Accessed: 15 Feb 2013]. Moyo, D. (2009) Why Foreign Aid is Hurting Africa . The Wall Street Journal, p. W1.
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